Shushan Wushen

Chapter 426 The Snow Clan

Chapter 426 The Snow Clan

Pangu created the world, burned the blood of the gods, and the body of the treasure split and turned into mountains and rivers.In the vastness, his body cells were decomposed into countless stars, and his organs turned into a sea of ​​stars in the universe. With the help of Tang Yangmei, they reflected the heavens and created a great world.

As a reward for friendship, Pangu vacated a party named "Xiaoyao Universe" as a gift to Tang Yangmei.And buried his own shadow with the head of his friend.

The star that witnesses friendship is the cool star.

Pangu did not regard Cool Star as the Pangu God Realm.It was covered with dust as a pure land.Disturbance is not allowed.

At this time, in this vast expanse, countless chaos glowed with spiritual wisdom, and new lives were born.Some are still special beings.For example, the Genesis Spirit.

Nuwa was born from chaos, she did not go to the ocean of latitude to plunder the human race according to Pangu and Tang Yangmei's ideas.Instead, he did not hesitate to expend blood and divine power to create countless small clay figurines from loess.

Time flies, and the years are white clouds and dogs.The addition of a piglet and a snow mastiff made the reproduction smoother.

After creating the Pangu God Realm, Pangu and Tang Yang raised their eyebrows and sat in the heavenly court to rule.

Everything is calm and beautiful.


After endless years, the reproduction is so vigorous, there are too many people in Pangu Heaven and Earth, countless thought inheritances were born out of thin air, selfish and distracting thoughts are extremely complicated, like mushrooms after rain, they continue to breed.Desire grows desperately like a weed.The mind also becomes very different.

The world is going downhill, an era of intrigue and strife, has opened the curtain.

Later the Jade Emperor appeared, he was so stunning and gorgeous, he captured the hearts of countless young girls who were as proud as a big white goose.But no one thought that this thing was actually a body of divine sense.He was armed with heavy troops, and the members of that regiment were incredibly powerful.Even more frightening is the intangibility and quality.Come and go without a trace.

There is no defense and no defense.

Pangu's last spiritual body was annihilated, and the Pangu God Realm fell.Tang Yangmei was very unwilling to fight Yu Sui to death.pity!The general situation was over, Tang Yang was unable to support himself with one arm, and his comrades around him were seriously injured and fell down. Even he escaped to the latitude ocean only by relying on the Great Buddha Pagoda.In the end, this starry sky post road was opened up to receive lonely souls and wild ghosts.

In fact, the size of the starry sky road is beyond imagination, and there are countless underworlds like the Great Buddha Pagoda.

These are all called the places of samsara.

Tang Yangmei described: "The Great Buddha Pagoda has developed to a certain stage, and it is destined to return to the ocean of latitude, and open up a chaotic world in the vastness. Reappear the glory of a great world."

Tang Chen was very dazed when he heard this.Because it was beyond the scope of his thinking.If what Tang Yangmei said is true, then the underworld and the underworld are a circulatory system of reincarnation.Some are similar to the life, old age, sickness and death in the cities in the entrance examination.

Tang Chen asked politely, and Tang Yangmei gave an affirmative answer.So far, the rule system of the world is like this.The so-called Yangjian is a place in the underworld where the body is rebuilt.That flesh and blood body is far inferior to the spiritual body!

Tang Chen's faith collapsed a bit and was on the verge of falling.There was even more turmoil in my heart, and I couldn't calm down for a long time. "Made! I've been living like a ghost and a ghost!"

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows without waiting for Tang Chen's words to come out, and nodded straightly: "Yes! You can call yourself a human, or a ghost. But the more powerful ones are called ghosts. Or, there is a grand-sounding title, calling yourself a ghost. Be a god of war. If you are a fierce ghost who is stunningly beautiful and crushes all ghosts, then you are the Supreme!"

Tang Chen couldn't help closing his eyes, and it started to rain in his heart.Very majestic, the rain is cold.New perceptions are always so difficult to accept.That is to say, the opposite is Tang Yangmei, if others say so.Tang Chen had already slapped him across the face.Isn't this nonsense!incredible!

However, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows, how could it be false?Tang Chen sighed and sighed.

In the end, Tang Yang expressed his eyebrows very flatly, and said: "Now I am just a wisp of remnants, not even the original soul body. Otherwise, with my character, I must come out for a walk if I have nothing to do."

Tang Chen asked: "Master, what is the origin of the Jade Emperor?"

"I don't know the true origin of the Jade Emperor. But one thing is certain, the Jade Emperor is from the Snow Clan."

"Snow Clan?"

"Yes! The Snow Clan is an ancient God Clan. It is very mysterious. Their newborn Snowman is quite similar to the Aqua Clan. It is generally considered to be a branch of the Water Spirit Clan or the Ice Spirit Clan. But I have focused on this for endless years. The truth is surprising. The Snow Clan is an existence that surpasses the Water Spirit Clan and the Ice Spirit Clan. The existence of the Snow Clan is so long ago. In fact, it is almost the same as saying that the Water Spirit Clan and the Ice Spirit Clan are offshoots of the Snow Clan."

"Ah? That's the truth!" Tang Chen was shocked.

Tang Yang nodded and told Tang Chen: "You and I are both from Shu Mountain, you and I have the same blood. We have the same belief. We are both disciples of Tang Sect. The concept of martial arts is the same. You have obtained my [Creation Jue] inheritance again. Therefore, you In doing things, we must abide by the rules of martial arts and never forget our original intention. When walking in the rivers and lakes, always keep in mind that a great chivalrous man is the star of the world. Don’t be arrogant and bully others. Be kind to others, don’t do good because it’s small, don’t do evil because it’s small, and act recklessly , it's even worse. Can you abide by it?"

"Yes!" Tang Chen's answer was decisive and firm.

Tang Yangmei nodded in relief, his eyes were bright, showing appreciation, and he smiled: "So, you have two choices, one is to call me the Patriarch of Shushan, or the Patriarch of Tangmen. The other is to call me I am the master. You and I are determined, and we can meet the ceremony!"

Tang Chen actually respected Tang Yangmei very much.He was a little hesitant, and simply said directly: "Old Patriarch of the Tang Sect, it is said that I am the current Patriarch of Shushan. Hehe, besides, you and I both have the blood of Shushan. Within the Tang Sect, blood relatives do not need to be called masters and apprentices." Both of them are disciples in the sect... Hiss~! On the one hand, the family love is hard to bear, and on the other hand, the teacher's kindness is like a mountain. Tsk tsk."

As he said that, Tang Chen took out a token, it was Tang Ling of Shushan, red as blood, neither gold nor jade, but extremely warm and moist.The nostrils flutter, and there is a faint fragrance.There is a gorgeous pearl in the middle, the golden glow is thick and outrageous, but it is extremely restrained.

The golden light is very dim, not dazzling or dazzling.It is as low-key as a black hole, as if it can absorb all the energy that looks at it.

This is the precious purple gold.The Purple Gold Pearl is a spiritual thought of the Shushan Martial God.

The life-saving thing left by the Martial God of Shushan to his heirs in the past.After the death of his first life, this 【Shushan Tang Token】was regarded as a sacred object of Shushan, and the branches of Tangmen all over the world took it as the token of the head of the family.

"Ah? My Divine Mind Pearl! It's actually..." Tang Yang burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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