Shushan Wushen

Chapter 308 Fried Fish Tribe

Chapter 308 Fried Fish Tribe

Dashuai Li looked angrily, and shouted: "You are all my brothers! Do you understand, brother? I, Dashuai Li, is an extremely ruthless person. I am afraid of myself. I dare not look in the mirror all my life. I am afraid that I will be with myself. Two tigers are fighting! Do you understand?"

"Understand, understand! The boss is absolutely ruthless. He kills demons when he encounters demons, and destroys gods when he encounters gods. He is too aggressive."

There is a humble compliment from Yuanhun.

"It's good if you understand, my brother understands me best! You... just say it!" Li Dashuai finished the preparations, looking grand, with the momentum of 'I'm in charge of you, what are you afraid of'.

With a wave of hands, he pulled a beast soul, kicked it over, and then used the tip of his toes to push away the beast's belly. He sat on the belly in an even and stable manner....

Very arrogant, very domineering, very bossy.

However, there is no one who does not show envious eyes, Qi Qi praises the good luck of the war beast, to have intimate contact with the boss's ass, it can be called a great opportunity, great luck.

Seeing this, the saber-toothed rat was even more delighted. It found the right person and met the wise master.After apologizing, he explained in detail the location of the treasure house enchantment.

When Tang Chen got the information, he sighed again and again, but at the same time he was secretly delighted.

I almost missed it.

The several treasure houses on the name of the sabre-toothed rat are actually temporary.Store them in different categories. In fact, the real treasure house has restrictions.

Without mastering the location and the correct way to open it, the treasure house will never reappear.

Rats steal by nature, and how to store the stolen ones has been studied by the rat tribe for endless years, and has a long inheritance.Absolutely shocking, incredible.

"Sesame, sesame, open the door ~ Double Eleven is here...."

An obscure and extremely unspeakable incantation was chanted in a low and hoarse voice, and a certain place on the ground suddenly bulged.

A big mountain, startling the world!

The most bitter thing is Marshal Li. He almost developed, but now he has become a soul in the Hunyuan ghost streamer....Time and fate.

This is not an ordinary mountain, but a whole body of magical treasures, natural and earthly treasures, rare metals, countless.

Star Flower, Dalong Root, Void Tree, Spiritual Liquid Grass, Lumpy Root, Silver Dragon Cauldron, Fine Gold, Mithril, Eating Myelitis, Demon Tooth, Canna, Earth Spirit Mirror Stone, Nine Lingyang Wood, Sanshui Treasure Lingjin, Dahuangdijin, Daletu Motu, Xixian Yanhua...

It's hard to control myself, my eyes are dazzled, my eyes are blurred, and I can't extricate myself for a long time.

"Take it!~"

Tang Chen waved his hand to accept this treasure mountain.Feeling indescribably good, he turned to another place, where someone was digging the ground.

Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

There's no point in digging because the cache exists in another dimension.I don't know how to open it, so I can't get in.

The disciples of the Tang Sect took action and dispersed the group of sweaty guys, chanting mantra syllables...


"Ouch, my God! What did I see? I question my eyes!"

Far away was the Martial God, who opened his mouth in shock when he saw this scene. They even continued to help Tang Chen and the others chant spells, wandering around, driven by profit, and their monstrous desires made them flock to them.

Unexpectedly, a miracle really happened.

Unexpectedly, there was a team, after reciting this incantation, turned around rationally and rushed to the next place...

Rumble ~.

Baoshan suddenly appeared.The radiance is bright and radiant, and the strong smell of medicinal materials makes the gods suffocate!

"Yeah..., Yoyo...."

There are more than a dozen warriors in the fried fish tribe, and their psychological quality is really poor!Surprises and surprises, ga..., draw three!

"What's the situation?" Tang Chen was shocked.

"There are people... who didn't notice for a while!" The disciples of the Tang Sect, especially the new protector, Martial God Splitting Thorns, were greatly annoyed and blamed themselves.

"Eavesdropping on spells, despicable...!"

"Take it back!"

"it is good!"

The disciples of the Tang Sect took a step forward, raised their soldiers, and shone brightly, covering that area.

"Slow!" Martial God Yong Chong and Martial God Han Yong stopped loudly.

How can language act faster than God?
Puff puff puff ~

More than a dozen people, where are the opponents of more than 100 Tangmen disciples?
The soldiers passed by coldly, and the divine blood spurted.It's like a fairy flower blooming, the flower blooming and the stalks falling, and the limbs and arms are broken all over the place!
"Put it up!" Martial God Splitting Jing yelled loudly, and led the crowd to rush forward, with the intention of atonement.After the regulation was completed, it was presented to Tang Chen.

Yongchong and Hanyong hurriedly said: "It's not easy to order these people. See where the tattoos come from, the Fried Fish Tribe!"

Tang Chen was obviously surprised when he heard this.

Fried fish tribe, an extremely ancient ancient martial arts gang in the plane of gods and demons.With a long inheritance and profound foundation, for endless years, a large number of warrior gods of this tribe have been promoted to two-star warrior gods.The generals of the Zijin Army were born repeatedly.

Not to be underestimated.

In the Zijin Burial Valley that day, what is the confidence of the Martial God's arrogance?He regrets that the martial god is from the ancient and great fish frying tribe Tianjiao.

"Be careful! No need to panic! At worst, kill one by one." Tang Chen glanced at the disciples of the Tang Sect, understating that there was no wave in the ancient well.

Ye Mengmeng looked at Tang Chen and nodded appreciatively.There is endless trust in the eyes of Tangmen disciples.

Martial God Yongchong and Martial God Hanyong realized the problem and smiled apologetically.

The military spirit is unshakable.It would not be good to cause Tangmen disciples to panic.

Tang Chen said again: "It's not a big problem. The Fried Fish Tribe is not an existence that cannot be shaken. Just kill it when it comes. Remember! As a disciple of the Tang Sect, for the glory of Shushan, it is the kingly way to be brave without fear of death!"

"Glory of Shu Mountain, brave and fearless! That's the kingly way!" Martial God Splitting Thorns repeated loudly.The disciples of the Tang Sect suddenly became imposing like a rainbow.

"As gods of war, with the honor of the Tang Sect, we don't cause trouble at will, but we should not be afraid of trouble. We would rather perish together than bow our heads and live! This is the glory of Shushan, the strength of the Tang Sect!"

Tang Chen spoke harshly and encouraged loudly.

Facing the blood and killing that was right in front of them, this encouragement was undoubtedly extremely effective.Tang Sect disciples' blood boiled with enthusiasm being fooled by Tang Chen.

I'm afraid that if a three-star Martial God comes, these guys will rush forward without hesitation and blow themselves up!

Brigadier General Yong Chong and Brigadier General Han Yong looked at Tang Chen differently.Full of awe and admiration.

This is the method of the general.How flexible the timing is.The soldier's mind is just right, so wonderful.

Been taught a lesson!
Tang Chen ordered to find several other treasures, collect them one by one, and gather the team.Soaring into the sky, galloping all the way, rushing towards the periphery of Fantasy Valley.

"It's been too long, we have to go back to Shushan as soon as possible!"

Tang Chen smiled and blinked, and said loudly.

Whoosh whoosh~.In the blink of an eye, there was no trace of the gods.

a long time.

After Tang Chen left, somewhere on the ground, there was a burst of dazzling light, and more than a dozen places seemed to be springing up from the ground, crystal clear and gurgling.

The green mist dissipated, and more than a dozen primordial souls appeared ferociously.Swear loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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