Shushan Wushen

Chapter 306 The Lunar Star Eternally Shines in the Eastern Land

Chapter 306 The Lunar Star Eternally Shines in the Eastern Land

A blood blade, a warrior of gods and demons, shuttles through the void, controlled by the spirit of the magic weapon, extremely fierce, strange and tricky.Can't be guarded, it's locked!Lock it down firmly!

Cleave the back bone and wings of the Golden Retriever Lion King, hey~.The momentum is like a broken bamboo.Destroying its apotheosis organs along the way.

"Puff puff ~."

The golden-haired saber-toothed mouse king vomited blood, and the bone wings lost control and could not be closed.

The rat's claws flew up and down, and the attack power of the two-star martial god poured on Tang Chen.

Tang Chen gritted his teeth and resisted, his whole body was suddenly ablaze with flames, this is the true fire of the Phoenix!From the incomplete inheritance of the Phoenix Holy Ruins!

The bone wings were roasted, beeping and curling, a little fragile, and was smashed by Tang Chen with great force.



They are all at the end of their strength, and they all have the means to destroy the world. Fighting each other hand-to-hand is really extremely dangerous.

It is a confrontation of strength and a competition of will!

Tang Chen fell on his back, his body covered with bloodstains.Large pieces of the chest armor shattered.

The colorful clothes on Ye Mengmeng rose into the sky, and Yongchong Martial God, Han Yong Martial God, purple gold and ten beauties rose from the ground one after another.

Ye Mengmeng hugged Tang Chen.The precious clothes Liuyan on his body have a healing effect on Tang Chen, so he tried his best to move him.Instill Du Tangchen's divine body.

One after another, precious treasure pills were stuffed into Tang Chen's mouth...

Zijin Shimei had an extraordinary fighting consciousness, and each of them swung up their soldiers to slash and kill the golden-haired saber-toothed rat king viciously.

"King! Our King! . . . "

The saber-toothed rats on the ground howled in unison, mourning the world.The grief was overwhelming.

The saber-toothed rat clan, the king of gods fell!

"Don't let the primordial soul go! Kill Wushe! Come out by the lakeside of Weiming!"

Ye Mengmeng's beautiful eyes were cold and her face was ferocious, and she threw small stones casually.

"Hehehe, mistress, don't worry, it won't escape, it's so delicious..."

Sa! ~

A majestic clear stream, gently lingering in the void...

"Let me go! I have a magic weapon, the stars!" The golden-haired saber-toothed rat king, Yuanhun begged loudly.

"Hehehe, goodbye little mouse, killing you is all my master's..."

The sparkling waves suddenly rose, and for a moment, the sparkling ripples spread out, and the sky was clear.

The golden-haired saber-toothed rat king is completely destroyed!
There are disciples of the Tang Sect here to clean up the battlefield. This is a world-shattering war that is worthy of destruction. The space is turbulent, and it is still raging, and there has been no peace for a long time.

Yongchong Martial God, Han Yong Martial God, personally protects the Dharma.

Ye Mengmeng waited anxiously.Zijin Shimei looked around vigilantly, those ready to move sequences, brigadier generals, and ferocious war beasts felt that there was a big battle happening here.

They are all eager to grab a piece of the pie.

It seemed that only Tang Chen was seriously injured, and the rest were freshmen, lest they would cause trouble.leave in a hurry.

"Come back! Take a look and leave a piece of heavenly material and earthly treasure!"

There was a red stick from the Tang family, who was well versed in Tang Chen's routines, shouted loudly, and arrested a few people who seemed to have low cultivation...

Tang Chen opened one eye with difficulty, and told Ye Mengmeng: "Dharma protector! Dharma protector!..."

"We are all here!" the gods comforted.

Tang Chen rolled his eyes, and continued to order: "That guy, you must protect the Dharma... Tang Sect protects the Dharma..."

In this situation, Tangmen disciples saw a kind of respect.The head of the family has been treated so miserably, and he is still thinking about administrative relations.Shushan Tangmen, there are clear rewards and punishments, and the ascending passage is really smooth...

A day later, Tang Chen recovered all his cultivation.That is to say, relying on the refinement of the actinium Elaine, the divine body is in full bloom.Otherwise, there will be no decades or hundreds of years.There is no cure at all.

"Mengmeng help me!"

Tang Chen stood up, his whole body was radiant and radiant, his nostrils were fragrant, and a round of divine crown sprayed on the back of his head, which was extremely sacred.The momentum is amazing.

Ye Mengmeng understood, took off her colorful treasure clothes, and turned into a fairy land.At her signal, the gods jumped up one after another.

To the star in the sky.

"Lunar star? It really is a lunar star! The moonlight is so rich!"

The gods were amazed.Very envious.

Tang Chen did his part, stretched out his big hand, which turned into an incomparably huge one, as if covering the sky, and grabbed this bright star in his hand.


Tang Chen ruthlessly smashed the star in his hand on his lower abdomen.

"Eating coffins and treacherous graves! Help me with all your strength and open the dimension channel!" Tang Chen growled.It exploded like thunder!

After this battle, the coffin-eating and treacherous tomb had a lot of respect for Tang Chen.In his perception, Tang Chen was an easy-going guy, but he didn't expect that when he became ruthless, it would be so terrifying.

Dare to fight, dare to win, plan carefully and meticulously, count as exhaustive strategy.Most importantly, there are many means.

Not every Martial God is as lucky as Tang Chen, who used two or three times of God and Demon Soldiers in one go.

More importantly, fight with your own hands and fight with your life.Very brave!
Therefore, the coffin-eating and treacherous tomb did not hold back at all.The strange wind enveloped the rich moonlight of the lunar stars, rubbing rubbing~, displaying the supernatural powers of the wind attribute.

Across endless dimensions, descended to the Eastern Land!
Here, it is Tang Chenxing's original star.

It turns out that there is a bright star acting as a lunar star, which has its appearance, and the moonlight that comes is all its own starlight, which is mixed and thin.It is useless for cultivation.

If this lunar star replaces that star, it will be different.The so-called, there are specializations in the art industry.

Whether the moonlight is rich or not is directly related to the quality of the soul of the human race.

This is also the biggest secret of the human race.

A moonless night not only lacks poetic romance, but more importantly, the moonlight at night has immeasurable benefits for improving the IQ of the human race.

The stars without the moon, the human race born, IQ and EQ are not the same.

So far, Dongtu has obtained a real moon.

The lunar star will always shine on the eastern land, the vast and boundless holy land on earth.Countless heroes, astonishingly brilliant heroes, came to the world one after another.

Another great world, after several generations of the human race, will descend brazenly with a majestic posture unparalleled by Ling Tian.

Here, after handling it properly, Tang Chen did not immediately lead people deep into the core area.Just the middle part is so tricky, and the core area can be imagined.

Around the edge of the core area, Tang Chen and other gods picked a large number of spiritual flowers and herbs.Captured more than a dozen rare birds and animals.

At the same time, Tang Chen also personally picked and removed a large number of medicinal herbs.The stockpile of medicinal materials has been replenished.

It's just a pity that no mineral deposits have been found.

After all, in Heizi Land, the number of soldiers needed for the trials of Sequences and Brigadier Generals in the Sequence List is extremely astonishing.

Walking around like this, and then coming back, it happened to be still the territory of the saber-toothed rat.Within a few days here, it has changed beyond recognition.

The soil has churned countless times, and large wet rocks are exposed to the sun again.

Countless sequences and brigadiers are sweating profusely here.Digging hard.

"Wow, the saber-toothed mouse is not so shabby, just find a piece of fine gold, these meteorites are also valuable..."

(End of this chapter)

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