Shushan Wushen

Chapter 336 Copying Home

Chapter 336 Copying Home

The thunder light is so sharp, resplendent and extremely dazzling, like a forest of bright steel knives, or like a wild electric python with flying scales, pouring down in a saturated manner in the form of raging waves!

The gurgling restlessness was already indescribable.But in fact, it is indeed surging.The momentum is unparalleled and magnificent.

In the camp of the Purple Phosphorus Army, the blind spot is where the radar is!The matrix radar is huge and powerful.But the most feared is undoubtedly the short circuit.

It is impossible for the power of lightning to harm the purple phosphorous army robot.Because purple phosphorus is formed by heating black phosphorus.The higher the temperature, the more abnormal the toxicity.

However, causing the radar energy input to be overloaded and short-circuited....It's really a small thing.

Two waves of Zijin Lei Lei Army were released alternately, and they covered each other. Together with the flowing Zijin Radar Army, they cleaned up completely.

This creates an artificial time node, the window period!

During this vacant period, the Purple Phosphorus Army was deaf, blind, and dumb at the same time.The remote sensing of radio waves let out a shrill neigh.

All the Purple Phosphorus Army of the mechanical clan were shocked together, and changed briefly; from a collective mechanical stylized attack to an autonomous attack.

But this moment, in the process of fighting to the death, time is so precious.A large number of purple phosphorus army robots were beaten to pieces~!
Boom boom~!

After the transformation, the robot finally showed a hideous and terrifying scene to the iron-blooded army. The mechanical heart made careful calculations, and if it was not sure of its strength, it blew itself up!

In an instant, the blazing rosy clouds, bright and dazzling, and the poisonous gas all over the sky, filled the space of one side after another.The Iron Blood Army died in large numbers.

Many elite soldiers of the Jagged Army did not die from combat attacks.Most are poisoned.The eyes are protruding, the seven holes are bleeding, the whole body is bruised, and the skin is oozing blood, which is very frightening.

This is the backbone of the human race, the leader of all spirits in the world.It is the death of a god.Countless visions appear in the sky!

The mourning flowers are in full bloom, constantly blooming and drifting away, and the black and white Hongqiao is constantly emerging, and then ashes...

Thunderbolts that were as red as blood, meandering across the sky, wandering and flickering, suddenly~, disappear~!It's even more sad and pathetic!
At this time, above the battlefield...

The camp of the Purple Phosphorus Army, with a sound of "Boom~!", another huge military camp appeared out of thin air, and the two overlapped.

A flower [Actinium Elaine] stands alone, its emerald face swaying.Release the majestic vitality.

Vitality is the best medicine to dispel toxins!Do whatever you want, a burst of vitality, howling with all kinds of poison, is useless.

The Zijin Army, who were a little timid at first, realized that their side was extraordinary, and they were overjoyed.

The desperation that had looked down on death as home, suddenly turned into a full-fledged combat power.Wherever they passed, big knives were brandished and big guns leaped.The big sword came out of its hole like a spirit snake...

The scene is too shocking!The time to feel proud... is here!
In fact, Tang Chen has a trace of world power to maintain the Zijin Army from the general to the ordinary Martial God. It feels bad, and he can add the vitality of [Actinium Elaine] at any time.

Each mechanical heart is so precious, but at this moment, no one pays any attention to this easy-to-get military merit.

The strength and blood of a soldier can't be measured by the military merit of the supreme honor.It's more about releasing obscure emotions to your heart's content!
Some things, speak for themselves.How difficult it is to raise your eyebrows and let out the most depressing breath in your heart!
Today, feel proud!It's so cool~!

Tang Chen didn't do it himself, some great meritorious deeds, it's more honorable to hand them over to the real boss of the Zijin Army.

Young Master Tsinghua, with a leaf of [Actinium Elaine] in his mouth.Behind him, all the four-star Martial Gods were in the Zijin Army, defending with all their might.And Ya Fei Ye Mengmeng.


Under the guidance of Ye Mengmeng, they went deep into the underground space of the Ziphos Army camp.

"Shua~!" Young Master Tsinghua unfolded a pair of crimson flame scrolls in his hands, and the small bronze coffin in Ye Mengmeng's hand...that is, the wind insect [Coffin Devourer]... released a strange wind.


The scroll was upgraded in an instant, and Mr. Tsinghua's heart trembled suddenly, and a sense of control that he had never had before emerged spontaneously.

As far as the eye can see, everything is covered by the scroll!

Yafei Ye Mengmeng smiled slightly, but her beautiful eyes were sharp and clear.

She reminded softly: "The owner of the building."

"Hmm..." Young Master Tsinghua was in the five-star Martial God Realm, his brain was running fast, he was a little surprised, and suddenly sobered up.

He let out a low voice, very arrogant and flamboyant: "Take it~!"

Pull Lala~!

The space in front of him immediately wrinkled, as if a layer had been removed.Ripples continuously appear in the space, shimmering and mysterious.

Even a four-star Martial God still has some visual discomfort, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and dizziness.He even staggered a few times.

Of course, this is because the wind worm [Eat Coffin and Strange Tomb] withdrew the power of the strange wind.The painting environment has been reduced in dimensionality!

A frame of treasure map fluttered and flew into the hands of Mr. Tsinghua.

Young Master Tsinghua quickly rolled up, and pouted solemnly, "Go! Retreat!"

They did not go back the same way, but directly tore through the void and stepped into the space channel.

The God and Demon Soldier [Unnamed Lakeside] monitored all of this and sent a reminder to Tang Chen in due course.

Tang Chen made a decisive decision, and with a wave of his hand, the picture in the Purple Phosphorus Army suddenly increased, covering all the territory of the original Purple Phosphorus Army, and then "Whee~!" soared into the sky.

Surrounded by the camp that originally belonged to the Purple Phosphorus Army, several swooped and circled, and landed at Tang Chen's feet.

Tang Chen's divine body quickly shrunk and disappeared into the camp.All around suddenly heard the excited cheers of mountains and tsunami.

Tang Chen laughed loudly: "Brothers! Hurry up and collect the loot! Hurry up, fool!"

It's a vulgar accusation, but it's even more heartwarming.Heart-burning and lung-burning!
The generals of the Zijin Army cheered, and began to reap the spoils wantonly. The military documents were written and written, and they were registered and confiscated one by one...

Tang Chen naturally had no time to pay attention to these hours.

He looked back and saw that the space where the Purple Phosphorus Army was located was empty, and there was nothing left!
Even the flag of the Purple Phosphorus Army is now under his feet.

Tang Chen hurriedly appeased his subordinates, and put away Zijinjun's picture.Hold it in your hand, step on the fairy phoenix Xiuxiu, the huge phoenix wings, shining brightly, swish~!Fall into the void.

The battle between the Purple Phosphorus Army and the Iron-Blooded Army's [-]th and [-]th star Martial Gods, as well as one hundred thousand elites, is over.

Eighteen five-star martial gods, with resplendent divine bodies, turned into a continuous star field in the void.The basic particle of each of their divine bodies is a star.

Those [-] elites also turned into galaxies of different levels.Brilliant, star-studded, sparkling.

The flaming purple phosphorus poisonous gas rose and lingered, and the lives on the stars died in large numbers.

Tang Chen sighed, and clenched his fists tightly.Bow down and salute respectfully.

"Warriors of the Iron Blood Army, you are the pride of the human race. Although I, Tang Chen, don't know your names. You even came to provoke my Zijin Army. But, you died in battle in the end! You deserve my Tang Chen's respect and respect." pay tribute!"


A petal [Actinium Elaine] suddenly shoots into this world, in the endless starlight, a burst of vitality, beeping away the poisonous gas....

After endless years, the flower of life will bloom on every star.

This is the hope of the human race!Live forever!
Tang Chen left behind the atmosphere of life, and moved a few stars to surround the flower of life.Afterwards, he planted the flag of the Iron Blood Army, left behind a flag of the Purple Gold Army, and left calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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