Shushan Wushen

Chapter 441 Top Cylinder

Chapter 441 Top Cylinder

[PS: Recommended again!Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!

Thanks to the three giants for their love for "Shushan Warriors"!Another big explosion today! [-] more to send!Ask for a monthly pass!

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So, little brother needs your support!

Book friends, please encourage me!I need your support!If you have a monthly pass, please vote for Zijin Xingchen. 】

Stepping into the Great Buddha Pagoda, Tang Chen originally wanted to watch a show for a while.As a result, a majestic force struck.

Tang Chen just disappeared.

Patriarch Yangmei has long been impatient, this is his call.

Inadvertently, the scene in front of Tang Chen changed, and the eyes of the ancestor who raised his eyebrows were shining brightly, and he was full of smiles.

"Tang Chen! Well done, you are extraordinary, beyond Master's imagination."

See through but not tell.Tang Chen was still very respectful, and solemnly clasped his fists: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. It is also my teacher who is highly respected and blessed."

As he said that, a radiant brilliance rose from Tang Chen's body, and gorgeous pearls appeared in front of Tang Chen.Suspended in the air, the pearl light exudes a rich and precious aura, the fragrance is tangy, and there are many visions.Very gorgeous.The streamer gurgles, like a stream of water.It was too shocking.

"Hey~! As a teacher, I never thought that this remnant soul would still have today! See you again! Hahahaha~!"

The ancestor who raised his eyebrows couldn't help but sigh.The spiritual body carries a trace of its origin, in the form of a gorgeous pearl, it is in front of your eyes.The Patriarch Yangmei breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not in a hurry to refine it.His mood, on the contrary, was stable.

Thinking back not long ago, the anxious look of the ancestor who raised his eyebrows....Tang Chen couldn't help but burst out laughing, and couldn't stop laughing.

It's urgent.

Tang Chen was also embarrassed, and joked with a smile: "Master, you should refine it first, otherwise there will be many dreams in the night. It is important to restore the original source."

The ancestor Yangmei stood with his hands behind his back, his body glowing, and his hair also glowing. He looked very sacred and calm, and said with an exaggerated smile: "No hurry, no rush! What's the rush? Not at this moment. As a martial god, you must be calm and calm, the stars Jumping in front of you is still calm and breezy, that is the realm! Hehehe~."

Tang Chen smiled and said nothing, he felt that the time was coming.Very reserved and decisive shut up.

As a result, in the eyes of Yangmei Patriarch, it was as if he was very pious and listened to it.The ancestor raised eyebrows stroked his beard, with a look of admiration: "A child can be taught——."

Suddenly!In the distance, there was a loud noise like a thunderclap, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.The space on the first floor of the Great Buddha Pagoda is rippling like water ripples.The ripples spread rapidly, and the entire Great Buddha Pagoda trembled for a moment.

"Damn! He was slapped in the face!" The ancestor Yang Mei decisively felt... Tang Chen was full of praise.

Numerous low-level regular students coughed up blood and fell into a coma decisively.There was also residual snow on the peak of Dafutu Mountain, and an avalanche rumbled.

Some preparatory students were caught off guard and bleed on the spot, or just died.

Such a miserable situation happened in an instant, and many people did not expect it.Especially those universities on the top of the mountain, some of the mountains were blown away, and the students and their tutors flew together, and died tragically on the spot.The whole university was wiped out.It was too cruel.

Tang Chen operated [Fire Eyes] to observe the scene of the explosion.Looking back, the Yangmei Patriarch had already refined the Spiritual Body.In a hurry.No more composure and confidence.

Gorgeous pearls swish, swish, and flew towards the Wuchongshan in his palm.The five-layered mountain of Patriarch Raising Eyebrows is really too illusory, it is just a stroke.Very empty silhouette.If you don't look carefully, it's basically not clear.

Tang Chen grinned.The corner of the mouth curved into a curve.It's ridiculous.

"Termad! When these bastards saw this good thing, they flew to me and snatched it!" The ancestor raised his eyebrows with a blushing face, and was very uneasy after being slapped in the face.He actually recited a three-character scripture.

The ancestor Yangmei should have been prepared, and the speed of refining was extremely fast.The layout of each gorgeous pearl is very well-proportioned.Very reasonable.It must have been carefully considered and calculated in the mind.

Even the slightly damaged gorgeous pearl, he had already considered it, and the reserved position was quite ingenious.Tang Chen could see this.

The brilliance of the gorgeous pearl here is far better than the brilliance of the sun, it is extremely blazing and dazzling.The entire space is full of precious energy, and the divine light flows.It's like my aunt's voice.

In this Great Buddha Pagoda, although the ancestor Yangmei is the absolute master.But there are still quite a few Martial Gods at the supreme level.Some sensed the extraordinary aura here.


The silhouette is continuous, and the wind in the sleeves of the clothes, shuttles.I don't inquire, lest I miss the opportunity and luck.The big hand shone, tearing apart the space, and came to Tang Chen in a flash.

The ancestor Yangmei was very decisive and disappeared suddenly.Still remain mysterious.Tang Chen was left to top the tank.

"Are you Tang Chen, the little guy who is a regular student?" You Da Neng recognized Tang Chen.He stretched out his big hand and waved it in front of Tang Chen's eyes.Ask without hesitation.

"Tang Chen! I'm here as a teacher. Remember Zhiqing?" Instructor Zhiqing held a harpoon, shoulders folded, eyes bright, like a running leopard.

"So you're here. I'm looking for you!" Zhunti Pagoda Master suddenly appeared, and said something casually, not knowing who he was looking for.With a dodge, he blocked half of Tang Chen's body.The meaning of protection is obvious.

"Reverend Ran Deng has met the Master of Zhun Ti Pagoda!" The shameless man was originally named Di Deng, and he respectfully greeted the Master of Zhun Ti Pagoda.

Zhunti Pagoda Master frankly projected a majestic gaze, a faint lingering coercion, but his tone was very kind: "There is no need to be formal."

"Hehe~! You are here too. See Master Zhunti Pagoda." A few more powerful people entered this space and were shocked when they saw the Zhunti Pagoda Master.

There are hundreds of martial arts masters in Samsara University, and they are the mentors who guide the regular students to practice martial arts.Known as the 'Grandmaster', graduated Tianjiao can join the reincarnation guard, and can also be admitted to the reincarnation inner guard.Those with excellent grades will be awarded a certificate of psychiatry and a sword of qualifications.Sent to perform missions elsewhere.

Shenke students are very mysterious and powerful, and their cave is located on the second floor of the Great Buddha Tower.That is, the medicine field.There is a big sun and countless moons above the medicine field.Yingying cancan, bright and clean.Every round of bright moon is the mansion of a student of the science department.

Therefore, martial arts masters are a group of existences that must be respected in the University of Reincarnation, and even in the entire Great Buddha Pagoda.

Martial arts master Yang Haotian, with a big gun on his back, smiled kindly, and clasped his fists proudly: "Zunti Pagoda Master, long time no see, why are you here now? Is there any treasure in the world?"

Yang Haotian broke the deadlock, and immediately more martial arts masters came over to exchange greetings, in fact, they inquired on the sidelines: "Hahaha, you must be the master of the tower, is Master Ling Xiao going to distribute some benefits again? What a big opportunity this time, grand Luck, good luck?"

"Could it be that the quasi-Titan Pagoda Master wants to enjoy it exclusively? Hahaha, I have no objection. But please take a look! If it is inconvenient, then forget it, forget it! Hahaha."

All kinds of ingenious and blatant inquiries came one after another, and you all talked and laughed happily, mixed with greetings and pleasantries.Kindly fight with the machine front.

Both of them are supreme beings, and the difference in realm is very small. Only combat skills, secret techniques, supernatural powers, or magic weapons, and soldiers can distinguish the superior from the inferior.Therefore, they are secretly competing with each other.Hidden knife in smile.

The master of Zhunti Pagoda, the ancient well has no waves, the coercion is lingering, and the character is awe-inspiring.The tone is very kind and very disobedient.

"Recently, this old man came up on a whim, thinking that the master of the pagoda received a disciple named Li Zihan, which is very extraordinary. I just counted, and I felt that Tang Chen and I had a lot of cause and effect. So, I moved the idea of ​​​​receiving a disciple." Hehe, it's just a temporary idea. I don't know if Tang Chen is willing? Or is he willing? Or is he willing?"

"What? Then Tang Chen just wanted it!" Martial arts master Yang Haotian exaggeratedly chimed in.Ask knowingly.

"Who is Tang Chen, is this little guy?"

(End of this chapter)

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