Shushan Wushen

Chapter 428 Owing

Chapter 428 Owing

Tang Yangmei's spiritual body is tall and burly, with extremely broad shoulders and very bright eyes.He looked arrogantly at Tang Chen, curled his lips rudely, and said impatiently: "Junior! You called me..."

This guy still thinks that he is the Martial God of Shushan, very reckless and arbitrary.It's preconceived.However, when he sensed..., he immediately stopped talking.Shocked all over his face: "I'm actually dead!"

"I'm calling back your soul!" Tang Chen nodded calmly, there was no wave in the ancient well.Neither humble nor overbearing.

"Okay! If there is any trouble, please speak up. Remember! Don't be afraid, I am in everything!" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows in this spiritual body, very arrogant and righteous.The rebellious and rebellious face is full and densely written.He dropped a sentence in a very awesome way, and stood with his hands behind his back.Keeping the domineering spirit of who I am.

Tang Chen sighed from the bottom of his heart, with such a temper, it's no wonder that others don't move.It's too pretentious.Having fallen to this level, he still puts on airs, wants to have a style, and is poor and particular!So out of gregarious!
In any team, such guys are, as many as they die!This is a stepping stone to hone the rise of other small teams!The perfect hostile target!
The thoughts in Tang Chen's mind were swept away, and he had a preliminary judgment on Tang Yangmei in this life.Bad impression.I also understand why his ups and downs are so special, he asked for it!Character determines destiny.

This was just a flash of thought, Tang Chen continued to sing, calling for the wandering remnant soul, or, returning to the energy body of the ten-dimensional space...

Soon, the stars moved, and the constellations followed the trajectory of the stars, and the starry sky changed.Tang Chen's great summoning technique also blurred endless years.This has nothing to do with the specific flow of time, this is a wonderful causal summoning across latitudes, which is much better than the so-called 'big summoning technique' taught to Tang Chen by the real martial arts knight Dong Bo Xueying back then!

The vastness changes, the nebula collides with the nebula, a laser is born, and amidst the lightning and thunder, wisps of mist come across the domain.

From the future, from the past, from the present, I don't know where else it came from, the mist that came one after another, involuntarily approached Tang Yangmei, the Martial God of Shushan, and disappeared suddenly.

Tang Yang's eyebrows were still very calm, the big star burst in front of him, the kind that didn't even blink his eyelids.Stretching out his left hand very freely, a star-studded five-layered mountain is presented in a majestic and unspeakable posture.

Tang Chen squinted, his eyelids twitching involuntarily.This product is really extraordinary.Wuchongshan is also the aggregation of the five-star Martial God's spiritual body, and the tiniest mountain particle is a gorgeous pearl.

The Wuchong Mountain in front of me is very illusory, only three or five places are shining brightly, which proves that the return is really a drop in the ocean.However, this five-fold mountain is too domineering.It can be seen that in this life of Tang Yangmei Shushan Martial God, his cultivation base has a solid foundation, and it is definitely honed out.Otherwise, how could it be so cuiwei, how could it be so majestic.

I don't know how much time has passed, the mist is like curling cooking smoke, sometimes interrupted, sometimes thick, and more often very thin.The Wuchong Mountain of Tang Yangmei, the Martial God of Shu Mountain, has finally been mostly transformed into a substantial form.The bright starlight flowed slowly, illuminating Tang Yangmei's spiritual body, and also shining brightly in the southwest corner of Xingkong Post Road.

This place has become a sacred and beautiful scenery, and it has become a common practice for the souls of the past to worship in the southwest direction.The ghost soldiers did not interfere.

Even ghost soldiers bow down and bow down.Express the worship of the strong.

Starry Sky Post Road, time is shining and evaporating.It cannot be retained, the flow rate cannot be reduced, and even peerless powers are powerless.

Finally on this day, the last ray of sacred light rose from Tang Yangmei, the Martial God of Shushan.About [-]% of the five layers of mountains have become real.When Tang Chen was running [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes], he looked very carefully. There were only a few thousand of the gorgeous pearls transformed into one-star Martial God Divine Mind, and they were dilapidated.It should be that the cultivation base is too weak, and it has already become the purest energy body, and I don't know where it went.

There are as many as 50 two-star and three-star Martial God pearls, surpassing the number of one-star Martial God Nian body gorgeous pearls, and there are only more than [-] four-star Martial God Nian body gorgeous pearls.However, the gorgeous pearls transformed into four-star martial gods are not the least.Because the spiritual body of the five-star Martial God only formed three gorgeous pearls, and they were still dilapidated and dull.

Five layers of mountains, the first layer is higher than the first layer.In the palm of Tang Yang's eyebrows, the sacred mountain is shining brightly, surrounded by nebula.Holy.There is a kind of incomplete beauty, which is soul-stirring.

"Back then you fought hard enough!" Tang Chen praised.

There is no doubt that the five-star Martial God's spiritual body was basically exhausted at that time.And in the mist, there are still a few statues of Tang Yangmei in a graceful and luxurious form, presumably they are the incomplete souls of the Great God Yangmei in his life.Meng Tangchen also returned after performing the big summoning technique this time.

Tang Yang's eyebrows were ferocious, and he still looked unwilling, extremely resentful.The obsession in his heart was biting his mind regularly like a poisonous snake.He did not respond for a long time.

Wandering in the painful memories, the blood is always spurting, and the eyes are about to burst.Tang Yang raised his eyebrows for a long time before raising his head, looking squarely at Tang Chen, nodded, and said without thinking: "Your cultivation is worse than mine! If I am the God of Ultimate Strength, you are not as good as me!"

Tang Chen couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect this guy to be so crippled, and he still regarded himself as an imaginary enemy in his heart.It was too cold and speechless.

"If I have [Wan Gu Heng Duan Da Fu Tu Mei], you are even worse than me!" Tang Chen wanted to hate him, but he didn't go along with his words.

"Pfft~!" Tang Yangmei, the Martial God of Shu Mountain, smiled, very happy!

In fact, in his era, no one dared to speak out against him so bluntly.What he felt was more novelty.

Because he is the martial god of Shu Mountain, Tang Yangmei, arrogant and domineering, and he was also praised by countless great powers.The so-called killing!

Holding them up, pointing behind their backs, colluding secretly, forming alliances secretly, and finally erasing everything from body to soul...

This is a classic prank.Many people are like this, unknowingly, they fall into the trap, are confused and isolated, and lose their fame and prestige in a daze.When it is realized, it is terminal cancer and there is no cure.The reputation is gone, the general trend is gone.

Only he let out a long sigh, vomited blood, and blood dripped from his heart.The era that seemed to belong to him came to an end.

Tang Yangmei, the Martial God of Shu Mountain, is not stupid, on the contrary he is very wise.Tang Chen hated him so much.He felt a wave of popularity.The hot turmoil in my heart actually felt cool, very pleasant!
Tang Chen saw it in his eyes, and knew that Tang Yang's eyebrows had changed emotionally.Distortions in character return in self-sharpening.Know that a good start is coming.

Tang Chen smiled slightly, and said kindly: "The merits and virtues are complete, let's go!"


Tang Chen restrained his aura, exiled the star body to the outside of the endless dimension, and returned to the form of spirit body and body again.

(End of this chapter)

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