Shushan Wushen

Chapter 435 1 Nian Shengren

Chapter 435 A Stranger with a Thought

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With a loud bang, King Qin Guang finally couldn't bear it anymore. He saw that the master of Wu Chi Palace was definitely an insider.The incident at the beginning of Yaotiancao is related to the mystery of Qin Laojiang's death.It's a big deal, how important it is.

The Lord of Wuchi Hall repeatedly touched King Qin Guang's bottom line again and again, and King Qin Guang was already furious.No slap to kill, just for interrogation.

"You! You, King Qin Guang, are too deceitful!" The master of Wu Chi shouted loudly as he coughed up blood, half of his face was rotten, and he was extremely miserable.


King Qin Guang protected the flag behind his back, and a strong wind was blowing, like a cloudy wind, sweeping across the Lord Wu Chi.


King Qin Guang grabbed the head of Hall Master Wu Chi with his big hand, and shouted sharply: "Speak! Or die!"

Lord Wu Chi, panicked now, his skull was rattling, and King Qin Guang's fingers had already been embedded in his belly.Very powerful and violent!A disagreement will definitely kill you.Stand dead.

"I say! Take it easy!"

"Talk~~~~~~!" King Qin Guang yelled with endless madness in his anger.The corners of the eyes were cracked, and bright red blood flowed horizontally.It is extremely terrifying.

"That day, Princess Qin Yao invited me to steal medicinal herbs from the medicine field on the second floor of the Futu Pagoda...and I made up to look like Elder Qin..." Palace Master Wu Chi spoke quickly.Princess Qin Yao became anxious immediately.

"What's the matter with me? Nonsense! Father!" Princess Qin Yao panicked.He stretched out his hand to grab Qin Guangwang's arm.

However, what the Lord Wu Chi told was indeed the original scene.Absolutely no rendering artifacts.

King Qin Guang has been in control of the regulation of reincarnation all year round, and has a thorough understanding of micro expressions. For endless years, he has a clear understanding of micro-expressions.

"Get out!" King Qin Guang's arms trembled, and a burst of divine power sent Princess Qin Yao flying.

Princess Qin Yao coughed up blood and flew upside down.Usually, this unruly princess is not very popular, and King Qin Guang is also bloodthirsty.Therefore, a strange scene unexpectedly appeared, the ghost commander, ghost general, and ghost soldier all pretended to be inadvertent and moved a few steps.

No one came to help.

The big banner is automatic in the absence of wind, awe-inspiringly unfurled, and the army is mighty.The top of the flagpole is extremely sharp.When necessary, it can be used as a combat soldier for the strong to pick up and smash the enemy vigorously.If the level of cultivation is sufficient, a flagpole can pierce a universe of life.The big star collapsed, the galaxy withered, and the galaxy dried up!
That Princess Qin Yao flew obliquely, it was the big banner.

At this time, King Qin Guang wantonly unleashes his coercion here, the nebula gushes and rolls, and the banner rolls back, sending another force to Princess Qin Yao.

Princess Qin Yao, her body was out of control, and she accelerated twice...


The flagpole of the dead flag!In the blink of an eye, Princess Qin Yao died completely!
"It's a crime!" Tang Chen shook his head. He was a kind person, but he couldn't bear it.Children are innocent and no one is born wicked.They are all brought down by the elders, and those who are close to ink are black.

"That Qin Yao's lonely soul wandering between heaven and earth, listen to Grandpa Tang's call, stop here..."

Tang Chen chanted the [Great Summoning Technique] in a low voice, trying to restrain Qin Yao's soul.It's a pity that the fragrance disappeared completely.A generation of witches passed away.There is a force in the dark, and the silence in the Great Buddha Pagoda is restored.Give justice to countless victims.Although this retribution came a bit late.

Not enough to comfort the dead.Talk is better than nothing.

In a fit of rage, King Qin Guang killed his only daughter by mistake, and when he found out, he wailed loudly: "Yaoyao!"

He is also ruthless, boom~!The power of the palm spewed out, suddenly radiant.He vented his anger on the Lord of Wuchi Hall.The head of the master of the Wuchi Palace exploded, and a spirit came out of his body quickly: "Jiu Jiu Jiu...!" He fled decisively, very firmly, without turning his head, screaming all the way, and ran back to the Dafutu Pagoda.

King Qin Guang was puzzled, his seven orifices burst into flames, thick smoke billowed, spiral black smoke billowed, and mist billowed around his body, whistling and whirling, clang~!He grabbed a knife, stabbed fiercely into the body of the master of the Wuchi Temple, turned his wrist, and stirred it fiercely.

Shocking, it's too cruel.Tang Chen couldn't bear to look straight at it, and looked at the wisps of Qin Yao's soul that had been attracted in front of him, shaking his head and sighing.

"You want to resurrect her?" Tang Yang asked with eyebrows.

Tang Chen didn't make a sound, but nodded.

"Your heart is too soft. This girl is not a good person at first sight. Even if she has good roots, she is already filthy. The root is dirty!" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows aggressively and drove away Qin Yao's soul.

"You!?" Tang Chen was sullen, glaring at Tang Yang.

Tang Yang looked at Tang Chen calmly with eyebrows, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was still a little bit of bitterness: "Your method is too humble. The Great Summoning Technique is actually a supernatural power, which is extremely against the sky. What you use is nothing more than space summoning." , and a karmic call."

This is not an interruption, it is to guide Tang Chen to return to normal thinking.Tang Chen realized this, and asked solemnly: "Is karma summoning? Then why did you master it in the previous life, but the God who raised his eyebrows never mastered it?"

"Hey~! He doesn't know it? Are you sure? For one thing, his time limit has already arrived. If it wasn't for the Great Buddha Pagoda to shield the sky, the old ghost would have been annihilated long ago. More importantly, don't you understand?" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows, Leaning at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen smiled, his eyes full of sadness.

Raising eyebrows ancestor, it's not easy.This guy has set up this game from the beginning.

It's not just him entering the Great Buddha Tower.Even the starry sky post road last time, some kind of induction.It should also be the means he set up.

"Ancestor Raising Eyebrows is such a good trick! It's not a good idea to cheat people." Tang Chen sighed deeply, feeling his immaturity and insignificance.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, scolding me in front of me, Tang Chen is only you!"

"No, no, no! I'm talking about that old ghost master!" Tang Chen hurriedly explained, and then quickly changed the subject.

"I don't understand one thing, why I can accept the method set by the ancestor Yangmei, is it because of [Creation Jue]?"

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and shook his head slowly: "Not only! Because you are also the Martial God of Shushan!"

"I'm also the Martial God of Shushan? Hehe, you, don't tease me. I admit that my martial name was originally the Martial God of Shushan. But that is another world. Compared with you, I am far behind!" Tang Chen waved his hand, Not to be humble, but to say it from the bottom of my heart.

"Wrong! You are the Martial God of Shushan, and I am also the Martial God of Shushan. Look at the endless stream of lonely ghosts, and the ghost soldiers, ghost generals, and ghost commanders. They are all Shushan Martial Gods! Do you understand?"

Tang Chen's eyes widened in surprise, as if a layer of veil had been lifted from his front by Tang Yang's eyebrows.Without the haze of frosted glass, everything becomes extremely clear in an instant.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and said again: "You, me, them, and all your friends are all Shushan Martial Gods! In other words, they are all a divine thought of Shushan Martial Gods in different periods. Our thoughts probably passed away in a flash, but in A brand new life is born on the stars in our body. Therefore, the more people think, the older they become..."

"Overwhelmed, isn't it? Resources are limited after all!" Tang Chen interjected, explaining clearly and intuitively.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows, "Puchi~!" He was amused: "The words are very straightforward, but they also have this meaning. When you have too many thoughts, you will consume more energy in our astral body. If the energy is exhausted, then it will be a 'burp' Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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