Shushan Wushen

Chapter 331 The Knife Wielder

Chapter 331 The Knife Wielder

The camp of the Purple Phosphorus Army stretches for hundreds of millions of miles.The arc-shaped radar constantly adjusts the angle and emits wave bands.

Tang Chen and Ye Mengmeng's colorful land belongs to the natural atmosphere.On the monitoring screen of the mechanical clan, a turbulent flow appeared.

Da da da…….

As a result, a large amount of data was born.The system judges as; safe.So it was ignored.

Tang Chen held a piece of artistic conception glass in his hand, and said, "Mengmeng, how about we use this to catch a batch of tongues?"

"It's a bit dangerous, but if you decide, I'll cooperate with you." Ye Mengmeng knew that Tang Chen's mind was wide open, and his ideas were very unique.A firm statement.

"Okay!" Tang Chen asked for advice smoothly, and he was in a good mood.

A divine power crossed into [Rapeseed Flower Field].It was not released immediately.Instead, let Ye Mengmeng continue to control the colorful land, approaching the central camp of the Purple Phosphorous Army.

There, according to Tang Chen's judgment, it should be the center.It would be wonderful if, by mistake, a 'beheading' action was formed.

In the eyes of the robot, there is a colorful turbulent flow out of thin air, extremely gorgeous.It's like a streamer, but it's much slower than a streamer.

Slowly suspended above the large tent of the Chinese army, it is colorful and radiant.

Is this a celestial phenomenon, or a vision?The mechanical people have no emotions, so they have no way of perceiving this beauty.Just glance at it and do what you need to do.

At this moment, Tang Chen flipped his wrist, and in his hand, the artistic conception glass [Rape Flower Field], hey~!fall to the ground.

Didi, Didi, Didi~!
The mechanical clan radar emits a piercing chirp.

Suddenly, the situation changed drastically.The mechanical clan warriors were caught off guard and stood up together, waiting for instructions.

Boom boom boom ~.

The surroundings of this tent quickly became more beautiful.Cancan yellow, delicate and beautiful rapeseed flowers grow crazily in an instant, and the vastness is shocking.


Tang Chen suddenly drank in a low voice.

Ye Mengmeng manipulates the fairy land to release majestic and colorful rays of light.

[Rapeseed Flower Field] After being recalled, the artistic conception space rose from the ground and suddenly shrunk.Click!Falling on the colorful land.

Tang Chen had already created a painting environment, just when the artistic conception Liuli excluded this large Chinese army tent.In fact, it is already within the painting environment.


Tang Chen snorted, in fact, Ye Mengmeng was faster than him.The end sound has not yet fallen, it is already a world away.

I ran away a long way.

The Purple Phosphorus Army was in a panic, and the large area vacated by the Chinese army was so inconceivable.The high level of the machine clan was furious.

The robots of the Purple Phosphorus Army who were in charge of vigilance were taken back to their mechanical hearts one after another and destroyed.

One hundred thousand miles away from the Zijin Army's garrison, there is a spiritual energy in the void, which is very majestic, but there is still no one looking up.

Why?It's not that Mr. Tsinghua University and the others, as high-ranking warriors, hide here to respond!


Suddenly, a stream of colorful light appeared in a flash from a very far away place.

"So fast?... Sigh!" Iron Horse Martial God shook his head, he knew Tang Chen well.Once read Tang Chen's thoughts and memories.

The faces of the gods are not very good, some are angry, and some have disdain and jokes from the corners of their mouths.More shaking his head and sighing.

Demon Killing Martial God smiled and said: "The Purple Phosphorus Army is terrifying and weird. If you can spy from a distance, avoid radar detection and return safely, you are very lucky. He is Tang Dashen, after all, he is only a two-star Martial God."

Before the words were finished, the stream of light was shining, Tang Chen held the beautiful concubine Ya, who was as beautiful as a flower, and his figure slowly solidified.The seven-colored land has also been turned into a treasure garment, and it is hung on Ye Mengmeng's body again.

"Have you ever been injured?" Young Master Tsinghua asked lightly.

Tang Chen's eyes swept across the gods, and he understood clearly.

With a wave of his hand, he said: "I'm holding my hand, lest there will be pursuers. This is not a place to talk! I need the master of the building to take action and confuse time and space."


This word was issued by more than one Martial God.Dubious, it seems a little unbelievable.There is a martial god who is about to say a few words.

Mr. Tsinghua University has already waved his hands to tear apart the space channel, which is self-explanatory.

Tang Chen held Ye Mengmeng's hand without hesitation, and stepped into the space passage first.Some warriors looked contemptuous.

Meaning: "The action is really fast."

Some people echoed: "Don't forget the original intention! There is always a way home!"

"Hahaha!" A Valkyrie teased wantonly.Morale suddenly became messy.

"Shut up! Move fast."

Tang Chen's face sank, and in the space channel, he shook his hands and raised the purple gold seal.


Regardless of the views of the gods, military orders are like mountains.As soon as this supreme Zijin Army seal came out.The gods suddenly became solemn.

Some warriors even bowed their bodies slightly and cupped their hands.Right to apologize.

Tang Chen didn't give them a good face, and waved his arms, signaling to speed up.A burst of divine power that needs no words is released awe-inspiringly.

This is the coercion of the superior, the military boss.Not angry but prestige.

This was especially true for Ye Mengmeng, her handsome eyes were filled with murderous intent, without any emotion at all.

What does this mean?Neither Tang Chen nor Ye Mengmeng was a piece of cake.It's the knife wielder!
The violence of the two of them, the blood and cruelty revealed inadvertently.It has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation, it's more about...temperament!
The aura of the sword wielder is overwhelming.Deposits originate from the accumulation of blood vessels into the bone marrow.

Knife swinger!
The gods were silent, lowered their eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, restrained and indulged, and filed in.

Master Tsinghua's right hand suddenly released a stream of air, which was mottled and obscure.Overall gray.

This air flow is very mysterious, like wind, like clouds, rushing like the void.

In an instant, the turbulence here subsided, and it was calm.As if nothing happened.

Young Master Tsinghua was very cautious, leaving behind a line of Divine Sense.

Not long after, there was indeed a powerful machine clan, and they came looking for it in a spaceship.Master Tsinghua has a sinister face.

The divine sense suddenly released colorful rays of light, which disappeared into the distance in a flash.


The Machina team, no doubt cheated, pursued it...

At the Zijin army station, Master Tsinghua's face suddenly turned pale, and many warriors showed concern on their faces.

Young Master Tsinghua waved his hand and explained directly: "It's just that a divine sense has fallen. That desperate place is really powerful."

"How many were buried with you?" Ye Mengmeng was so smart that she immediately understood everything.Asked softly, smiling sweetly.

Master Tsinghua laughed, very excited.The beautiful girl held her tongue just right, and her baggage shook.

"At least two thousand!"

Tang Chen smiled without saying a word.He smiled respectfully at Mr. Tsinghua University.His eyes flickered, very bright.

The gods admired it, and morale soared.

Demon Slaughter Martial God and Iron Horse Martial God had a heart, they looked at each other, clapped their hands and laughed.

"Tang Chen has made a great contribution! Tang Dashenxian and his wife are worthy of their scheming power!"

"Not bad! This battle wiped out thousands of demons. It's really satisfying! It's great!"

"Oh? Great God Tang strategizes, how can he have such supernatural powers?" A Martial God questioned.

Tang Chen smiled slightly, and waved his hands: "These thousands of people are extra heads!"


The gods were astonished.

Young Master Tsinghua, Demon Killing Martial God, Iron Horse Martial God, looked at Tang Chen with a complicated expression, full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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