Shushan Wushen

Chapter 326 Apocalyptic Big Bang

Chapter 326 Apocalyptic Big Bang

"What have I been through? What have I been through? I am so vicissitudes and sad? Tell me!"

Tang Chen roared loudly.

"Go back! If Tang Yin is still alive, if he is still alive, go home! Go back and go home! Otherwise, we will never go back!"

The future Tang Chen, the voice of vicissitudes, sounded again, earnestly speaking.

The dignified tone, the vicissitudes of life, the trembling of sadness.Tang Chen's in a mess.

Tang Yin, perhaps no longer!

This idea grew wildly like weeds.irresistible.

"Goodbye, future me! You don't want to tell me too much, because you are afraid that I will be bound... I understand!"

Tang Chen's words were completely out of his mouth, he was already a man, and he was thousands of miles away from here.

Xiuxiu unleashed her monstrous divine power, and Tang Chen no longer restrained his coercion. He let out the real flames inherited from the Phoenix Holy Ruins.


The gravitational wave effect comes.Tang Chen and Xiuxiu, whoosh! ~

Back to the plane of gods and demons.

Without further ado, Tang Chen stepped on the beautiful fairy phoenix and headed straight for Baihua Valley~.His movement is like electricity, and his momentum is swift and fierce.

In the vast sky of hundreds of millions of miles, the sound of the sonic boom continued violently.The arc-shaped shield collapsed, and the water vapor dripped down on the ground, but Tang Chen's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Across the long river flowing through the ages, the future me warns the present me.There are bound to be a lot of secrets in this.And it's big.

It cannot be stated clearly, indicating that there are too many variables.For fear of influencing the course of history.What happened in the end is very important.However, what is more important is Tang Yin's safety.

Tang Chen decided that he would send Tang Yin into his inscription pattern cave.

Tang Yin, it's a way home!
An unknown feeling rose in Tang Chen's heart.

He felt that Tang Yin should be gone.Or, you simply can't find him.

Tang Chen hurried to the Baihua Valley faction, his movements were too big, which alarmed the power of the gods and demons plane. Many old monsters who were practicing in seclusion were awakened one after another, and they jumped out of the secret room to watch the sky vigilantly.

"Who? Are you so arrogant? Are you confident? Or is there bad news from the front line?"

See you soon, see you soon.They think very broadly.Before reaching a conclusion, Tang Chen had already disappeared.

In the Valley of Hundred Flowers...

Boom boom~!

Bodhi's body is shocking, with flower stalks everywhere, broken leaves and branches, withered everywhere.The earth flew all over the sky, and the boulders shattered.

The conical metal warriors came from across the domain, appeared abruptly, pierced into the ground with ear-piercing roars, and plowed deeply.The loud explosion resounded throughout the universe.

Only in this world!Valley of Flowers.

Sadly, the barrier of Baihua Valley shielded the explosion's air waves and the terrifying loud noise that seemed to destroy the world.

"This is..., this is a space-time bomb! The machine clan is doing something!"

The Martial God trained by the Zijin Army has extraordinary knowledge.One word tells the truth.

"Who is this aimed at? Is it an accidental injury or the Tang Sect? So accurate, could it be me? Blocking my way home?"

Countless thoughts swirled in Tang Chen's mind.Rising in an instant, transforming in an instant.

"not good!"

Tang Chen let out a loud roar, and his face suddenly changed.

A space-time bomb appeared inadvertently, but disappeared in a flash without making a sound.

This is, breaking into the mortal plane!Accidental hit, even more infiltrating!

Tang Chen stepped on Xiuxiu, turned into a stream of flames, and quickly pursued her.He wants to catch up with that space-time bomb!
Ordinary plane.

In the sky above the Ming Empire, the sky changed suddenly. The clouds were like flags, and then like a knife. First it was white, then it turned red and purple.

Extremely gorgeous and weird!

In the clouds, there are cyan fireflies, as big as a wheel.Rolling and roaring, sonic boom roaring.Wherever it passed, the void exploded.

Following behind, the sky was filled with crimson red, and a phoenix burst into flames, with a swift and violent momentum.It's amazing.

The former is the time-space bomb of the machine race, and the latter is pursued fiercely by Tang Chen.

In the capital, in May, the green trees are in the early shade, and the flowers are blooming.The south wind distributes warmth in the smog.People put on cool clothes and go outing together with young and immature children.Joyful and utterly peaceful.

Suddenly, in the sky and sky, there was a continuous thunder-like muffled sound.The surrounding temperature plummeted.The hoarfrost visible to the naked eye suddenly struck.

The red flowers and green trees are covered with hoarfrost in an instant, the atmosphere of the earth changes suddenly, and the clouds and mists rise.The tourists in thin robes shivered, and the robes were fierce.Little face flushed.

At first glance, the robes are fluttering, and the feet are like clouds and mist, as if they were exiled immortals.Like a god.There is an urge to worship.

However, knowing the bitterness and bitterness, each of them was so cold that they grinned their teeth and suffered unspeakably.

Boom boom boom ~.

Tang Chen kept making shots, trying to volley and detonate.Unfortunately, the bomb flew extremely fast.close to the speed of light.Attack, powerless.

The space-time bomb, with gravity correction, flew lower and lower, and flew to the southwest corner of the capital, which was the location of Wang Gong's arc….


Dive in!
The ground trembled violently, and the Daming Palace, the most important place in the capital, bounced up half a foot. The palaces, yamen, private houses, luxurious manors of rich merchants...It's like being sane and burning your butt.

...suspended in the air.The whole world is frozen!Suspended!Deathly silence!

At this time, Tang Chen also arrived.

Suddenly, the earth roared in a low voice, and smoke, dust and flames filled the sky.The smoke and dust rushed straight to Xiaohan, covering the sky and the sun.

The fire is like a boa constrictor, wandering away and vomiting letters....

look to the sky.

Filamentous and tide-like colorless and chaotic clouds are flying across, and there are large and black mushroom-like and ganoderma-like clouds standing upright in the world like pillars.

In an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, dust and flames flew together, the sky collapsed and the earth sank, and all rooms fell flat.Many people, before they could even cry out, turned into pieces!
Terrible, horrifying.

The mushroom cloud gradually collapsed.

From time to time, there are human heads, eyebrows, noses, or foreheads flying down from the sky; outside the Desheng Gate in the capital, there are countless human arms and legs falling, accompanied by wood, stones, poultry, etc. It's raining down...,
The scene was appalling.

The capital city, the Daming Palace, was a magic weapon, and it fell to the ground with a bang, without any harm.

The palaces of the princes and the houses of great merchants are all blessed with simple inscription patterns.Although it is damaged, people and animals are safe.There are people who faint, just over-frightened.

Most of the dead were ordinary officials and civilians.Even the prisoners in the dungeon escaped this catastrophe!
Too miserable!With this situation, Tang Chen couldn't help crying.

Suddenly, Tang Chen felt something, and looked back with angry eyes. In the extremely distant place in the sky, in the direction of Suzhou Mansion, there was a blazing glow, and there was a loud rumbling sound, and the atmosphere plummeted again along the way.

White smoke billowed, water vapor rose, and another time-space shell came across the plane!

Without hesitation, Tang Chen jumped up, clenched his big fists tightly, and quickly recited the [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Dongjue] method silently.


With a punch that shattered the void, a huge fist-shaped aura, "Bang~!" confronted head-on!
The leaping fist stopped the trajectory extension.The huge explosion, human beings in the mortal plane, is irresistible.

Seeing that tragedy is about to happen again.

Tang Chen put two fingers across the brow peak of his forehead, and a phoenix-feathered Liuyan eyebrow was caught in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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