Shushan Wushen

Chapter 294 Drink a meal of heart-to-heart wine

Chapter 294 Drink a Heart-to-heart Wine

"What? Don't you have confidence in my craft?"

Ye Mengmeng wanted to resolve the embarrassment, raised her eyebrows, she was full of flair, after all, she was an empress of a generation, Ye Mengmeng had a good grasp of people's hearts, she had a clear understanding of the situation, she controlled the situation, and she lifted weights lightly.

Her timing, use of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions are all accurate.

Martial God Yong Chong, with a bright smile, hurriedly said: "Hahaha, I have been waiting for a long time, Yafei's craftsmanship, I am really looking forward to it."

"I want to burn it into a mirror image of the inscription pattern! I will treasure it forever!" Han Yong, the Martial God, roared, putting on a loyal look, and raised his fist to swear.

"Hehe~, Ya Fei is really nervous after saying that....Please!"

Yafei retreated and stepped out of the main road, gracefully and elegantly, she walked forward gracefully.This is the standard guide.

Tang Chenli let Martial God Yongchong and Martial God Han Yong go first, and he was half a step behind to accompany him.

Unexpectedly, Martial God Yongchong and Martial God Hanyong refused to overwhelm others.One on the left and one on the right, each holding Tang Chen's hand, walked towards the dining hall side by side.

The guests and hosts were seated separately, and exquisite delicacies came one after another.

This is a themed feast with Purple Snow Lingyan as the main dish.Ye Mengmeng once used the pseudonym Wu Zetian, and was at the helm of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

The knowledge of the emperor is extraordinary.The food culture of Dongtu is extensive and profound.The color, aroma, taste, shape, artistic conception, and nutrition of this banquet are incomparably unique.

"Master Yafei, your culinary skills are no less than your ability to preside over the auction house! Yongchong me..., I have never eaten like this, hey! I have never heard of it!... These endless years, I am living in vain Yes, woo woo woo..."

Martial God Yongchong was so overwhelmed, he looked like he couldn't bear to move, and then, for some unknown reason, he burst into tears, and gradually began to wail.

"Come on! Brother Xiaochen, Lord Yafei, don't pay attention to this bastard. He remembered his brother Paoze who died in the battle. I saved his life. Of course, he saved mine too. He is stupid, he doesn't know how to cry when he is full!"

As he spoke, Han Yong was brave, his eyes were red, his head gradually lowered, Tang Chen saw a few tears splashing into the wine glass... "Bada! Bada!"

The cup was close to the corner of his lips, he raised his head suddenly, and drank it all in one gulp!

"Hey!" Han Yong's eyes were red, and he was quite emotional, revealing his true feelings.

"Brother Xiaochen, do you know? If, our comrades in arms, if they had the panacea on their bodies at that time, if they were treated in time, most of them would not die!

If they could have smelled the [Purple Snow Pill] that we refined today, the sudden increase in sensitivity might have avoided a fatal blow!
It's really too late to meet each other!My brother, I am too much to overwhelm the host, borrowing flowers to present Buddha, I would like to offer you a toast! "

Tang Chen didn't interrupt him. Tang Chen was also the commander of a party who had led troops to fight. He was very awkward at the time. With the improvement of his experience now, he recalled that there were many tactics in the past, and he could use them more cleverly.Casualties will be smaller.

It is a pity that time cannot be turned back. Even if you find past latitude fragments in the latitude ocean, it is nothing but things and people.

Watch; the old days reappear, which only adds to the sadness.Doesn't help!
It is possible to resurrect a few people, but to return to the original latitude trajectory, as far as he knows now, at least the three-star Martial God cannot do it.

Good food and wine, speculative words, it is very pleasant to talk to each other.

Yong Chong and Han Yong were shocked to find that Tang Chen seemed to be very familiar with the military.Answering the questions well, judging accurately, and even analyzing and responding to some difficult emergencies in the military camps ingeniously.

The more alcohol you drink, the stronger the relationship.There will be more words.Even Ye Mengmeng, who was drinking with her, occasionally spoke freely.

Ye Mengmeng, who was born in an imperial family, planned her fortune without any delays or hang-ups, and looked at problems from a far-sighted perspective.

Still better than Tang Chen.


Yongchong and Hanyong drank a lot, so they questioned loudly: "Patriarch Tang Chen, Yafei is a giant! Where are you two coming from? Where is your hometown? Yafei is like an emperor. And decisive! Patriarch Tang Chen, my little brother Chen, you are like the commander-in-chief of the Zijin Empire, carefully planning, cautious and meticulous..."

Tang Chen heaved a long sigh, seemingly wanting to make a long speech, but in the end he asked leisurely: "Zijin Empire? What is it?"

Yongchong and Hanyong looked at each other, and said after deliberation: "This is a secret that is not a secret,...."

The ruler of this world is the Zijin Empire, but where is the Zijin Court located?Even though Yongchong and Hanyong were brigadier generals, they didn't know about it.

Even the people around him don't know.Even Yongchong and Hanyong's immediate boss, Commander King Gongjin, had never paid homage to Emperor Zijin!

Hearing this, Tang Chen fell into deep thought.The impression of the plane of gods and demons is even less favorable.

"How can a guy who hides his head and shows his tail and maintains a sense of mystery for his own people and his subordinates who fought bloody battles and threw their heads and blood until their lives were at stake, how can they be called Mingjun?"

As soon as Tang Chen said this, Ye Mengmeng rolled her eyes.

The beautiful eyes were not kind, and he scolded: "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps, why did the Sui Dynasty have such a short life? Do you still have the face to question Emperor Zijin?"

These words came out of the mouth in a drunken mood. After finishing speaking, Ye Mengmeng realized that something was wrong, and quickly smiled: "...Ah, ah, please forgive me, Master Xiaochen, this servant is a slip of the tongue, you deserve to be slapped! Forgive me!" How about your slave girl?"

After finishing speaking, Ye Mengmeng pursed her red lips, blinked her big watery eyes, her eyelashes fluttered and she acted cute and coquettish. ~
Tang Chen didn't drink less, and he was in a good mood. With such an interruption, the conversation was over.

Yongchong and Hanyong saw the two flirting and flirting, and wanted to leave, but as members of the army, they were both greedy for what was in the cup, so they simply let go of their arms, ate wine and food, and worked hard.

Like wind and clouds, how many bones and how much meat can a purple snow goose have?After a few chopsticks go down, it will be swept away.

Zijin Shimei, who served the banquet, was afraid of spoiling the fun, and showed their skills one after another, and all kinds of delicacies appeared on the stage again.

Delicious dishes are pouring in, and glasses of fine wine are pouring down.

"...Brother Xiaochen, in fact, our military has searched endlessly for this sequence list, but we haven't found it..."

"...If you have the chance, you can also pay attention to the inheritance of Guiguzi..."

Yongchong and Hanyong exchanged Tang Chen's favour, by taking advantage of their drunkenness.They told Tang Chen that it was extremely difficult for the Martial God to advance to the stars.Like a vast jungle, a leaf blinds your eyes.Can't see the road.

"This is my cultivation note, entrust it to the Shushan Auction House, let's auction it off! Thank you, Mrs. Yafei..."

"Ya Feiju, this is my enlightenment experience of Yongchong Martial God from [-]-star to [-]-star. It is not as comprehensive as Han Yong's record, but it is all the best, every word and every word. Please help me to auction it off too! The commission is used to buy I invite you to drink wine, hahaha..."


Tang Chen saw that the two of them seemed to be very drunk and spoke incoherently, but the logic of the conversation was still there, and he knew that they were drunk but not intoxicated.

"Two brothers, this is a big matter, let's discuss it after we wake up!"

"No! After waking up, I can't bear it anymore. I still want to leave it to my son. Hmph!~ Drinking..."

Yong Chong stood up unsteadily, swung the wine glass in his hand widely, but didn't spill a drop of wine, motioned Tang Chen to toast, and grinned.

"Get out! You don't even have a martial partner, how can you have a son?...Drinking... Gulu~"

Han is brave and brave, telling the truth in one sentence.Let's do it first.

(End of this chapter)

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