Shushan Wushen

Chapter 298 Receiving the net one after another

Chapter 298 Receiving the net one after another

"Who is upstairs? I am the elder Wuxin of Zijin Auction House..."

Swish! ~

The gazes of the gods downstairs turned to the box upstairs.I don't know which box upstairs the sound came from.

While patrolling, Ya Fei's voice was ethereal and full of magnetism, containing magical charm and indescribable noble pressure.

"... 6000 million times! Is there any price increase?"

Yafei looked at the gods, raised the auction mallet lightly, but it stayed in the air, and asked again: "...Six—"

Xiao Wuxin interrupted brazenly, roaring: "7000 million!" He was determined to disrupt the situation.In this way, I want to gain the active right to speak on the court.

However, he was slapped in the face again!

"9000 million!"

The majestic voice from upstairs sounded again, unquestionable, yet calm and calm, as if disdain to fight with Xiao Wuxin.

"One billion..." Xiao Yan practiced the fire attribute technique, so his temper was fiery and violent.Breathing suddenly, he opened his mouth...

Punctuation marks, not yet exported -.

Mouth was covered.Xiao Yan was startled, and after a closer look, it was his uncle Xiao Wuxin.

Xiao Wuxin shook his head.

"This person can't see his face clearly, and can't judge his identity. What if he is the Zijin Army's high-level supervisor..."

"...Hiss!" Xiao Yan also woke up violently.Sequence and Brigadier General did not stay for the specified time and could not leave.But inspectors are not the case, they must enter and leave the sequence list at any time, and take the expired sequence and brigadier away.

Because the sequence was sent in by the Zijin Auction House, and the brigadier general was sent in by the military.Therefore, inspectors generally wear several hats.

The replenishment of Zijin Auction House's goods relies heavily on supervisors who come in by the way.When there is a crisis in the sequence, the inspector has the responsibility of regulation.

On the surface, take Zijin Auction House as an example, the three giants, Elder Wuxin sits as the prime minister, Frog Martial God makes alchemy, and Yafei is the manager of the auction.

But in fact, Elder Wuxin was supervised by envoys.The horror of this mobile system is that no one knows who the inspector is.What is the name.

Xiao Wuxin felt that she was playing too big.He was just making trouble out of it.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he was actually involved in the auction.

What's more, he has no money!
Not to mention anything else, Xiao Wuxin's own property is definitely not [-] million.

However, it is not impossible to use the working capital of the Zijin Auction House to make an aboveboard acquisition.Although Xiao Wuxin didn't have that plan this time.

However, the Zijin Auction House in the Holy Land of Huoyan did not leave an auction plan.

Illegal operation, people criticize...

Moreover, the appearance of the supervisor also means that this promotion note will be handed over to the headquarters as quickly as possible after it is obtained.I have no chance at all.

What's even more frightening is that he clearly offended the supervisor this time.If you use this to hook up a few crimes that are neither salty nor light, then report it.The Wuxin Valkyrie, who was not popular at the headquarters, has been completely reduced to a marginal person.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wuxin shuddered.shudder.

Ya Fei looked at Xiao Yan's direction with a half-smile, "One hundred million times, is there any price increase?"

Xiao Yan was shocked, his eyes widened, "I..."

Yafei did not hurry, she held the auction mallet, like a master of swordsmanship, she slashed down slowly, her flaming red lips parted lightly: "Twice a hundred million times!"

Xiao Wuxin had already sensed the urgency, and had already started planning in her heart...

"Three times a hundred million! Deal!" Ya Fei roared suddenly.

Snapped! ~

Auction gavel hammered, deal.

At this time, Ya Fei stretched out an arm to Xiao Yan very professionally, signaling to the disciples of the Tang Sect at the Shushan Auction House.

"Congratulations to Martial God Xiao Yan! The auction is successful! I wish the Great God Xiao Yan, the martial arts to improve and advance to Platinum as soon as possible."

One star is called a master, two stars are called platinum, and three stars are called supreme.

Several disciples of the Tang Sect walked up to Xiao Yan neither humble nor overbearing, "Dear customer, please come with me to the backstage to pay the payment and collect the auction items."

Xiao Yan's head buzzed, and he became dizzy for a while. "How rich are you? So much, what's the matter?" He looked blankly at Xiao Wuxin.The scene suddenly became complicated.

Some of the gods saw the clues, and the corners of their mouths showed sarcasm, gloating at the fun.Everyone has a burning gossip heart.

No way, no resistance at all.It's still a giant of Zijin Auction House!It's really joyful that such awesome characters slap their faces and deflate them.Simply delighted.

At this time, Xiao Wuxin's uncle and nephew still can't see that he has been "designed" by a trick, so his life is really in vain.

Not surprisingly, if I rush to the upstairs box now, I'm sure I won't find the bidder.

"Hmph! Tell you Great God Tang to come out, Ya Fei! You get out of here too!" Xiao Wuxin picked up the elder of Zijin Auction House, the giant's "Fan'er".Boss around.

Unexpectedly, on the auction stage, Zijin and Shimei all glared at each other.

Immediately, a sequence participating in the auction shouted: "Superficial! I can't pay the money, I just want to beat you!"

Xiao Wuxin cast his eyes on that person, but unexpectedly, there was a strange sound from the other direction: "Zijin Auction House, you are bullying others!"

"What?!" Xiao Wuxin and Xiao Yan pressed the gourd and picked it up, and another voice said loudly: "The sequence of bullying is too arrogant!"

"It turns out that he has no intention of being a martial artist, and that's what he had in mind. To run us out of the game, he wants to take advantage of it!"


"What a shame!"

"You have lost the face of Zijin Auction House! Hahaha~."

"I remember, this old guy is called Wu Xin, and his nephew is called Xiao Yan! Idiots are like two bastards, wicked and smoky..."


Ugly words come one after another.

"The soul is pale!"

Xiao Wuxin was furious.But the law does not blame the public.It is also impossible to bombard vigorously.Just walk away.

At this time, Martial God Yongchong approached Xiao Wuxin, his voice was not loud, but it was enough to reach the ears of all the gods.

But he also made an appearance that he was afraid that others would hear, and yelled in his ear: "Pay out [-] million to settle the bill first, the crime of extortion is too serious, and it will not be good if it affects the reputation of our Zijin Army! ... It will offend Military regulations!"

Han Yong Valkyrie, who was chatting with his comrades in the distance, nodded when he heard the words, and echoed loudly with deep sympathy.

"Xiao Wuxin's incident was too embarrassing, and he used us as a weapon. This time, he actually wanted to rely on us to make trouble. What kind of trick? General Xiao Zhang is such a powerful existence, it's a pity that the two of them have lost all face. Brother Pit and Father Pit!"

"Didn't he say that this notebook was detained and brought by Ya Fei?" The brigadier beside him said incomprehensibly.

"Tch! Do you believe that nonsense? I'm afraid he doesn't even believe it himself." Han bravely shook his head disdainfully.

The Brigadier General really listened to it, and was immediately furious, shouting loudly: "Don't embarrass the Zijin Army, the payment office will hand it over. Don't be afraid to settle the account!"

Brigadier generals, it is about their status and future in the Zijin Army.Reasonable things... If you don't say anything, I will help you with your head.But this matter may really affect one's own future.

This matter is on the same level as "taking advantage of one's power and bullying others".It would violate military regulations.

(End of this chapter)

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