Shushan Wushen

Chapter 399 Looking straight at dripping 【Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 399 Looking straight at dripping 【Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen Works】

Tang Chen obviously activated the [Emperor's Looking Back], seeing it very far and very clearly.Through the snowflakes flying all over the sky, I saw the melting icebergs.The iceberg is shining with light, and there are violent internal cracks, which look very sharp.

Like the emerald among emeralds.The iceberg is crystal clear but not so clear.But it shows a kind of stability and majesty belonging to the mountain.

The mountain looked bloated due to the falling snow, and Tang Chen saw how graceful and handsome the mountain was.Looking down slightly, it was the sea....

It was so!
Tang Chen suddenly realized that the shiny harpoon that Master Zhiqing had never left his hand for a moment, and the blood stains were red and bloody.It turned out to be such a hint and mystery!

The stars in Tang Chen's body turned upside down, and the ground suddenly produced a strong repulsive force.So Tang Chen flew over from the peak of this snow mountain so calmly and indifferently.


A long saber of reincarnation suddenly appeared in Tang Chen's palm.

The knife smoothed out a bright arc, and at the foot of the snow-capped mountain in the distance, a crack of more than ten feet was split open.

Tang Chen smiled gracefully, put away the long knife, pinched his nose, and plunged into the sea water.

The water is cold, but not bone-piercing.Much more comfortable than the freezing cold outside.Limbs and bones are stretched comfortably.

Tang Chen put away the battle robe transformed by divine power, exposed his skin, and cruised in the sea like a dragon patrolling the sea.

The fish-like body's affinity for seawater is beyond Tang Chen's imagination.The dirt on his body gradually peeled off, and the blood stains on the cursive initials of the medicine guard were also washed away.

An unprecedented comfort, an unspeakable sense of transparency, a pleasure from the heart.It made Tang Chen happy.

chug chug....

Tang Chen's tongue curled up, splashing water, surging like a spring.Shining like pearls.The turbidity and dryness in the body disappeared.

The vision here obviously attracted a large number of swimming fish.Swooping, cruising over, like a thousand arrows being fired.There is also a monster called a penguin, which also swims over curiously.

Staring wide-eyed, he looked at Tang Chen in surprise.

"Hehe, it's just you!" Tang Chen smiled, reached out and grabbed the penguin's neck, and knocked the guy unconscious with another punch.


Tang Chen stepped on the waves and broke through the water. "Huh..." White mist rose from his mouth and nose, and a thin layer of brittle ice instantly formed on his body surface.With every gesture, it crackled and fell.

It landed with a bang.Tang Chen took out a handful of enlightenment tree leaves and lit the barbecue penguin.

Tang Chen has no flesh and no joy.Penguin meat is extremely rich in aura.The leaves of the Enlightenment Tree released the Dao Rhyme fluctuations again.The penguin's flesh quickly turned brown, dripping with fat.Make a beeping beeping sound.

The fragrance is strong, but the top of the snow mountain is too cold.The scent that wafted was frozen solid.It didn't drift far.

But the dazzling flames failed to hide from the eyes of Instructor Zhiqing.He has already reached the state of [Looking directly at the dripping].Seeing that it was Tang Chen, Teacher Zhiqing showed admiration and was very pleased.With a sway, he disappeared in place.Appearing again, it was Tang Chen's side.

"嚄~! Really fragrant!... Hiss... hiss!" Tang Chen carefully tore the penguin's body with his fingers.The corners of the mouth flowed crystal clear.Salivating....

Suddenly.An exclamation came from behind Tang Chen: "It's the Ice and Snow Elf King! Tang Chen, the Ice and Snow Elf you grilled!"


Tang Chen was startled, he accidentally grabbed a piece of hot barbecue, turned around and looked behind him, it was really Teacher Zhiqing.

"Tang Chen, why did you grill the Ice and Snow Elf Emperor? This is a waste. It needs to be mixed with herbs to maximize the decomposition rate of aura."

As he spoke, Teacher Zhiqing took out a handful of herbs.

Tang Chen was shocked. He didn't expect this guy to be a foodie.I saw; Silver Leaf Grass, Ningshen Flower, Ground Root Vine, Devil Emperor Leaf, Dieda Branch, Swift Flower, Emperor Blood Grass, Wild Gang Flower, Thorn Algae, Winterthorn Grass Icecap Grass, Nightmare Vine.He took a little of each, smashed it carefully, and sprinkled it evenly.

Immediately, the aroma was restrained, and then quickly permeated into the cooked meat, the fat glistened, and quickly solidified, like warm jade.The aura is completely solidified, shining brightly, and there is a sound of knocking.

Tang Chen said angrily: "Why are you still eating?"

"Haha, you won't eat this? Tch~!" Instructor Zhiqing curled his lips, as if deliberately teasing Tang Chen.Put away the big bottles and jars of herbs.A small fork and a small dagger were brought out.

The small dagger cut off a piece of meat, forked it with a fork, and stuffed it gracefully into his mouth.Chew slowly.A pleasant smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Tang Chen also took out a small knife, drew a few lines in a criss-cross pattern, and cut it out with the knife.He also picked out a piece of penguin meat and put it in his mouth. Suddenly, an indescribable fragrance exploded in his mouth with a bang.

Tang Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, the sour taste was really wonderful.Tang Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and moaned in ecstasy.

"Mmmmmm..., umm.... Yo Yo Yo... Hiss..."

Instructor Zhiqing was amused, squinted at Tang Chen, and said teasingly, "No such thing. You will feel pleasure after eating some delicious food? People will think that I have done something to you?"

"嚄~!" Tang Chen exhaled a clean breath.Got back to God.

Negotiating solemnly: "Mr. Zhiqing, it's insulting to say these words from your mouth. It's hard to be elegant. Your tall and majestic figure in my heart collapsed in an instant!"

Instructor Zhiqing smiled and said: "Collapse, let's collapse, anyway, you have already graduated from the teacher! It would be better if we become friends in the future!"

Tang Chen was stunned and froze on the spot.He hesitated and asked tentatively: "Zhiqing, what's going on? I..."

Tang Chen was afraid that the trap he had set up would be reported by Zhiqing, or exposed.However, the possibility of being exposed is extremely small.On the contrary, the possibility of being reported by Zhiqing is relatively high.However, Teacher Zhiqing doesn't seem to have that kind of personality either.

Instructor Zhiqing was also very restrained, he cut off a small piece of flesh like a fist and put it in his arms.Solemnly explain:
"Tang Chen, the first floor of the Futu Pagoda, the top of the Futu Mountain, is mainly to let you realize the 'true meaning of mountains and seas'."

"The true meaning of mountains and seas?" Tang Chen raised his eyebrows suddenly.It's unknown.

Instructor Zhiqing said: "It's easy to see mountains, but it's hard to see seas. Mountains and seas depend on each other, and you can see scriptures. The vast sea of ​​universe, the mountains of shining stars! How can you see without the distraction of wisdom eyes? [Pull the clouds to see the fog] is qualified, but it's not worth it [straight Eye-catching]? Tang Chen, you are extraordinary!"

Tang Chen listened in a cloud of fog, feeling extremely mysterious.The seven orifices in the brain are opened and six orifices are opened, and none of them can understand.

Instructor Zhiqing smiled inscrutablely and did not explain.As soon as the words were finished, he picked up the knife and fork and ate.

Tang Chen squinted his eyes, carefully pondering Zhiqing's lecturer.Before you know it, the stars move, the moon hangs high, and then the sun rises in the east, shining all over the clear sky.

Another few days.When Tang Chen woke up, there was only a pair of naked penguin skeletons in front of him.Teacher Zhiqing has a round stomach.His face was flushed, and he was actually snoring like thunder.

"Wow! I was calculated. This guy cheated my flesh!"

Tang Chen realized that he had been cheated, and flew into a rage. Taking advantage of Teacher Zhiqing's sound sleep, he swung the Samsara Knife to draw a crack in the ice, and threw the thing into the ice water...

(End of this chapter)

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