Shushan Wushen

Chapter 325 Tang Sect Blood Shield Collar

Chapter 325 Tang Sect Blood Shield Collar

Tang Qiwan's brain speed was fast, and he quickly realized the key to the matter.Bodhi also said just now that Tang Chen had appeared in Baihua Valley.As a result, Qunfang mistook Qiuxiang for him, and suddenly became violent.

"Take it!" Tang Qiwan yelled.Shaking hands sacrificed a blood-red chain.

"Blood shield collar?" Tang Chen suddenly lost his voice.

This is a very ancient torture tool of the Tang Sect.Made of blood, it is terrifying.It's hard to describe the feeling of being covered.Because this thing, once in the body, melts into the blood.

The blood changes from liquid state to instant coagulation.The meridian is also blocked, and the whole body is cultivated, how can it be used?

"Unfortunately, it's useless to me!" A thought came to Tang Chen's mind.However, with another thought, I jumped myself.

This is Shushan.But Bishu Mountain?
No risk!Tang Chen ran away resolutely.Must escape, this matter cannot be risked.

Tang Chen was possessed by a war god, with a sudden momentum, shaking his hands and stuffing the gods into the cave, but only Tang Yin and Qiu Xiang were missing.

I can't care less.Your own life is still precious.

Tang Chen tore open the barrier of the space barrier, the two-star Martial God's combat power was at full strength, and his feet moved rhythmically with his nine palaces and fifteen steps.

Desperately, he ran away crazily.

"Where to escape?"

Bodhi also followed the bluff, forming horns with Tang Qiwan and besieging them.In this way, Tang Chen was forced to walk in a straight line.

The route is determined.Tang Qiwan was not fighting alone, he sent out the Tang Sect signal.

The guardians of the law enforcement hall, the red stick, and the law enforcement disciples were dispatched one after another.A big net to hunt Tang Chen was spread out.

In fact, Tang Chen turned around and fled to the mortal plane, which was a better path.But Tang Chen is very kind.

Martial god cultivation base, destroying the world with one hand.If there is a slight discrepancy, life will be ruined.

Tang Chen's escape route was irregular, and he jumped at every opportunity, with twists and turns.Xiuxiu was also in a hurry at this time.

"Master, let's go to the void! That's the battlefield of God."

"Okay!" Tang Chen suddenly came to his senses, jumped onto Xiuxiu's back and neck.

Xiuxiu showed a pair of wings, puff~!Open the space and rush into the endless dark void.

This is a forbidden place.There are often gods lost.Here, there is no sense of direction, no flow of time, and no gravity.

Even, there is no distance.

It's a fantastic space.One side is the latitude ocean, and the other side is the plane star.Maybe it's narrow, maybe it's cramped, maybe it's boundless.

Tang Chen traveled through the dark void several times, but he always determined the direction with his consciousness, accomplished it overnight, and quickly cleared the level.

But this time, he wants to stay here.

Fight Tang Qiwan here!

Tang Qiwan led a plunge into the dark void.

The Martial God's coercion was released, forming a gravitational wave effect, and with a sound of "Bo~!", Tang Chen passed by.crashed into the ocean of latitude.

Afterwards, Tang Qiwan's guards, red sticks, and law enforcement disciples were all old methods.He didn't stay in the dark void, he just came in and went out again.

In the dark void, the mythical beast phoenix family is the most powerful existence.

Xianhuang is beautiful, with real fire burning in her body, and the flames are blazing.Enough to burn nothing.keep still.Tang Chen stood on Xiuxiu's buttocks, his face was gloomy and cold.

It's not too difficult to kill Tang Qiwan, the difficulty lies in not wantonly hurting others.However, it is really too difficult to fight without killing him.At the same time extremely dangerous.

Damn blood shield collar!It's hard.

Tang Chen shook his head, closed his eyes and thought.At the same time recovering divine power.Escaping with all his strength, across the tens of billions of miles of gods and demons, the consumption is not small.

Swish swish!
Just when Tang Chen's breathing gradually stabilized, and the divine power in his body slowed down, he was about to sink into cultivation.The blood in the body suddenly boiled.

It's not all boiling, but there is a little throbbing.

"Sound transmission of the blood shield collar? Is there a big trouble? Who is it?"

Tang Chen hurriedly looked inside at the drop of blood.

This is also the singularity of the blood shield collar.In the law enforcement hall, when encountering something that cannot be solved, the chains of the blood shield collar will be burned.

The chain link will automatically sense the owner of the Tang Sect bloodline in a certain area, and reach the purpose of asking for help.

"Could it be that I and them are really of the same blood? No! I'm going to rescue them!"

Tang Chen made up his mind, communicated with Xiuxiu, followed the induction, hey~!The phoenix's real fire is flowing, burning nothingness, and moving quickly.

A space without a sense of direction, induction, is the only signpost.Gradually, Tang Chen felt something was wrong.

The call is so strong?Is this still a blood shield collar?Could it be that the entire chain was burned?

Wrapped in a blazing flame, a handsome young man with a handsome appearance and a beautiful woman on his feet suddenly appeared and disappeared in the endless dark void in an instant.

I don't know how long he has been doing this, Tang Chen was patient, and at the moment when he was about to collapse.A bright round of sun suddenly rose in front of him.

So blazing, so dazzling, appearing out of nowhere, the appearance is amazing.

Tang Chen suddenly felt another surge of passion!Under the urging, Xianhuang Xiuxiu stretched her snow-white wings, the Liu Yan became more intense, and her speed increased again.


Finally, Tang Chen stepped on Xianhuang Xiuxiu and stood in front of the sun.

The day was terrified and bright, extremely bright, but not dazzling.Very comfortable feeling.Through the sun wheel.

Tang Chen vaguely saw the projection of a mountain, the mountain was like five fingers, and each mountain was higher than the other.hiss!This is the mountain of God!The five-fold mountain of the five-star martial god!

It turned out that this is where the blood summoning was cast on me!
Tang Chen was shocked. After feeling it, he felt an unspeakable emotion.Very sad, very sad!Hurt but not sad, worry but not panic!

"I am Tang Chen, and you are also Tang Chen. I cross endless [dimensions], from the ten-dimensional space to the endless void. I leave it to you, and I also leave it to myself! Go home! Go back to Cool Star! Remember! Remember!"


Tang Chen was dumbfounded.Recalling the mirror image overlooking in the mind, isn't this big day just a gorgeous pearl?

Tang Chen felt an indescribable fit.It's amazing, it's powerful.He greedily stretched out his hand, trying to refine it...

That idea sounded again.

"Don't! Don't try to take shortcuts. It's against your heart. Instead of wasting time here, it's better to go back! Go back quickly! Otherwise, I will hate you for the rest of my life. Go back, I am still a young man! ~~~~~Alas!"

This sigh has connotations, and it is absolutely endless vicissitudes!

"I want to know my future! Tell me about it!"

Tang Chen shouted loudly.Looking left and right, according to the routine, Tang Chen would at least show up to see it.The future self meets the past self....

How interesting this is.As you can imagine, it must be fun!

Tang Chen smiled.

"I used to be as free and easy as you, but now I am only creating! Time is running out, and the future will be known. Early knowledge is harmful and useless. It is better to go back! Otherwise, it will be too late to regret! Go back! Hurry up go back!"

The voice of vicissitudes seems to have infinite anxiety and unspeakable sadness.

Surging in Tang Chen's ears, it was like the echo of the valley that turned a thousand times.Tang Chen's heart trembled.

Why is my voice so sad?And vicissitudes?What have I been through?
(End of this chapter)

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