Shushan Wushen

Chapter 293 This is Too Precious! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 293 This is Too Precious! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the medicine cauldron changed suddenly, the cold current shrank, and large groups surged, agitated and high-spirited.Surging and blazing.

The violent factors in Zixue Lingyan's beast nucleus were neutralized by herbs one after another, and the resulting neutralizing salts were ruthlessly burned to annihilation.

The flourishing danxiang faintly came out through the tripod, smelling strands of it, it was cool and biting, and the deepest hotness in the heart also collapsed.

"Hiss..., this furnace of [Purple Snow Pill] is too extraordinary!"

Shock appeared on Yong Chong's face, and when he looked at Han Yong again, he was already stunned by the shock.

Even if you smell the danxiang before taking it, it will have such a great effect.This is too unusual.

Tang Chen smiled arrogantly, feeling very proud.In fact, he didn't expect that this Tang Xiao Shao-style elixir would be so successful.

"Brother Xiao Shao, I will definitely find your fragments in the latitude ocean and revive you! Please wait patiently!"

After a little distraction, a large liquid medicine ball has roughly formed.Wriggling as if alive.The pure icy breath is refreshing and chilling to the bone.

The primordial soul, involuntarily, is clear about it.

Tang Chen was in the medicine cauldron, and his divine sense suddenly scattered, and there were another hundred and eight thousand figures of Tang Chen.

According to the number calculated by Tang Chen himself, each divine sense bullied him and pulled out a sticky ball of medicine.Rub your hands vigorously.

"Hiss! ~hiss—hiss~"

It's not hot hands, but cold hands. With Tang Chen's divine sense, his little hands are red and dripping~!It quickly formed a ball, and rubbed out a pill.

Let go of your hands, cover your face with your small hands, and grin your teeth.Ji Lingling shivered...

After slowing down this force, Tang Chen's divine thoughts released silky divine power one after another, and he walked around in a dazzing way, the inscription patterns flickered, and the light flowed.

Spiritual formations one after another are carved on them.

This is not a pill to be taken immediately, so it needs to be preserved.But [Purple Snow Pill] is one of the three great medicines between heaven and earth.Ordinary jade vases must be frozen and cracked.

The Imprisonment Spirit Formation must be engraved. [Purple Snow Pill] The coercion and aura immediately restrained as much as possible.

No medicine can stand the erosion of time, and its potency will eventually fade away.

The spirit-gathering inscription pattern must be engraved on it.In this way, not only does the medicine not lose its power, but the power of time descends.

This is also called [Yun Dan]!
Some elixirs are not outstanding after being refined, but after a long time of tempering, the accumulation of the power of the years, the harmony between the monarch and the ministers, and the harmony of the universe, the medicinal power will become even more extraordinary.

Victory over Xindan!

Not long after, one hundred and eight thousand pieces of [Purple Snow Pill] inscribed spirit formations were completed.

Tang Chen took out a lot of jade bottles.Swish Swish Swish!Throw it into the medicine cauldron.

Whoosh! ~

In a hurry, he took the small jade bottle that was thrown out, containing the elixir.He waved his hand to set a restraint, dripped wax oil, and threw it at Yongchong and Hanyong.

Tang Chen was busy with his work, and it was difficult for the two of them to say anything.I can only take it silently.After Tang Chen finished his busy work, he put away the medicine cauldron...

Yong Chong Martial God, solemnly picked up the medicine bottle, and handed it to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen paused, showing a slightly astonished expression, and said suspiciously: "All the procedures are not bad, and they can be kept for endless years. Put them away. What else are you going to do for me?"

"No! This is too expensive. As a soldier, I am disciplined. This is really beyond the standard. Holding it is not in compliance with the rules. If you take it with your heart, you will not accept the pill. Drink more later! Hehehe~."

Yong Chong Martial God, resolve the situation by himself.Trying to avoid embarrassment for Tang Chen.

Tang Chen shook his head, raised his hand, and gently pushed back the medicine bottle.With a relieved smile, he said with a smile.

"The two elder brothers scared me to death. I thought you would look down on the elixir I made. It hurts my heart. Hahaha, put it away, for me, this is just a matter of effort, you see , How relaxed I am. Of course, it means that my level of refining medicine is very good, how about it, as a friend, I still have some ability!"

Tang Chen's bragging appearance narrowed the distance between each other, and Martial God Yong Chong couldn't refuse anymore, so he could only stick out his thumb and praise.

"Brother Xiaochen, you are so powerful, Brother Yu, I am convinced."

Seeing that Yongchong was defeated, Martial God Han Yong directly exposed Tang Chen.

"Brother Xiaochen, don't play tricks! I'm not saying that Zixue Lingyan was brought down by Yafei, but that the hill-like pile of auxiliary medicinal materials is not a natural treasure?"

Hanyong Martial God raised his palms and enumerated: "Spirit stone jade paste, golden cold water stone, geomagnetic magic stone, phoenix steatite, rhinoceros horn flower, antelope curse horn, wood fragrance sand, agarwood tin grass, falling ginseng, purple House cohosh, Tie Gan Cordyceps, Kirin Clove, Pu Nixin Sea Flower, Sword Halberd Saltpeter, Meiling Musk, Lost Mind Cinnabar... Which one is not a treasure of heaven and earth, all of which are invaluable..."

Tang Chen nodded slightly, praising the two of them for being serious.It's even more favorable.he sighed.

"Brother Hanyong, don't forget what my younger brother does. This treasure, which is usually hard to find, is a must-have commodity in my Shushan auction house. I got it in exchange, and the value is negligible."

Seeing Martial God Han Yong and Martial God Yong Chong, Tang Chen was about to speak, but Tang Chen said again: "Simply, let me say something serious!"

Hanyong Martial God and Yong Chong Martial God, the words were choked by Tang Chen.I only heard Tang Chen say: "The frontline of Yumo, why do you need [Purple Snow Pill] in large quantities? Why is the more the better?..."

Before Tang Chen could continue to explain the truth, the brave Martial God sighed and said, "Purple Snow Pill, which is of great cold nature, can cure fever, coma, and calm the nerves. It is a peerless treasure. Entering the body, the heat is unbearable, over time, lost nature. Bloodthirsty, violent and cruel. Without the ancient martial arts, the spirit of chivalry is lost....Only [Purple Snow Pill]..."

"As a general, it is even more necessary to guard the clearness of the Lingtai, dispatch troops and dispatch generals, and strive to be meticulous, and there is no one in every way! For this reason, Zixue Pill is a high-ranking general, and a must-have military medicine."

Martial God Yongchong said this, and changed the subject: "However, brother Xiaochen, the grade of [Purple Snow Pill] you refined is too high, I am afraid that after taking it, I will develop drug resistance, so I don't care if I take ordinary [Purple Snow Pill] in the future. used!"

Martial God Yongchong spoke very euphemistically, choosing his words carefully.Tang Chen laughed out loud.

"It's nothing more than letting me supply it for a long time. No problem. I'll just stock up a batch for my two brothers in the future. In addition, my [Purple Snow Pill] is no longer a treasure pill, but a god pill! Listen!"

At this time, outside the alchemy workshop, there were faint and thunderous sounds, and the two of them were too focused to pay attention to it just now, and they were surprised by Tang Chen's guidance at this moment.

"How can there be thunder on the sequence list?"

"In the plane of gods and demons, the thunder and lightning have long been exhausted for endless years. The occasional thunder is also taken by the Valkyrie to quench the body..."

Tang Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, put his hands behind his back, and said proudly: "This is not the thunder of heaven and earth, but Danlei! One of my [Purple Snow Pills] is a god. The gods can't be swallowed hard, they can be shared. Or... turn it into pill water!"

Tang Chen shot with a smile, and stuffed one hundred and eight thousand [Purple Snow Pills] into the arms of the two of them.

The words of gratitude have not yet been spoken.

As soon as the door of Danfang opened, Ye Mengmeng smiled sweetly on her beautiful face: "It's time to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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