Shushan Wushen

Chapter 307 Hunyuan Ghost Banner

Chapter 307 Hunyuan Ghost Banner

They are obviously digging the bottom of the library.Find the hidden treasure trove of the saber-toothed rat.

As a result, a few were found, but there were very few of them, and most of them had already been moved....

Suddenly, Tang Chen turned his gaze to one place...

"Who did it? What is it like?...Which treasure house did you go to? Tell me! Tell me the many other treasure houses did you go to?"

"What?...You don't say?! You don't say...?!"

This is a Martial God in an apricot-yellow robe. From the back, he looked at Daogu Xianfeng, Fengshen was handsome, and when he looked at his face, Tang Chen couldn't help being shocked; there are such wretched people in the world, which is really an eye-opener!

"Don't lie to me, Marshal Li, I know there is a treasure house there!"

Dashuai Li took out a compass, pretended to play with it, and suddenly roared.

"No no no! Not there!"

"Where is it? I think you are lying to me..."

Ye Mengmeng frowned, thinking about everything.Zunshuang asked strangely: "Is that guy crazy? What are you talking to yourself for?"

"It's not talking to himself, it's communicating. Look at him!" Tang Chen turned his head and smiled at Xu Shuang, pointing at the corner of his eyes.

The gods went in without knowing it, they heard the words and looked, sure enough, thanks to Tang Chen's reminder.It was a small jet-black banner the size of a palm.Slightly swaying, ghostly,

Very weird and supernatural.

Dashuai Li was spooky, listened intently, and stomped his feet in resentment for a long time.Cursed angrily: "Who did it? What the hell, you killed such a clean rat, and you just let go of such a dead mouse!... It would be nice to have one more!~"

Tang Chen pursed his lips, and the Martial God Splitting Jing, who had just been promoted to protect the Dharma of the Tang Sect, jumped over and grabbed Marshal Li by the neck.

"Hahaha, brat, who are you scolding? Have you ever been beaten?"

Li Dashuai's legs were hanging in the air, thumping desperately, terrified, but his mouth softened: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble! Who is it? Which old friend? Wait for me to pinch my fingers... ah..., I don't know you!"

Tang Chen shook his head with a smile, and shouted: "There is also a mighty Martial God who is good at reasoning here, he is really a master. Take it here and tell me."

"Yes! Patriarch."

Martial God Splitting Jing grabbed Marshal Li's neck, pulled him close to Tang Chen, and kicked him down.

Tang Chen asked: "Just now, how did you figure it out? What kind of derivation technique did you use?"

Li Dashuai's eyes rolled wildly for a while, chattering, almost out of the frame.

"God, I'm Marshal Li, who came from the Taoist sect. To tell you the truth, I am the only descendant of the ancient Tianji sect. If I deduce one, if I make a move..."

boom! ~

"Speak human!" Tang Chen kicked him over.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm telling... the truth." Li Dashuai looked innocent, and spread his hands, showing the frankness that rushed to his face.

At this time, Ye Mengmeng's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and she smiled secretly.

"So that's how it is..." Tang Chen heard Ye Mengmeng's spiritual thought transmission.exaggerated loud praise.

Tang Chen is from a professional background, the Kongtong School has no martial arts theory, but the Cool Star Empire Academy has it!Jade Emperor God Realm, Tianji Academy has wow! ~
He already knew it in his chest.It's just that Marshal Li is eloquent, and Tang Chen is determined to promote him.

Ye Mengmeng was praised, but seeing Tang Chen's exaggerated expression, she misunderstood, thinking that Tang Chen didn't believe it.

She simply raised her hand and slapped "Boom!", smashing Dashuai Li's head.Grab the void with your fingers,

Dashuai Li was terrified, he didn't expect this bright and charming beauty to be so ruthless.

"How? I said he lied to you, but you still refuse to believe it."

Tang Chen couldn't help but be speechless, Ye Mengmeng's killing was too decisive.No wonder the descendants of Li Yuan spoke ill of her.

However, this is all harmless.

Tang Chen was calculating, he forced out a drop of blood, hey~, and shot it at the pitch-black little banner.

Xiaofan throbbed for a while, and released a stream of white smoke, which was exactly a divine thought of Marshal Li.

Xiaofan is a Taoist magic weapon, and Tang Chen recognized the master with a drop of blood.A thought came to my mind [Hunyuan Ghost Banner], feeding lonely ghosts, ghosts and Yashas...

Tang Chen checked [Hunyuan Ghost Banner], there were already 9 to [-] souls.There are human primordial souls, beast souls, and even more than a dozen mechanical hearts...

This is a ten thousand soul banner, which is already very good.It is a high-level magic weapon.

"Yeah, Master Xiaochen, you understand this..." Ye Mengmeng understood Tang Chen's tricks instantly, she was quite embarrassed, and her face turned red.The clouds are steaming and the clouds are shining.

"Looks like it from a book." Tang Chen responded with a smile, raised his hand to pinch his beautiful little face, took Marshal Li's soul and stuffed it into the [Hunyuan Ghost Banner].

However, a scene that shocked Tang Chen appeared.

Marshal Li was in the Hunyuan Ghost Banner, as if he had turned into a ghost, he rushed directly at the saber-toothed rat, grabbed the tail, swung it up and smashed it to the ground vigorously.

He cursed furiously: "Aren't you so frank? Tell me! Where is the treasure house? My deity came in personally, and you have some face. Don't beat me! I have even more ruthless tricks!"

"Boss calm down! Calm down!"

"Boss, look at you, why didn't you come in yourself. If you say something, who can not give you face?"

"Yes, boss, what do you think you are raising us for? If you don't say anything about something, it will make us lose face. Cough, I will do my best for you!"

"Boss! You rest, there is me, I will help you not to damage it... Hey! Move it, speed!..."

"Boss, look well, I'll get started in a while, I've lost a lot of moves... Be sure, I'll spit out everything..."

Tang Chen was shocked, this guy is really good at messing around, he won the first place, and he was directly promoted to the boss!
"Do it well! I will catch a lot of ghosts and make your life comfortable..."

"Thank you boss!"

Inside the Hunyuan Spirit Banner, a large number of primordial souls, beast souls, and even mechanical hearts showed humble gestures.Some just knelt down.

Youdao is a good man who does not suffer from immediate losses, and the saber-toothed rat beast soul collapsed immediately.When one thinks that one's own king is dead, it is meaningless to persist.

"I can tell you the location of the treasure house, but you have to remember, find a chance to help me kill this guy!"

After finishing speaking, the saber-toothed mouse formed a mirror image, it was Tang Chen!
In Li Dashuai's eyes, Li Dashuai is really a talent, his expression is as calm as before, he laughed and pointed at Tang Chen's mirror image.

"This guy! Small idea! Don't worry, when I meet him, see if I don't get him in, so you can make trouble. How can you solve your hatred?"

"That's right!" Marshal Li leaned over and asked solemnly: "Little mouse, I have a heavy hand, and I am an absolutely ruthless person. If I get disabled, or the original soul is damaged, do you count?"

"Make it... make it count!" The saber-toothed mouse was very grateful when he heard the words, and felt that Marshal Li was a ruthless person who could be entrusted to him.

"Woooooh~ Boss, you are so kind to me, you are so kind..."

(End of this chapter)

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