Shushan Wushen

Chapter 333 Interrogation

Chapter 333 Interrogation

"Hee hee, it should be the heart of the super machine, why don't you dig it out and have a look first?"

Ye Mengmeng gracefully turned the stylus in her hand, smiling coldly.In an instant, the violence of killing people like hemp and treating life like nothing was revealed.

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Okay! Try opening one first."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Chen pointed at the sky, and a crack suddenly appeared on the breastplate of the general of the Ziphosphorus Army.

The front part of the breastplate exploded.Expose the purple Ying Ying chest.

Squeak squeak~!

The sound of sliding, which made the teeth sour and the eardrums trembled, sounded continuously.That poisonous chest meanders and wanders away...

"What do you want to ask? Say it! Come on! Come on!"

The general of the Purple Phosphorus Army, with a high IQ, urged him loudly and righteously.This scene seemed to be Ye Mengmeng's reluctance.The gods couldn't stop laughing.

Ye Mengmeng smiled gracefully, and asked slowly: "Name, identity, what you know."

"I am the Lingering Demon King, and I am in charge of monitoring generals. We are all downgraded. In fact, I am a king-level..."

Lingering Demon King is like being pardoned, more like a chattering hen pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, explaining everything in detail!
After a long time, Lingering Demon King lowered his head and peeked at the wound, and saw that the wound was still winding, but the speed was slowing down.The big frightened eyeballs were rushing, and tears were pouring down like rain.

Begging: "I have said everything I should say, stop, please! Stop."

The gods looked at each other, all a little puzzled.They all looked at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen's eyes flickered, and he smiled.No one knows what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd!

The Demon Killing General stabbed Tang Chen quietly, coughed softly, and whispered, "Don't scare it to death."

"Hmph~!" Tang Chen hummed in a low voice, and said, "Machinist devils still have emotions?"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone exclaimed.One word awakens the dreamer!The gods wake up like a dream.

It's not that Tang Chen is so monstrous or against the sky.The key is that the authorities are confused by the bystanders.Tang Chen's mind is undoubtedly clear at this moment, because he has not entered the game.

As for the gods of the Zijin Army, it's not that they haven't captured alive mechanical warriors for endless years.

But it can catch enemies above the general level with all the shadows.In fact, there are not many cases.Otherwise, it is proof, why even Zijinlou Tsinghua Master can't get a mere general-level mechanical heart.

It is already rare to kill to get a heart!captured alive?Indeed, extremely difficult!
"Sure enough, it's weird!" Young Master Tsinghua's eyes lit up sharply.

Tang Chen smiled and stared at the Lingering Demon King.But no words.Sure enough, silence is better than sound.The wordless oppression surrounded the Demon King in horror, and he was trembling at that moment, kneeling down with a puff.

"Marshal, spare your life! Marshal, spare your life! I confess, I confess! Stop it!... Aww..."

The voice begging for mercy was very shrill.

Tang Chen raised his jaw at the Lingering Demon King, signaling it to speak.

Lingering Demon King wept and said, "I confess, I confess, we are actually human race!"

Human race?

This sentence is shocking.Shocked the gods!

"Why does the human race have a mechanical heart? What secrets? What secrets? Tell me!"

Master Tsinghua personally asked the question.

Lingling Demon King said: "We are actually dead scientists from the technological plane. We accepted the invitation and carried out mechanized transformation of our bodies. The machine race has the great power of the machine race. They were created by humans. Later, the logic and computing power was higher than that of the human race, so There was an uncontrollable counterattack."

All the gods were silent. There were speculations about the power of the human race earlier, but it was not confirmed.Now these words come from the mouth of Lingling Demon King.Then sit down.

"I'm bound in a cocoon!" Master Tsinghua and the gods clenched their fists with hideous faces.

Lingering Demon King said again: "Even if the human race is a martial god, their brain and physical strength can't be enough, and both of them can reach the ultimate. Originally, the mechanical race is still controllable. But there are exceptions to everything. Isn't the betrayal between our human race friends also very common?"

"Bah~! How can you call yourself a human race?" A warrior god said angrily.Extremely furious.

Lingering Demon King secretly glanced at Tang Chen, but did not dare to speak.

Tang Chen glanced at the Valkyrie who interrupted, his calmness was terrifying.

You know, this one complaint is tantamount to interrupting Ling Ling's train of thought.In this case, the conversation went to a dead end.

Ye Mengmeng saw the key to this, and asked casually: "What do you rely on to maintain energy in your body?"

Lingering Demon King respectfully said, "Energy source..., lightning storage... Here, here...."

In order to show its sincerity, the Lingering Demon King even revealed his own energy source!
"Master, they have energy sources, and there must be energy source charging bases. Hurry up and ask where they are charging! Hurry up~!"

God and Demon Soldier [Ban Weiming Lake] transmitted voice to Tang Chen.Tang Chen didn't understand at first.After all, this is in another field, and he, Tang Chen, doesn't know it.

But Tang Chen chose to do it immediately!asked:
"Where is your energy source charging?"

Lingering Demon King suddenly became interested, stretched out his hand to gesture to his chest, nodded and bowed humblely.

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows suddenly, and a sharp light shot out from his eyes!

"Ah! Here! Here!" Lingering Demon King was startled, took a few steps back, took the thing in Ye Mengmeng's hand, and slid it on the table.

The light spot in the window wanders around, click to open a chart...

Impressively, another map!
"This is the thumbnail of the energy base, double-click to enlarge it!"

Lingering Demon King gestured to his chest again.

Tang Chen nodded, and withdrew the destruction of the power of the world.

The gods gathered around and watched intently, paying more attention to the coordinates of the space.

"How to destroy this energy base?"

Young Master Tsinghua looked at Tang Chen, but he was speaking to the Demon King Lingling.Tang Chen glanced at Lingering Demon King.

"It can't be destroyed!" Lingering Demon King resolutely shook his head.

"Can't it be destroyed?" Tang Chen looked deeply at the Lingling Demon King.

Lingering Demon King smiled wryly: "The energy base has a link with every body of the Purple Phosphorus Army. If the energy base is attacked, and the corresponding area chain of the Purple Phosphorus Army belongs, a chain explosion will occur! At that time, the highly poisonous gas will penetrate into every hole, spanning the entire world. Ancient, vertical and horizontal latitudes, the human body cannot compete!"

"Eh? What's going on? Tell me?" Young Master Tsinghua asked in a deep voice.

Tang Chen's eyes turned cold.Lingering Demon King quickly confessed.Informed everything.

Then, Tang Chen closed the six senses of the Surrounding Demon King.The gods frowned, planning their fortunes around the map.

a long time.There was a lot of discussion.

"It seems that we should report to the leader of the coalition army, and then make a decision!" There is a martial god said.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Master Tsinghua didn't say yes or no.

Ye Mengmeng looked at Tang Chen, and said solemnly: "This is a big matter. I don't think it should be submitted. In other words, it should be postponed for the time being."

"Yeah." Master Tsinghua nodded slowly.

Some of the gods are unknown.Some have complicated eyes.

Tang Chen smiled, explained carefully, and said in one sentence: "The Allied Forces Alliance has many people with mixed eyes. Walking news is absolutely inevitable."

(End of this chapter)

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