Shushan Wushen

Chapter 299 How Cheap Am I? 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 299 How Cheap Am I? 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Hulala, the gods retreated, leaving a large open space for Xiao Yan's uncle and nephew.Such as avoiding snakes and scorpions.

"I can't afford to offend you! Big mouth, I'm so scared..."

"Okay, let's stay away, go back and meet the general, it's hard to explain."

"Xiao Yan doesn't take this matter seriously. We can't just take it for granted, the general will not be unreasonable."

"It's really embarrassing to the general..."

The gods gave in at their feet, but their mouths were full of teasing.You can say anything.Every sentence is so heartbreaking.

"Who can I learn from a fool? My uncle is the strongest and most arrogant elder. How can I learn from this?"

"That's right, Xiao Yan, the Martial God, is completely useless, those who are close to ink are black..."

"It's completely black, it's quite serious..."

"Oh, it's because Xiao Yan has no money..."

"General Xiao Zhang's military salary was all misfortune by Xiao Wuxin. I heard that this old guy is still flirting with girls..."

"Occasionally, I go to the gambling house... It is said that someone saw it with their own eyes..."

"I used to fight for the girl in Bada Hutong, and Xiao Wuxin did it too..."

There were different opinions, and Xiao Wuxin was completely confused. There were some things that he hadn't done, and he was deliberately burying him.But who will clarify for him?
Some even wished to find out something wrong and blacken him, Xiao Wuxin.

Xiao Wuxin looked up to the sky and sighed, shook his head and smiled wryly, his face was scorched yellow, his breath was unstable, and his divine power was disordered.

"Forget it! Xiao Yan, let's go!"

"Let's go? Want to just walk away? Take a picture and just walk away without paying? How awesome!" A sequence taunted loudly.Contemptuous, contemptuous look.

This immediately aroused the hearts of the gods to fight, and it was crazy ridicule and ridicule.

Embarrassed, Xiao Yan said in a low voice, "Uncle, pay!"

Xiao Wuxin paused, her shoulders swayed endlessly, and she sighed, "Xiao Yan, the auction house's liquidity is only tens of millions, how can I buy it!"

"Mortgage! Mortgage the Zijin Auction House!" Youshen performed a supernatural move.

Xiao Wuxin glanced at that guy in a panic, his appearance was deeply imprinted in his heart.

In the auction house, there are several Valkyrie sequences, which are extremely active.With Xiao Wuxin's temperament, he had pinched them to death ten thousand times in his heart! "One! Ten thousand! Overtime!"

"Crackling~" Xiao Wuxin's fingers turned white.His teeth itch with hatred.

But that guy, not afraid of Xiao Wuxin's lustful power, said calmly: "You can also do a mortgage!"

The scene was almost out of control, with bursts of noise.A few people actually applauded loudly, saying that this attention was well done.It can solve the urgent needs of Xiao Wuxin's uncle and nephew.

Xiao Yan was confused, and said weakly: "This fire attribute promotion notebook is very important to me. Uncle..."

Xiao Wuxin's eyes widened in astonishment, he didn't expect Xiao Yan to,...unexpectedly, at this moment, he said something similar to 'a child begging his parents for toys in front of a guest'.

At this time, a voice came, neither yin nor yang, but the speed of speech was extremely fast: "If Xiao Yan breaks the contract this time, not only will he be blacklisted in the Shushan Auction House, but also his reputation as a god will be tainted, and he will be banned by everyone all his life. God scolds..."

Xiao Yan was stunned, and his flustered state of mind suddenly became chaotic again. He began to express his attitude stubbornly: "Even if I sell this body, I still want to complete this deal. I don't want to be poked at the spine and commented on." lifetime."

"Good! Xiao Yan is a man!" Someone immediately praised him loudly.

"That's right! Xiao Yan has the character of General Xiao Zhang!"

"Good job! You are worthy of being a general!" There was a sequence, a praise, high-pitched and loud!

Strangely enough, the mood immediately became one-sided.Praise Xiao Yan loudly.In contrast, it shows that Xiao Wuxin is extremely wretched and insane.

Xiao Yan felt the friendly atmosphere rising in the air, a feeling of being recognized by the whole world spontaneously arose.

It was very refreshing and bright, as if an invisible barrier in front of my eyes had suddenly shattered, and the whole world was completely different from before.

"You want a mortgage? Sell yourself in the Shushan auction house?" Ye Mengmeng asked calmly.

Xiao Yan was embarrassed for a moment, staring at Ya Fei from a distance, with her beautiful face, she was a little lost in a trance.She was almost caught in the crotch.It's hateful to be under his big underpants!Missed....


Feixue and other Zijin Shimei groaned coldly continuously, making Xiao Yan quickly come back to his senses.He nodded.

"Yes! I don't have [-] million! I can only sell what I have learned in my life to Shushan Auction House!"

Xiao Yan also restrained his unruliness, but a deep resentment flashed across his eyes.

Ye Mengmeng's emperor's heart is far from easy to fool.A frozen snake is also a poisonous snake.It is in nature to be violent and hurt people at any time.

"Okay! I have to report this matter to the Patriarch before I can make a decision. However, you are only a one-star Martial God, which is not enough for this price. ... You are too cheap."

Ya Fei deliberated, but still escaped the truth.

Xiao Yan didn't notice for a while, and asked: "How cheap am I?"

Immediately, the gods laughed.Even Xiao Wuxin laughed.He smiled wryly.The fire attribute technique is very powerful if you succeed in cultivation, but what you gain is bound to lose, your mind is like a flame, unsteady, and extremely fiery and forthright.

There are many straight intestines that can't be twisted. If you don't agree with each other at first glance, you will either fight or bow down.

Nobility and baseness, loyalty and evil intentions, strong contradictions.Character is multifaceted.Unreasonable.

Ye Mengmeng didn't laugh at him, and said solemnly: "The highest price Shushan offers to a one-star Martial God is a thousand spirit stones."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yan was at a loss for words.

One thousand spirit stones and one hundred million spirit stones, even counting on your toes, you know how cheap you are.


Tang Chen's voice sounded majestic: "An exception can be made, let him pay some down payment at the same time as the mortgage! 5000 million Lingshi!"

"...Hiss~. Great God Tang!"

"Hi, God Tang!"

"See Great God Tang!"

Tang Chen calmed down, Shi Shiran walked out of the backstage of the auction stage.waved.There is a smile on the corner of the mouth.

Under the auction stage, everyone cheered, cheering and admiring Tang Dashen, who has a strong and legendary color.

"Okay! Then pay the down payment! The rest will be paid back slowly! My father has an allowance!"

Xiao Yan turned to Xiao Wuxin and said, "Uncle, the allowance my father sent to you should be more than 5000 million spirit stones!"

Xiao Wuxin nodded, "That's the case, are you sure you want to use it? Uncle advises you to give up this idea as soon as possible..."

"No!" Xiao Yan blinked at Xiao Wuxin, Xiao Wuxin was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Xiao Yan said again: "I've devoted myself to pursuing martial arts, and I've been searching hard for fire attribute advancement notes, but I can't, this time is very rare. I ... don't want to miss it."

Xiao Yan's original intention was to show weakness and win the sympathy of his father's comrades-in-arms.Everyone gave generously.

But Xiao Wuxin didn't react either.

(End of this chapter)

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