Shushan Wushen

Chapter 287 Smash the field

Chapter 287 Smash the field


Fuyang Martial God is very stimulating. According to the information, Tang Chen has never been to Shushan to report on his work qualifications.It is even more impossible to climb Shushan.

But this scene in front of me...

how to explain?

Looking at the brand-new Tangmen buildings in Shushan, it is like opening the floodgates of memory. The joys and sorrows, the hustle and bustle of 1000 years ago, how many memorable times.

At this moment, Fuyang Martial God even had an impulse, he faintly felt the illusion of going back in time.

"Did I go back to the past? I was lucky enough to witness how Shushan rose in the first place? No way! I want to participate in it myself! I want to become the elder of the Tang Sect. That is the most honorable elder of Shushan!"

Thinking up to this point, the Fuyang Martial God suddenly came back to his senses, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

What are you thinking?how is this possible?The wheel of history rolls forward.Time will not turn back, and civilization will only become more brilliant...

"Would you like to be a veteran of the Tang Sect's Law Enforcement Hall?"

Suddenly, Tang Chen's voice sounded.

Fuyang Martial God didn't react for a while, and blurted out respectfully.

"I can't ask for it!"

While talking, he clasped his fists and bent over.The moment I bent down, I suddenly realized, "It's broken!"

However, Tang Chen had already walked away, leaving behind the astonished Xiangyang Martial God alone in a mess.

"The red stick of the Law Enforcement Hall! Hurry up and follow, the Patriarch has something to discuss with you."

Ye Mengmeng is so good at finding opportunities, she turned her head and smiled, beckoning to Xiangyang Martial God.The Martial God of Xiangyang was helpless, he couldn't spit out the bitter wine he had already drunk.

Bite the bullet, leaned closer to Tang Chen, and cupped his hands loosely.

"I have met the Patriarch, Master Shushan Martial God!"

Clearly insincere.Perfunctory.

Tang Chen didn't care about it, instead he solemnly and solemnly repeated the rules and regulations of the Tang Sect Law Enforcement Hall.Instruct him to carry out the Fuyang Martial God.

"What the hell? Isn't this regulation the Shushan family's rules? Tang Chen was born in the Tangmen of Shushan?...Hiss! A direct descendant or an offshoot? A direct descendant? Why is it that such an astonishing and beautiful thing is so unknown!"

Tang Chen's hand is very beautiful.The Fuyang Martial God, who was obviously fighting, was caught off guard again.There was a turbulent sea in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Snow Hidden Heaven's Proud!"

These four words, together with punctuation marks, suddenly appeared in Xiangyang Martial God's mind.Lingering.He thought so.

"Hahahaha, you actually set up your own business and try to compete with the Zijin Auction House! It's nothing but audacity to act recklessly!"

A majestic indescribable breath suddenly descended.What followed was a monstrous divine light.

The Wuxin Martial God whose radiance had subsided and had recovered from taking the elixir, and nearly a thousand Zijin Tianjiao, were awe-inspiring, holding soldiers in their hands, full of murderous aura.

Tang Chen's face suddenly turned cold, "Wuxin Valkyrie? Are you here to make trouble?"

"You are not welcome here, you have been blacklisted! Go away!" Ye Mengmeng's vermilion lips parted slightly, revealing a pungent energy.Impatiently driving away.

"The mistress has orders, you leave quickly!"

Zijin Shimei showed up their soldiers one after another, and they were god-and-demon soldiers. They opened up their formation and got ready for battle.

"This sequence list is the private property of the Zijin Auction House. How dare you build it up without permission! On behalf of the Zijin Auction House, I will confiscate it!"

Wuxin Valkyrie withdrew his greedy gaze from looking at the building complex, and shouted: "Accept!"

"You don't want face, do you? You ignore my Mengmeng's words? Pay the price!"

Tang Chen's clothes suddenly made a sound of breaking the wind.

One star Martial God's realm was not enough, so he didn't notice that Tang Chen had gone and returned.

Tang Chen took out a snow-white handkerchief and carefully wiped his palms.Occasionally look up with a smirk.

Wuxin Martial God: "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"What else is there? The reincarnation of the five grains returns to its place!"

Pooh!Pooh!Pooh!Pooh!Pooh!Pooh!Pooh! ~

vomit vomit~
Zijin Tianjiao, who had reacted, let out a series of retches.Some even spit out tears.

Tang Chen 'kindly' reminded: "Wuxin, you still have some on your chin, a little to the left, alas, alas, it's off, off..."


The gods of the Tang Sect in Shu Mountain, to which Tang Chen belonged, laughed loudly.

"Tang Chen, you are too much! This is a humiliation! You might as well kill me!"

Wuxin Martial God's eyes were red, and he roared loudly.The divine power is surging, and the blazing light is chaotic.It's like burning divine power.

Tang Chen's handsome face was filled with chills, and he warned sharply: "Today is the day when I build my house in Shushan, and I will spare no blood. Otherwise, none of you will be able to go back alive!"

"The old man has spent endless years in the rivers and lakes, little Tang Chen, you can give it a try! Tch! It's just a bluff!"

Tang Chen's weird speed terrified Zijin Tianjiao.There is a great feeling of retreating from timidity.But Wuxin Martial God knew very well that it should be the best opportunity to deal with Tang Chen this time.

If you miss this time, when Tang Chen's wings are full, if you want to clean up, you are doomed to have no chance.

"Wuxin you scumbag! Still not giving up?"

Tang Chen saw through Wuxin's falsehood at a glance. He had a lot of people, and he just wanted to use the wolf pack tactics to take the opportunity.

Tang Chen scolded: "Since you don't give up, then I can only give you a slap! My own hands..."

Striking before he finished speaking, this is a little tactic he has practiced since he was a child of the Tang clan in Liantian Town.Now it's the same trick again.

Snapped! ~

A big slap, like a thunderbolt, came suddenly.

Wuxin Martial God wore a red robe, like a crimson flame, with a blazing glow, spun twice in the air, and landed in the distance in an upside-down shape.

Unexpectedly, it flew again!

Tang Chen no longer kept his hand, raised his big hand, snap! ~Crack! ~Crack! ~

Crazy big slap in the face, Zijin Tianjiao let out a mournful wail, one after another drifted away to the ground.The army was defeated and all manners were lost.

"If you dare to make trouble again, they will all be sent flying! Hmph!~"

Tang Chen proudly opened his slightly red and swollen hands.

Ye Mengmeng was very obedient and considerate, took out a handkerchief, and carefully helped massage and wipe...

"It's absolutely impossible to dominate the sequence list! Who do you think you are? Could it be the legendary genius Tang Dashen? Just wait! Look! Hmph..."

Wuxin Valkyrie put down his harsh words, limped, rubbed his neck, and left.

"Great God Tang? Tch! I am the Great God Tang!"

Tang Chen roared arrogantly, falling into the ears of Wuxin Wuxin, Wuxin Wuxin froze immediately.The pace began to stiffen.

Since Tang Chen founded Shushan, he also needed to make a name for himself.Simply yelled out without any scruples.Tell the truth.

"I am the Great God Tang! Wuxin Martial God, if you have the guts to let the horse come here! I, the Great God Tang! If you don't accept it, let the horse come here! The Great God Tang cures all kinds of dissatisfaction! The curative effect is remarkable! If it can't be cured, it will be treated for free in the next issue !"

"How did I provoke such a villain? Hi~"

At this moment, the Wuxin Valkyrie, who vomited blood profusely, burned all inside.Much regret.

(End of this chapter)

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