Shushan Wushen

Chapter 335 8 Iron Blood

Chapter 335 Eighteen Iron Blood

Martial God of the Iron Blood Army rushed to break through the space, so close to the end of the world.

Suddenly, an invisible wave came, and the eighteen iron-blooded warriors leading the team, all with five-star cultivation, immediately discovered the abnormality.

"Zijin Army has withdrawn?" A Valkyrie murmured.

"It's really naive to leave without leaving cannon fodder!" You Wushen had a grim expression on his face.

"The Zijin Army has no blood, and if they don't fight all their old foundations, what kind of star army is it? I am deeply ashamed to join the Iron Blood Army to which my god belongs!"

You Wushen is very proud, with sharp words, sharp to the point, and merciless.

During the sound transmission of the divine thoughts, following the fluctuations, the Eighteen Iron-Blooded Martial Gods determined the coordinates again, broke through the void, and led the [-] Iron-Blooded Army to travel through space.

"Eh? Why did you change direction again? Are you really careful? The Zijin Army is as timid as a mouse!"

Eighteen Martial Gods look down on Zijin Army even more.Loudly ridiculed, with a tone of disdain.

"The Zijin Army ran in a hurry, so they wouldn't run into the machine clan's territory by mistake! Hahaha~!"

There was a Valkyrie who gloated at other people's misfortunes, and when he satirized, he was very merciless.

"Hahaha, the Zijin Army is defending the camp, and the machine clan's Purple Phosphorus Army is on the opposite side. They won't defect to the enemy, will they?"

It's nasty to have a Valkyrie.The point of view of judgment is embarrassing.Someone from the Eighteenth Iron-Blooded Martial God retorted in a deep voice.

"The Terran Zijin Army is a veteran team worthy of admiration, don't make such a joke!"

"Yes! The Zijin Army will definitely not be so weak. There is no doubt about it. Their fate is just bad. They met the Ziphos Army. The Shushan Army in the past, and the Tangmen Army in the future, also fell like this!"

The qualifications of the Valkyrie are relatively old, rich in experience, and tell the secret!
After a few more changes of direction, the Eighteen Iron-Blooded Martial Gods had gotten used to the rhythm.Every time the void channel is broken, it is to suppress the divine power, and the strength of the two-star Martial God is enough.

Sure enough, walking around, I gradually felt the restlessness of the breath ahead.

Five-star martial god, that is the existence that will not get lost in the vertical and horizontal latitude ocean.They retreated in the interlayer of darkness and void.After waking up, follow the cause and effect, reincarnation footprint, can go back to the past time.

Very great existence.

They can even follow the long river of history flowing through the ages, go back to the past, and watch their relatives and former close lovers from afar without changing the course of history...

Very powerful, the existence of meritorious fortune!
The Eighteenth Martial God finally caught up with the 'Zijin Army' after changing directions one hundred and eight thousand times.A fighting spirit arises in my heart.

Whoosh whoosh~!

Breaking through the void, it suddenly appeared under this space.

Sensing from afar, the military aura here is extremely strong, vast and strange, and the void lightning all over the sky is already purple.

"Hahaha, the frightened bird~!" A warrior god laughed wildly.

At this moment, behind the eighteen Valkyrie there are [-] iron-blooded elite soldiers, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~!When going up...

Beep beep beep beep beep....

In the camp above the head, a sharp alarm sounded suddenly~!

"What? Radar! It turned out to be radar!"

The Eighteenth Iron-Blooded Martial God couldn't help but be astonished!The face is earthy.

One hundred thousand iron-blooded army elites, even if there are still these eighteen iron-blooded army five-star warriors, so what?Not enough for a gap between the teeth.

The Zijin Army learned from the past... The son of Cambridge personally led [-] five-star warriors, trying to complete his merits in one battle,...the end was miserable....

The Zijin Army has since come to an end...

...It is vivid in my mind, as if it was yesterday!

Whoosh whoosh~!

Flying discs, on which stood Ziyingying mechanical warriors, descended from the sky like demons destroying the world!

"Fight it! Brothers! Sacrifice the magic weapon!"

The leading Valkyrie shouted loudly and looked back at the command.

Another Valkyrie shouted an order: "Rhombic attack, tear a hole!"

At this time, the purple phosphorus army of the mechanical clan has surrounded this 'lone army'!

Taking the Purple Phosphorous Army camp as the axis of symmetry, the iron-blooded army below and the void above, it is the Zijin Army hidden here!

Under the flag of the Zijin Army, Tang Chen, Ye Mengmeng, Young Master Tsinghua, and the gods and generals of the Zijin Army all stood in a painting environment under their feet.

In the painting environment, hundreds of millions of purple and gold troops lined up within the camp, watching from afar.On the one hand, he watched the battle between the Iron Blood Army and the Purple Phosphorus Army, and on the other hand, he waited for Commander Tang's order.

Tang Chen paid more attention to the transfer of the Ziphos Army's garrison.A large number of purple phosphorus army robot soldiers left the nest according to the casualties on the battlefield below.

The thinking of the mechanical race is different from that of the human race.They have no emotions and are more data-focused.

For example, the Eighteen Martial Gods of the Iron-Blooded Army sacrificed their magic weapons together.Blast a large group of machine warriors...

At this time, the mechanical radar of the Purple Phosphorus Army will quickly calculate, and the conclusion drawn is that the enemy's attack trend is increasing, and it is necessary to strengthen our own combat power!
Following that, a large number of Purple Phosphorus Army robots were sent out of the barracks.In this way, at the beginning of the battle, the Eighteenth Iron-Blooded Army's five-star Martial Gods will inevitably increase their attack power, and at the same time sacrifice magic weapons, they will also supplement them with talismans!
In this way, the battlefield monitoring radar of the Purple Phosphorus Army will continue to issue orders to increase troops.Continue to increase the number advantage....

Tang Chen's spiritual thought carried a ring with an inscription pattern, which contained countless talismans and precious magic weapons, and it was extremely lethal.

He released it quietly and secretly helped the Iron-Blooded Army. Of course, these small actions could not be hidden from the eighteen Iron-Blooded Five-Star Martial Gods. Maybe they knew that they were wrong, and they would ignore Tang Chen without thanking them...

Boom boom~!

Tang Chen continued to release big moves, reducing the casualties of many iron-blooded troops.In the wild dance of demons, Tang Chen created a pure land!
However, the Purple Phosphorus Army of the mechanical clan sent more robot fighters, Tang Chen didn't know about this, and it was unexpected.

Therefore, Tang Chen's divine sense seemed very embarrassed.

Tang Chen himself didn't expect to be able to escape with all the shadows.He is more concerned about the deployment of the Ziphos Army camp!
With the passage of time, the dogmatic and rigid mechanical attributes of the mechanical clan finally emerged!
In the camp of the Purple Phosphorus Army, there are only less than ten million defenders.This is a tipping point!

Very important!What Tang Chen was waiting for was this moment.

Tang Chen let out a low voice, "Leading the Lei Army to stand by! After three breaths, the hot weapons on the watchtower in the dead corner of the Purple Phosphorus Army will be covered! Cross-covered!"

"Yes!" General Thunder Eater beside Tang Chen responded loudly and repeated the order: "After three breaths, the hot weapon watchtower in the dead corner of the Purple Phosphorus Army will cross cover!"

"Execute the order!" Tang Chen confirmed loudly.

General Thunder Swallowing, "Crack!" A military salute crossed his chest, and one stood at attention at his feet.Turned around and released it.

Shhhhh~!The ten thousand Yinlei soldiers of the Zijin Army quickly lined up and raised the Leiyin flag.That's a small triangular flag.There are lightning symbols on it that can be used multiple times.

After three breaths, Lei Jun communicated with the Void Thunder Pool, crackling lightning, like a vicious dog before raging, roaring in a low voice~!
"Every order covers ~!"


General Thunder Swallower gave an order, and half of the Lei army launched a thunder and lightning attack...

(End of this chapter)

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