Shushan Wushen

Chapter 292 Flying with one punch

Chapter 292 Flying with one punch

Be obedient and listen to the sound, and the title of 'General' proves that General Xiao Zhang has a good reputation in the army.

Tang Chen couldn't help being awe-inspiring, and listened intently.

Martial God Han Yong said in a low voice: "Xiao Wuxin has recently gathered a lot of generals' comrades in arms. This time at least thirty two-star Martial Gods will participate. If you are willing to take precautions, you can take your confidants to gather medicine outside the Holy Land of Huoyan in the near future. .”

These words were obviously pointing Tang Chen away!
Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly, and a sharp light shot out from his eyes.Then he restrained his expression and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you for the information. Thirty two-star Martial Gods is a big force? I'm looking forward to it."

"It will bring a considerable amount of income to our Shushan Auction House. Hehe~."

Ye Mengmeng knew all of Tang Chen's methods, so she naturally had a face full of fear and teased lightly.

"You two, it's no wonder you're a martial couple..., hi!~"

Martial God Yongchong was very stunned, threw out a sentence of emotion, and shook his head endlessly.

Han Yong, the Valkyrie, laughed heartily.Looking at Tang Chen approvingly, he said.

"That's right! Tang Chen, Ya Fei, you all have the integrity of ancient martial arts! As a martial god, you must have the courage to face tyranny. Unyielding, rather than bending! This is also the military style of the Zijin Army. It is better to die on the way to charge, than never Avoid the war! Come to Hanyong Camp. You will find a sense of belonging!"

Tang Chen smiled, but did not answer.

Clearly, this is a deal.It belongs to the tacit understanding between men because of their dignity; if Tang Chen agrees to join the Hanyong camp, then this time Hanyong Wushen will definitely rely on his own influence to help.

Tang Chen didn't want to act as a thug for the plane of gods and demons. He belonged to a human martial god in another world. How could his blood flow in a foreign country?

After the sequence list is over, he will travel around the rivers and lakes with his martial partner!Holding the blue dragon with two sleeves, borrowing the three-foot bright moon, light sword and fast horse at will, passing Tang Yin, returning to Cool Star.

Tangmen of Shushan Mountain, Tang Chen invited Martial God Yong Chong and Martial God Han Yong to observe alchemy, and the two gladly obeyed.

Tang Chen took out a radiant knife, dissected out the inner alchemy of Zixue Lingyan, peeled it open and took out the beast core.

After the animal nucleus was taken out, the temperature of the entire alchemy workshop dropped drastically. ~
A tiny Zixueling goose, howling and flying above the beast core, is the soul of the beast, which has not dissipated yet.

The animal core was slightly damaged, fortunately it was caused by burning.It is used for alchemy without affecting the efficacy.The essence is glistening, cold, and the six-pointed star-shaped precious light is shining, bright and burning.

Tang Chen handed Zixue Lingyan to Ye Mengmeng to cook in the kitchen, and took the other medicinal materials that Ye Mengmeng brought over.Start alchemy.

It is a great fortune to be able to see a pharmacist concocting alchemy with his own eyes, and ordinary people do not have such a great opportunity.Tang Chen also intends to make friends with these two people, which is also an exception.

Martial God Yongchong and Martial God Hanyong held their breath and concentrated their attention.His eyes widened unwaveringly.Watch carefully.

Tang Chen was lukewarm and went step by step; he sacrificed the fire essence, and the wind worm [Eating Coffins and Strange Tombs] sent a wisp of strange wind, Wen Ding!

The warming time is longer.

Tang Chen placed the medicinal materials one by one in front of his eyes, suspended them in the air, pinched the roots and removed the leaves, and eliminated the useless parts that had no medicinal effect.


The medicine cauldron, whose temperature reached the standard, suddenly turned red like blood from pitch black.A series of inscription patterns shone brightly.The aura surged, and was drawn by the inscription patterns, turning into ancient beasts, roaring loudly and running wildly.

The coercion bursts and becomes more majestic. ~
These divine beasts are all fire attribute divine beasts.Conducive to combustion.The different wind perfectly controls the temperature and frequency of the flame...

The medicine cauldron made a sound of "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep", everything is just right, the perfect moment has arrived!

Swish!Swish!Swish! ~

Tang Chen started to move.The sleeves of the robe are waved lightly, flowing clouds and flowing water, the medicinal materials suspended in the air, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, file in.

The medicinal materials melted quickly, and the plant bodies that imprisoned the essence disintegrated one after another. These slightly intelligent plant demons tried to die together with the medicinal essence.Not reconciled to violent burning, roaring loudly!

However, with the help of a foreign wind, Tang Chen is familiar with the operation, like using his arms and fingers.The temperature control is so wonderful.There was never a half-way deviation.

The pure medicinal ingredients were gradually separated, Tang Chen looked focused and his fingers moved rhythmically.Repeat the action just now to quickly purify the black-gray medicinal powder suspended in the medicinal cauldron.

This requires extremely fast techniques, as well as super high observation and judgment skills.That is experience and intuition.

Tang Chen is not that complicated.He is as simple as possible.It used the method of killing most alchemists.


One after another divine thoughts left the body and entered the medicine cauldron.A divine sense is a little Tang Chen, surrounded by a strange wind, suspended in the air, each performing his duties.

"It's still okay?... Hiss!"

The two Valkyrie stared blankly at this moment.Yong rushed to the Martial God, and blurted out: "Then the alchemist under the Martial God who doesn't have divine to do it?"

Tang Chen still had the strength to respond, he smiled and said: "Then there is only one plant to refine, and then they are purified separately. Of course, there are also people with extraordinary talents, who can operate with experience, such as my twelfth brother Tang Xiaoshao... .”

Speaking of this, flames lingered around, turning Tang Chen's face red.There is a ray of sadness and pain on it.

Martial God Yongchong and Martial God Hanyong saw it in their eyes and knew it was a hidden injury.Not good to ask.

At this moment, Tang Chen thought of Tang Xiaoshao, with Taoism and spiritual thoughts, and his mind was connected, as if Tang Xiaoshao possessed his body.Go all out and do your best.

Purify, purify, purify!
Black-gray, unremarkable medicinal powder, after being purified again and again, it is completely reborn, and the essence of the medicine is fully developed.Bright and crystal clear, the light flows.shining brightly.

Medicinal pills can be restored, reversed, separated, rearranged and recombined, monarchs and ministers assist and envoys, and can be added and subtracted to form prescriptions.Refining a new elixir.

However, after such an absolute purification by Tang Chen, once the alchemy is achieved, it will be like the birth of a baby, and there will be no possibility of reverse reincarnation.

This life has already begun.If this pill is complete, it will transform into a god.God Dan!
Of course, the premise is that this pill must be refined successfully.After all, it is very laborious to condense such pure medicinal essence in one place.Many high-level alchemists dare not try it!

The failure rate is too high!

Dividend cooperation, the effect is really extraordinary.It only takes the time to purify one plant of medicinal material, and the dazzling [-] precious medicinal plants in the medicine cauldron will shine brightly.Holy.

They are all exquisite!

Tang Chen rubbed his hands hard, his palms were hot, he lifted them up, and rubbed his face unyieldingly.The spirit is refreshed.

Beast core! ~
That's the top priority.


Inside the medicine cauldron, Zixue Lingyan and Beast Soul uttered a mournful cry, and disappeared in an instant. ~
call out!call out!call out! ~

The three fire essences are entangled together, and in a spiral shape, they beat the beast's core fiercely.It is called whipping, but it is actually high-intensity calcination.

As the strength of the fire whip increases, the frequency increases, and fine and exquisite cracks appear on the animal core.

Snapped! ~Crack! ~Crack! ~

The cracks became deeper and deeper, and the fire essence penetrated, layer by layer, crackling, crackling, and continuous, and the horny layer of the traveling animal core continued to burn without breaking.Turn into drops of viscous liquid.

This is a drug flow!

Pa~, tick! ~

With the birth of the last drop of medicine, the beast core completely melted.Spiral structure, wonderful and magnificent.Ambilight, full of breath.Inside the medicine cauldron, thick frost suddenly descended, the white mist was dense, and it was bitingly cold, making the god tremble.

Tang Chen, Yongchong Martial God, Han Yong Martial God, all wrapped up their battle robes...

"Congeal~~Condensate Dan!~Dan!"

Tang Chen's teeth chattered.With an order, inside the medicine cauldron, there are hundreds of thousands of spiritual thoughts, holding the extraordinary essence of medicinal materials beside him, stepping out of the nine palaces fifteen steps, with extremely fast movements, rushing towards the stream of animal core medicine wrapped in a large cold current !

The essence of the medicinal materials in his hand was thrown into the core of the medicine flow one after another.

The cold current is repelled, and foreign objects are not allowed to be added for neutralization.The medicine essence sent in was actually rejected.

boom!boom!boom! ~

Tang Chen's divine sense was so powerful that he swung his fist and smashed it.One pass madly smashed.

The cold current was turbulent, and the medicine flowed into groups.The remnant soul of Zixue Lingyan in the beast core finally appeared.

"Finally out?"

hum! ~

One hundred and eight thousand Tang Chen's spiritual thoughts quickly merged together, and his combat power was exactly that of a one-star Martial God.

boom! ~

With one punch, Zixue Lingyan was sent flying with one punch.


This is the original true soul of Zixue Lingyan, howling mournfully, unwilling to hit the wall of the medicine cauldron.There was a sudden burst of light, like starlight, like rain. ~
(End of this chapter)

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