Shushan Wushen

Chapter 434 Detonation

Chapter 434 Detonation

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Good things come in pairs!Recommended again!

Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!Thanks to the three giants for their love for "Shushan Warriors"!

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Tang Chen smacked it carefully, tasting a hint of its taste.feel bitter.Still, it's unbelievable.

"Master Yangmei, since you are the previous life of God Yangmei, you are also the owner of this Great Buddha Tower. See if you can try to communicate with the Great Buddha Tower and try to make Ling Xiao recognize the master..."

Tang Chen cautiously made tentative suggestions.Tang Yang shook his head with eyebrows, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You don't need to tell me, I've already done it."

Tang Chen was quite disappointed, but he did not give up and asked: "Then... what's going on?"

Tang Yang shook his head, glanced at Tang Chen, and sighed: "The old ghost inside is manipulating, and my summoning has been cancelled."

"Oh? How did this happen? What's wrong? The big summoning technique, but he handed it to me. It's a back-and-forth, regret it?" Tang Chen was clichéd again.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and sighed: "I understand his mood, he's just worried about gains and losses. After all, I have the thinking of one life, and he has the memory of two lives. He created this side of power again. I'm just not reconciled. These are two 'I' in Rivalry. Alas~!"

Tang Chen closed his mouth knowingly.This is too straightforward, even you, Tang Chen, don't mess around.Myself here and there.Let me be quiet, okay?

The Yangmei Patriarch in the pagoda is very dark-hearted, killing Tang Yangmei would be the best way to get rid of his soul.At that time, he will control the Pagoda of the Painting Realm, carry out meticulous recovery, and then refine it.This is the most reliable.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows outside the tower, his mind was very unrestrained, you are me, and I am you, why should we divide each other?How good it is to melt in one furnace.

What does this mean?Tang Yangmei, Martial God of Shu Mountain, was himself yesterday.He acted freely and without restraint.It's naive and romantic.However, the great god raised his eyebrows, but felt that the past was unbearable.Abandoning the past and welcoming a new life is the main theme.

One wants to continue the glory of life, and the other wants to overturn it and start over.

In this way, Yangmei competed with himself and got into the horns.

In this matter, Tang Chen couldn't help Tang Yangmei, nor could he help Yangmei God.

One is the master, and the other is the past life of the master.To be honest, I can only look at the scenery.

However, Tang Chen likes to watch 'cartoon'!
"King Qin Guang, do you know who offended Cao Zitou? I have many ghost warriors under my command, and I have heard some secrets!"

"What?" King Qin Guang's eyes burst into brilliance when he heard this.Incomparably bright, green and shiny.

Eyeballs are green.

"Pity my old brother! You even invited me to your Qin Guang palace for a drink..." Tang Chen sighed and expressed emotion.

The master of Wu Chi Hall pricked up his ears, extremely alert.Both paws drooped in front of the chest, as if about to pounce on it.

"Uncle Tang, please tell me!" King Qin Guang called, and there was an immediate change. You know, when we met for the first time, he called him 'Mr. Tang Chen'!
Tang Chen seemed to be filled with endless melancholy and nostalgia: "Brother Jiang! Why are you still so careful at such a young age, and you really live up to the name of 'Old Qin'! It's okay to go to the second-floor medicine field to steal some medicine!"

"Let go...," King Qin Guang was furious decisively, but then his face remained unchanged, and he quickly changed his words: "Don't worry! My old father will not steal medicine! Our family has nothing short of it."

Tang Chen shook his head, and stretched out a finger to shake in front of himself: "There may be no reason for it! You must know that the flowers and plants on the second floor are all plant demons. They have seen many things that they should not see. Master Wu Chi , You said, will someone go to kill people to silence them?"

"Ah...?" Hall Master Wu Chi was engrossed in listening, thinking about it, when he suddenly heard Tang Chen call his name.He lost his voice and hastily denied it: "Don't dare! Don't dare!"

"Don't dare?" King Qin Guang immediately heard something was wrong.

The grammatical error of this answer is too direct.

Could it be related to the Lord of Wuchi Palace?Swish!Swish!King Qin Guang shot two piercing gazes at the Lord Wu Chi.Majestic, domineering, and fierce murderous intent, firmly locked on the Lord Wu Chi.The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable.King Qin Guang is a super dutiful son.As long as there is even a trace of connection, King Qin Guang would never let it go!
The master of Wuchi Hall was also panicked, his hands were swaying like a windmill on his chest: "No, no, no! Don't get me wrong. You, you, you, you can ask Qin Yao and you will know. Princess Qin Yao knows everything."

"Qin Yao? What's the matter with the little demon?" King Qin Guang didn't turn his head, still locked on the Lord Wu Chi.

"I don't know!" Princess Qin Yao answered very simply.In fact, she didn't know it.

"Hahaha..." Tang Chen let out a wanton laugh there, laughing and saying: "The legends in the world are not believable! King Qin Guang, why do you have to be serious? Besides, my old brother has also gone ...He is a family lover, he has concerns. The Southwest Continent will definitely not go far away. He must be reincarnated and reborn. I want to see you in the future, and ask the Lord Wu Chi, maybe..."

"Father, his soul is gone! He has never become a god!" King Qin Guang's dark face showed endless sorrow and sadness.Hearing the Lord Wu Chi in his ears, the coercion suddenly increased.

"Master Wu Chi! What exactly do you know? What have you done? Please tell this king!" King Qin Guang said very bluntly.Bring Thunder Fury.

The master of Wuchi hall was full of resentment at this time. He thought it was Princess Qin Yao's fault, and he threw the big black pot on himself.Therefore, he stared angrily at Princess Qin Yao, but not at King Qin Guang.

"Do you really want to explain it here? You should go back to the palace and ask Qin Yao. Hmph~!" The Lord Wu Chi was also furious.

As a famous filial son, King Qin Guang took care of his family, which was almost instinctive.Of course he will not let the Lord Wu Chi go to question his daughter!
"This king wants you to say it! Say it quickly!" King Qin Guang pulled his throat and almost roared.

The Lord of Wuchi Palace has already felt the murderous intent of King Qin Guang, and King Qin Guang has reached the verge of going berserk.At any time, he might swing his big hand and slap his bones and tendons.

He and King Qin Guang are equal generations. In fact, for endless years, King Qin Guang has made great progress, his official career has been extremely smooth, and he has already become an existence on an equal footing with the two pagoda masters.In addition, King Qin Guang holds military power in his hands, and a large number of reincarnation guards and reincarnation inner guards are nominally under the command of the two tower masters, but in fact, the command power is in the hands of King Qin Guang.

In addition, the ghost commander, ghost general, and ghost soldiers are all directly under King Qin Guang's command.The power is amazing!
If not, how could Qin Yao deserve to be called a princess?In fact, Princess Qin Yao is like a prince in the University of Reincarnation, and even the entire Great Buddha Pagoda!

The three of them, the grandfather and the daughter, are so powerful that it is not an exaggeration!
"Don't force me! Tell me about it here, for you and me, you will lose your dignity!" The master of Wu Chi Hall threatened.

At this time, the nebula was stirring, there were big stars colliding in the distance, the wind was surging, the starry sky changed color, a large number of soul teams were in disorder, and were infected by the breath, and there were several unconscious mutinies.

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building.The starry sky changes color, an ominous omen.A big explosion that shook the Great Buddha Pagoda was about to be detonated under Tang Chen's instigation!
(End of this chapter)

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