Shushan Wushen

Chapter 427 I'm concerned

Chapter 427 I'm concerned

"With this divine sense, my primordial soul will surely be revived!" Tang Yang raised his fist firmly.

He is now just a broken divine sense, or the broken divine sense of the original soul.There are really not many sources.However, with this divine sense, it is different.This is like a seed.Originally, the 'embryo' of Tang Yangmei's seed was broken.Don't talk about germination with Tang Yang's eyebrows.Even if they exist, they are few and far between.In the slow cleansing of the years, he has already run out of fuel.He committed himself to the Great Buddha Pagoda.But once out of the Great Buddha Pagoda, it will be annihilated in ashes as soon as it emerges.

However, just when Tang Yangmei was about to disappear.Tang Chen brought him a peerless gospel.Tang Yangmei doesn't have to disappear anymore!

"I will teach you the formula of the Great Summoning Technique, and you will chant it for me in a while, summoning my soul to return."

Tang Yangmei was ecstatic, his breath was rushing, and he was very restless.Visible lingering.Very messy.Of course, this is the case for everyone who survives a desperate situation.Things that were so hopeless and helpless suddenly turned around.into expectations and longings.And is expected to achieve all ideals.

Just like a beggar who was about to starve to death, he inherited a large amount of inheritance just before his death.Suddenly, he became a rich man.Exquisite food.A burly bodyguard, a beautiful and gentle health doctor.Groups of servants, manor castles, wine cellars….

Life becomes complete.So the sky is no longer full of haze, and there are white doves flying.What a cheerful mood!
"Okay!" Tang Chen solemnly promised, and agreed immediately.

In fact, Tang Chen had just uttered the word 'good', and an extremely obscure mental formula had already appeared in Tang Chen's mind.

Taking root on the ground has become part of Tang Chen's indelible memory.

Tang Yang licked his tongue impatiently, staring at the [Shushan Tang Ling] in his hand, with tears dripping from the corner of his eyes.

Tang Chen smiled, and proposed to go out to summon the soul.


A bright stream of light jumped out of Xiameng Mountain, bypassed the Great Buddha Mountain, and went straight to the gate of the first floor of the Great Buddha Tower.

Outside the gate is the endless starry sky post road. Ten thousand miles away, Tang Yang stopped, and handed over the scarlet blood token in his hand to Tang Chen.

Outside the Great Buddha Pagoda, there is still an endless stream of ghosts and ghosts escorting them.The starlight outside is different from the starlight inside the tower, and it looks a bit dark.No doubt it feels more real.Surrounded by nebulae and shining with stars, there is always a sense of restlessness, Gao Yuan is even more inexplicably kind.

Tang Chen came out of the Great Buddha Pagoda, dressed in a blue robe of a regular student, handsome and handsome, with a jade tree facing the wind, wearing a blue shirt, he was peerless.There are many female ghosts screaming nympho.caused confusion.

"Master Zheng Ke, please show your token!" a ghost general shouted.

According to the rules, no one is allowed to enter and leave the Great Buddha Tower without a token.Unless reincarnation Charon.Even reincarnation inner guards can't do it.

However, who is Tang Chen?He enslaved more than 1000 million regular students, and he was a regular student of the University of Reincarnation in Dafutu Mountain.Although the token was not directly issued to Tang Chen, Tang Chen did have the token in his hand.

Tang Chen palmed, and took out a token and armband.

"What are your orders?" The ghost general immediately changed his countenance, showing extreme humility.Generally speaking, all Zheng Ke who become reincarnation Hades are born with pride.The pride of Samsara University.Ordinary people can't afford to offend.

"Send [-] ghost soldiers to seal off the southwest direction! No one is allowed to enter." Tang Chen ordered loudly.

"Yes, my lord!" The ghost general bowed down to salute, and took orders to leave.

The status of a regular student who is qualified to walk out of the Great Buddha Tower in a blue robe is extremely extraordinary.There must be a major mission.Ghost generals dare not offend, and they are very efficient in their actions.Turn around and set it up.

To the southwest of the Great Buddha Pagoda, Tang Chen stepped on a nebula, surrounded by stars, and gradually released his breath.

With a bang, Tang Chen transformed from a fish-eyed body into a Martial God star body.I saw that Tang Chen instantly turned into a human-shaped galaxy. This galaxy is like a waterfall, towering to the sky, extremely majestic, majestic and astonishing.

Star Waterfall.

A big star, a bright little star, starry.Very bright.The waterfall is so vast, filled with hundreds of thousands of miles of starry sky.Yingying cancan, spreading endless brilliance.

This is one of the few times Tang Chen showed his astral body. He didn't expect such a terrifying aura, and he was terrified. "My astral body is so big! This is a man who is indomitable! Hahaha."

Tang Chen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the sky trembled, the nebula rolled over his mouth and nose, and there were stars hesitating.The light here is bright and dark, very eye-catching.All the ghosts and remnants on the starry sky post road were horrified and terrified.Natou bows.The escorting ghost pawn drew out the Samsara Long Saber, Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka... Even a slash was useless.

"What is this?" Tang Chen was startled suddenly, and saw a bracelet on his astral body wrist. The eight beads were very illusory, and one was very solid, unlike the original gray and white crystal. Incomparably white, like a bright moon.shining brightly.

Under Tang Chen's shocked gaze, when the ghosts and souls knelt down to worship, misty mist floated out from above their heads, and then rippled like nebulae, seeming to be summoned, whoosh~ ~.It floated towards Tang Chen, and in a flash, it disappeared into the string of beads.

The illusory bead gradually solidified, and the bead that surpassed the moon became even brighter.It is getting whiter and more dazzling, as if it wants to swallow all the darkness.It's like a chaotic white hole in the vastness!
"This is too extraordinary, such a vision, it is truly extraordinary!"

Tang Chen's eyes were immediately bright, and the light that was [-] meters long gushed out.He activated [Fire Eyes] to examine it carefully.

"There is a breath of golden sand of all spirits! It's a pity that the structure of the universe has not been completely finalized. It has a prospect, it should be a great opportunity. What a great fortune!"

Tang Chen felt joy in his heart, very happy.The beads from the Yumu cart are still evolving, and what the Yumu devours is the idea of ​​the ghosts and souls kneeling down to be born.

"Is this the power of faith? It is really a great power to be able to change the world. No wonder so many powerful people are keen to recruit believers, shape themselves into gods, and let the believers kneel down to worship! It really is a good thing."

This was a surprise, beyond Tang Chen's imagination.He inadvertently felt a force again.It's amazing and stalwart, Tang Chen is very happy.However, he did not get carried away.There is business to do.

Tang Chen resolutely restrained his breath, concentrated and held his breath.With a solemn face, he solemnly pinched out his law fingers, and gradually a sacred aura communicated with the vastness.

Tang Chen sang loudly: "That lonely soul wandering in the boundless, please stop in the Southwest Continent. Here is your endless concern... Look back! ~ Let's look back again! Let your footsteps stop at the position you raised , turn around resolutely, and walk towards the obsession in your heart! Come and see! This is your true destination! The ten-dimensional space is not the end of your lonely journey! Unleash your prehistoric power, step towards me, and think of your past Glory, that unparalleled splendor! Come back! Heed my divine call...!"

Tang Chen held up the [Shushan Tangling] with the other hand, and the blood light filled the vast expanse for a hundred thousand miles.The nebula is rolling, the big star is wandering, and the trajectory is messy.A body of divine thoughts that glowed all over appeared out of nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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