Shushan Wushen

Chapter 400 Fight! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 400 Fight! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Tang Chen realized that Zhunti Zhenren had a high opinion of himself.He even regarded his name as a treasure, not to mention anything else.Therefore, I looked down on him in my heart.

I think this quasi-professional person is too good at pretending.The reason why I say pretending is that it lives up to the name.That's because; a noble existence, who would do this errand?
This is humiliating wow!
So Tang Chen resolutely did not respond with a smile, but just nodded politely.No clasping fists, let alone bowing.It gave people the impression that the real Zhunti reported to Tang Chen, and Tang Chen replied with a 'know'.

It is similar to the "read" in the official document!
Zhunti Zhenren made a boring discussion, which was very embarrassing.Nezha saw the clue, and took the opportunity to get closer and communicate with Queen Medusa.Explain Tang Chen's character.

And many preparatory students, as well as many tutors, were all shocked and extremely astonished.You know, Zhunti Zhenren is not an ordinary person!
Even King Qin Guang is an existence that needs to be looked up to!
"Tower Master! I'll help you teach this kid a lesson! He's a stunned man, he doesn't understand anything!" Instructor Zhiqing was furious, holding the harpoon in his hand, with a mighty and amazing momentum, he stabbed at Tang Chen fiercely.

There was heavy thunder and little rain, the momentum was frightening, and there were thunderbolts and lightning, but there was no murderous intent at all.

"Tower Master?" Tang Chen's heart skipped a beat.There was a 'buzz' in the head.It seems that Zhenti Zhunti is really not an ordinary guy.The origin must be amazing!
Zhunti Zhenren glanced at Teacher Zhiqing, waved his sleeves, swung the harpoon away, and reprimanded kindly: "Are you fooling a ghost? Is this old man such a stingy person? Those who walk out of Samsara University must have this character! Tang Chen is very It suits my heart. How can I be embarrassed? Let's go!"

Tang Chen's heart tightened suddenly, his tone was so kind, but without any emotion.It is clear that Zhunti Zhenren is very dark-bellied.

Before he had time to make a careful judgment, the azure blue mist had already rushed up, and Tang Chen was lost in it afterward.In the end, there was only the sentence: "... let's go!"

Moment!The azure blue is no longer bright, and rapidly thins out. The scene in front of me changes, and it turns out to be a desolate suburb, with towering ancient trees, strange pines, and weeds reborn.Vaguely an ancient road, dilapidated.

Tang Chen turned his gaze back and landed on the real Zhunti who was a foot away. This time he respectfully clasped his fists.

"Master Tower Master..."

"No! You are not qualified yet. Please call the old man Zhunti Zhenren." Zhunti Zhenren's tone was kind, but the content was still extremely arrogant.

Tang Chen was at a loss for words.I am glad that I am wise, just clasped my fists, and did not bend down to bow.Otherwise, it's really a big loss.This quasi-professional person deserves respect.

Respect is mutual.One-sided respect is flattery.Tang Chen didn't like it.

Zhunti Zhenren's kind tone sounded leisurely: "This is the starting point of Jieyang Road, called; Ancient Pine Forest. Let's fight!"

After saying that, there is no following, and there is no succession, Zhunti Zhenren disappeared out of thin air.The azure blue mist under his feet turned into a strange ore and stayed in place.

"Is it azurite? Or malachite?" Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide. This is a precious treasure.

He walked a foot away.Suddenly lost his voice: "This is the malachite associated with azurite!"

The growth of this gem is majestic, and the green is bright and rich.The jagged lines are exquisitely crafted, the composition is dense and dense, the momentum is coherent, the wind gathers the energy, it is not hung or leaked, and the inner content is the best in the world.

Tang Chen still kept in mind the phrase "Let's fight!" He didn't dare to slack off and relax, and he shot like lightning, extremely fast, and grabbed the azure sapphire...

Unexpectedly..., there were many changes.


Azure sapphire, rub rub rub~!Rising against the wind.It suddenly became towering.This is not a gem, it is only a few feet away, so close to the end of the world.

Walking closer, I suddenly saw clearly, this..., this is a high mountain!
What a stalwart mountain!So magnificent and majestic.The momentum is indescribably amazing.The mountain is amazing, but not steep. There are countless platforms with gentle slopes, all of which have leanings on the sides and covers on the back. Pairs of eyes are shining like small lanterns....

"Wow..." Tang Chen backed away in shock.

Where did so many ferocious beasts come from, their coercion and restraint, their murderous intent had already locked on Tang Chen.

Cracking Sky, Coral Unicorn, Scarlet Flame Golden Beast, Ice Armored Horned Demon Dragon, Eight-Clawed Fire Chinch, Nine-Winged Sky Dragon, Lightning Bat Dragon, Blue-Winged Sea Dragon Beast, Cracking Sea Dragon Whale, Kui Niu...

The top ten fierce beasts in Shan Hai Jing, here, turned out to be the appearance of Cheng Zhi.This is amazing!Tang Chen couldn't help but tremble with fear.

You know, he hasn't recovered his five-star Martial God cultivation yet.

Not to mention the five-star Martial God, the current stage of the Martial God's cultivation has not yet reached perfection.

Boom boom boom...

Before the body of the eight-clawed fire chinchilla arrived, the flames from the big claws roared towards it.Tang Chen's feet moved rhythmically, and he stepped on the [Nine Palaces and Fifteen Steps], unfolding the extreme speed, constantly changing directions, and the speed increased steadily...

Kankan dodged the pursuit of the flames, but unexpectedly, the nine-winged dragon above his head was so astonishingly fast.I have already been waiting for Tang Chen on the way...

Clang clang clang...!
The nine wings intertwine, and there are thunder and light rays rubbing out, "Aww..." There is also the roar of Tianlong, which is shocking.

Later, the eight-clawed fire chinchilla pursued and attacked, and the nine-winged dragon killed him.Tang Chen didn't dare to fight anymore. With a sound of "嗖~!", he got into the painting environment.

"Hey~, it's so dangerous!" Tang Chen often let out a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, the Lightning Bat Dragon shot over, and sound waves filled the entire space.He quickly discovered where Tang Chen existed.

Ka Ka Ka...

Black lightning, extremely strange and dull, struck the painting environment one after another.

Rumble rumbling~~~~.

Tang Chen was shocked suddenly, his face turned pale.

The painting environment was created by Feng Yuliu Yanmei.The most afraid of alien thunder and electric fire.All things generate and restrain each other.Really dangerous.Tang Chen's heart was beating wildly, and cold sweat broke out on his temples.

Too late to think about it, whoop~!Tang Chen stepped out of the painting environment and put away the painting environment.

Can't escape!
Can't escape!

How to do?
fighting!Only fight to the end!
Tang Chen "Shua~!" He drew out the long saber of reincarnation.Before he could take off the scabbard in time, he held the handle of the knife with both hands, "Shh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that's when he held the handle of the knife with both hands."

The sword light pierced the air, and the airflow roared.Sharp and harsh.Tang Chen's wrist vibrated, and the trajectory he slid over was continuous and undulating, like sawtooth, and even more powerful than a big stick.

In fact, this is the secret technique of [Nine Palaces Picking Flowers], the constant shaking is the process of accelerating again and again.

Knife..., the speed is getting faster and faster!uniform acceleration.The speed climbed extremely rapidly!Almost unbelievable!


Lie Tiansi yelled miserably, one ear was split open by Tang Chen, and she fell to the ground with a bang.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi...!" The coral unicorn's horn was cut off by Tang Chen, and crimson lava dripped down and moved to the ground. It was not ordinary blood, but coral polyps!
The Scarlet Flame Golden Beast breathed out fire, and rushed towards it at a high speed.The ice-armored horned dragon "Momomomo..." actually let out an extremely dull roar, and rushed towards Tang Chen frantically.

Don't be afraid to die!

(End of this chapter)

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