Shushan Wushen

Chapter 332 Confrontation in Working Together

Chapter 332 Confrontation in Working Together

"God Tang, you didn't put a big bomb or something, did you?"

A martial god looked curious and speculated.

The corners of Tang Chen's mouth curled into an arc, he paced gracefully, opened a distance, and raised his arms.


A machinist demon tent suddenly appeared.

"Ah!" A Valkyrie exclaimed.

Shhhhh~!Some Valkyries took out soldiers, and even swished ~, throwing out all over the sky.

This is so shocking.

"Gods and generals, don't be alarmed! Calm down!" Seeing Tang Chen, Young Master Tsinghua narrowed his eyes suddenly, watching the performance of the gods one by one.Hastily made a sound.

Sure enough, Tang Chen's expression turned cold.However, he has not yet taken up his new post, so it is hard for him to say anything.He extended his hand to Young Master Tsinghua University and several calm-looking Martial Gods, and extended an invitation.

Young Master Tsinghua was a little surprised, but he still chose to believe in Tang Chen, and walked into the devil's tent.

"Hey!... Hiss."

Stepping into the devil's tent, the gods were shocked.There are rows of windows, mysterious figures appear on the windows, some are short and vertical, and some are small oval circles.

Sa Sa Sa ~, constantly rhythmic, changing in the window.

It was also the first time for Tang Chen to come in. As soon as he looked around, he felt that this window was very familiar, as if he had seen each other before.Focusing on the square box on the ground, his heart skipped a beat.

But he didn't show any emotion that he shouldn't have.

"This is..., this is the king-level devil of the Purple Phosphorous Army?"

This is a three-star Martial God, and he lost his voice in shock.

Looking inside the devil's tent, the situation was no different from that of the Zijin army's tent.All are boundless expanses.

Even the green mountains and green waters, the sky is as clean as washing, the white clouds are blooming, and there are birds flying.

The jaw-dropping thing is... 10,000+ demonic officers of the mechanical tribe at all levels, struggling in the air.His eyes were full of fear and despair.

This space, although everything can be seen.But in fact, they were all within Tang Chen's eyebrows.Tang Chen created a painting environment.

All included!
"This is, this is the power of the world!" Existence above the three-star Martial God, most of them have opened up the space in their bodies, forming a world of their own.Well informed.

"That's right! It's the power of the world. Otherwise, these mechanical demons are just poisonous people!"

Tang Chen proudly told the truth.The "fuck" was quite military, very iron-blooded, very tough, and very down-to-earth. In conjunction with this shocking and peerless military exploit, the "boom" shortened the distance between them.

The first impression of working together is very important, extremely important.Tang Chen had a self-indulgent demeanor and a graceful manner.That is the "model" of a generation of famous generals.

These military gods are also used to worshiping and obeying orders.Gradually, admiration appeared on his face.

"So stunning! Tsk tsk tsk~!"

The martial gods responded with trusting gazes one after another, and some even nodded to Young Master Tsinghua.He showed his heart without concealing it.

This is the magnanimity of a hero on the battlefield.Distinguish likes and dislikes, don't hide or hide, the strong are respected!
The reason why Tang Chen nailed them was to keep them working.In order to further observe and judge their means.

There had long been a staff officer of the Shenji Battalion, without Tang Chen's orders, his eyes were bright, his fingers were moving like flying, and he recorded it in detail.

Even the civilian Martial Gods of Tiance Battalion sorted out their thoughts and started the pre-trial.

Tang Chen smiled, and waved his hand to set up a barrier.This is to prevent collusion.

Everything was ready, Tang Chen reported some details of this operation with Mr. Tsinghua and the related martial gods.Including the radar layout and reaction speed of the mechanical family.

Distribution of sentinels, and internal estimates of response speed.

This information is extremely precious.It is also of great help to other armies of the human race.

More importantly, the human race has the exact coordinates of the Purple Phosphorus Army.

With precise coordinates, for the human race who are good at crowd tactics, piling up divine power, applying magic weapons overlays, and attacking with talismans; this is an extraordinary feat.

Of course, Zijin Army's current Zijin Building owner, Mr. Tsinghua, shared this information with all the troops immediately.And marked the Purple Phosphorus Army!

"At least within one year! Within one year! The glory is still there!" Young Master Tsinghua looked excited.

The gods cheered.

Tang Chen hurriedly asked the reason.Young Master Tsinghua himself explained: "For such a great contribution, the Human Race Alliance's military rewards will inevitably take more than a year to raise. At this time, how can we abolish our Zijin Army?"

"Hahaha! Happy! Happy!"

All the gods paid respect to Young Master Tsinghua and Tang Chen, and cheered loudly.

"Master Xiaochen, come and see!"

In the distance, Ye Mengmeng suddenly waved and shouted.

Tang Chen stretched out his hand to invite Master Tsinghua to go there together.

Ye Mengmeng looked solemn, playing with a gavel-like object on the table, and as the 'gavel' slid, a spot of light on the window wandered away.

This wonderful relationship is very novel, but what shocked the gods was a map that appeared on the window!
The spot of light wanders around, and wherever it goes, it will be enlarged instantly.It's really a map!What made the gods dumbfounded is that there is actually a map of the entire camp of the Zijin Army in it!
"What? What is this? Our central army tent!" Demon Killing Martial God shouted out of composure, dripping with sweat.The waving fingers splashed the juice.

Three-star Martial God, so shocked, it can be seen that this matter is urgent, to what extent?

"This is the Iron Blood Army! This is the Fantasy Army! This is the Beiming Army! This is the Chivalrous Army! This is the Star Army! This is the Green Buddha Army! This is the West Wind Army, this is... the Demon Slayer Army!"

Terran armies, League of Legends...

The sound of gasping for breath makes the back of one's teeth icy!

"How can it be so detailed? There is also a simulated mobile sentry. The dark sentry is not very detailed, but it is too... Gudu... scary!"

A four-star Martial God was horrified, with a look of horror on his face.Say no conversation.

"What's its name? Give me the transcript!" Tang Chen calmly commanded the civil war god with an air of ignorance and fearlessness.

Master Tsinghua nodded.The civilian general looked embarrassed.

"Tang Chen, my god...General Tang, like this, this bastard's teeth are very hard, he won't let go!"

As he spoke, he raised the blank notebook in his hand.

"Leave it to me!" Ye Mengmeng smiled sweetly and stretched out her white palm.

The civilian Martial God looked bewildered, and Young Master Tsinghua coughed again before he came back to his senses.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.If it wasn't for Ya Fei's beauty, jumping up and down here, he would have exploded and shouted loudly.

However, she has the approval of Master Tsinghua, so naturally, as a mere civilian general, she must obey.However, the look of refusal to admit defeat cannot be concealed.

Ye Mengmeng smiled and said: "Master Xiaochen, I'll ask it three questions, if it refuses to tell the truth, you can take out its mechanical heart! No problem!"

Tang Chen shrugged, stared at the robot, and spread his hands indifferently: "No problem! I just don't know what level this guy is? I'm also curious!"

(End of this chapter)

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