Shushan Wushen

Chapter 442 Entrusting a Heavy Treasure

Chapter 442 Entrusting a Heavy Treasure

[PS: Recommended again!Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!

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So, little brother needs your support!

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"That's right! This is the seedling I'm optimistic about, Tang Chen!" The amiable voice of the Zhunti Pagoda Master was very kind and full of affinity.

However, in Tang Chen's ears, it was too hypocritical.This guy has a full face, deliberately coercing and putting on airs.Tang Chen could not understand him long ago.

Tang Chen cupped his hands, turned and left.

"Hey? Tang Chen! Where are you going? Master Zhunti, I'm introducing you, how can you be rude?"

Tang Chen had expected it a long time ago, pretending to be ignorant, with an innocent face: "In the past, the peerless power I admired the most was the pagoda master Zhunti! But I never dared to speak. So I prayed silently all day, hoping that Master Ling Xiao Help me mediate. Even if you can find someone as powerful as Zhunti Pagoda Master. But Master Ling Xiao has not responded to me..."


Everyone laughed, and Yang Haotian said teasingly: "Lord Ling Xiao is such an existence! There are so many things going on on the sixth floor of the Great Buddha Pagoda, and the old man listens to you when you silently pray? Who do you think you are? Hahaha~~. "

"Tang Chen, then why are you still leaving? Could it be that you are angry?" The Master Zhunti asked kindly with a half-smile.

Tang Chen was expressionless, and shook his head: "How dare you be angry! I'm just going to prepare some dried meat and preserved fruit for you, Shu Xiu!"

Zhunti Pagoda Master's eyes immediately brightened, and his expression showed admiration. He looked around and said, "Children can be taught! Rituals cannot be discarded. Go! You go and prepare Shuxiu, and I will prepare some incense tables and chairs here. Since everyone Now, I usually teach or retreat. So today I will watch the ceremony here, let’s have a drink together after the ceremony! If you don’t get drunk, you won’t return to Xunhai Pavilion!”

"Okay! But I have to leave for a while, I must prepare some congratulations!" Yang Haotian took the lead to leave.I don't know if I will come back again.

Most of the great powers in this space are martial arts masters, and the teachers have many hearts.With the same excuse, they all resigned.

In an instant, figures flew around, and they left before Tang Chen.

Tang Chen let out a "whoosh" and jumped out.He wanted to leave too. Unexpectedly, the pagoda master Zhunti grabbed Tang Chen with his big hands, and said in a low voice: "Those martial arts masters have a lot of thoughts. If you go, I'm afraid you will be entangled by them." .”

"Huh? No way, they are all martial arts masters!" Tang Chen pretended to be suspicious again and questioned.

In fact, those martial arts masters had the cunning expression on their faces and eyes when they left.Tang Chen had already seen everything clearly.It would be strange if those martial arts masters didn't go to robbery.

The faint coercion of the master of Zhunti Pagoda became stronger, and he showed his fox tail: "Don't believe their names! Come on, Tang Chen, and deposit the treasures on your body with the teacher first. If they get nothing, they won't destroy it. It’s embarrassing for you to destroy the corpse! Destroy the corpse, it’s very ruthless and outrageous!”

Kind tone, persuasive.But all of this can't escape the word 'greedy'!
Tang Chen didn't make a sound, thinking silently; the ancestor Yangmei should have heard everything, and the only thing he was worried about was that the Zhunti Pagoda Master would go crazy, and the ancestor Yangmei would be seriously injured.Not even invincible.However, if Tang Chen was really going to encounter a life-and-death situation, then at least Ling Xiao, the pagoda tool Ling Xiao, would come out to stop it.

Of course, these are what he had planned clearly.Now it's just trying to avoid entanglement, and getting out as soon as possible is the best.

Just as Tang Chen was deliberating, the Master Zhunti was a little impatient.With his realm, he has already sensed the aura of martial arts masters...

They went and came back, hiding in the shadows and watching.Be ready to grab the treasure at any time!
Zhunti Pagoda Master decisively transmitted the voice: "Tang Chen, they went and came back, and the ones who came were not good."

Seeing that Tang Chen hadn't moved yet, the Zhunti Pagoda Master said again: "Tang Chen, you must know the painstaking efforts of being a teacher. Do you still remember the [Ten Aperture Sacred Heart] you refined? Didn't you deliberately take care of you for the teacher? You defeated the enemy and won the battle. , Breaking the Ghost Pawn Broadsword Team must also use the thunder and lightning power of the Thunder Bat Dragon! I still want to continue to investigate you..."

Tang Chen couldn't help feeling disgusted when he heard the words.In fact, preparatory students who are promoted to full-time students have the opportunity to refine [Ten Aperture Sacred Heart].It's just that no one succeeded.This is Tang Chen's great opportunity, great luck, and great fortune, but it is obtained by ability.It is true that there is no half-copper relationship with the master of Zhunti Pagoda.

Tracing back to the source, this is fair competition determined by the system.Why did you allow the Pagoda Master to come here to claim credit?It's really shameless.

Seeing that Tang Chen's face was cloudy, Zhunti Pagoda Master continued to lobby: "Tang Chen, to be honest, you refined [Ten Apertures Sacred Heart] as a teacher that day and already liked you as a teacher. Therefore, as a teacher, I think you have an extraordinary bearing." , suave, handsome, and deliberately found a fair-skinned, beautiful, and stunningly beautiful long-legged goddess for you, not only that, but also spent a lot of money for her to replace the [Nine Tribulations Eucharist] 】Spiritual body and precious body, an absolute match! Take it back to the sect, just waiting for you. That goddess is really stunning, so beautiful! Tsk tsk... That face, that chest, that figure, protruding forward and backward, no I have to say...!"

Tang Chen couldn't help grinning, his neck turned red.Xindao, this Zhunti Pagoda Master, behaves in a self-indulgent manner, has a dignified appearance, and always speaks in such a kind tone.When we met for the first time, it was very bluffing.But when it comes to using means, it's really unsightly, and they use everything to the extreme.what is this?Take Li Zihan, the temptation of dazzling sex?
From that day on, when Master Zhunti looked down on preparatory students and refused to reveal his name, Tang Chen had an extremely bad impression of him.Now that this is happening again, Tang Chen has already started to hate him.A very disgusting kind of hate.

At the same time, Tang Chen also mourned for Li Zihan from the bottom of his heart.With such a master at the booth, what a tragic end he might end up being exchanged for benefits!

"Alas~!" Tang Chen sighed, stretched out his hands and cupped his fists, and said solemnly: "Master Zhunti, I have let you down. I'm afraid I will let you down."

"Please call me Master!" Master Zhunti's tone was rare and sharp.But the majesty of the face is no longer, it looks very artificial and soft and soothing.

Tang Chen continued: "Just now, I used that thunderbolt secret technique again, but I was interrupted hastily. That's all."

"Oh? Is that so? Really?" Zhunti Pagoda Master clearly showed disappointment.Because he didn't think Tang Chen looked like a fake.Moreover, he thought that Tang Chen would not dare to lie to him.

Tang Chen reached into his arms, and took out a piece of bronze wood, which was as big as a palm.He took out a small fragment of Samsara Changge.Hold it in your hand and show it to Master Zhunti.

"Between this object and this object, as long as the speed is sufficient, then the majestic thunderbolt lightning will be summoned. Look!"

As he said that, Tang Chen's wrists fluttered, his elbows jumped, and the remnants of the Samsara Changge quickly pierced into the bronze wood.

Swish Swish Swish...

Afterimages are continuous, and friction is electrified!A group of electric sparks, Ka Ka Ka ~!It's ferocious and terrifying, with electric snakes winding inside, and it's hard to understand!Think carefully!
"...Hiss!" Zhunti Pagoda Master took a breath and blurted out: "Good method!"

Hearing this, Tang Chen immediately extinguished the electric spark, and stuffed the remaining bronze wood and reincarnation Changge fragments to the Zhunti Pagoda Master: "Help me keep it, be sure to keep it well. This material is too precious. I haven't studied it thoroughly yet. .please!"

After finishing speaking, while Zhunti Tower Master was stunned and shocked.

Tang Chen broke through the air and left.

Zhunti Pagoda Master suddenly came to his senses: "Hey hey hey~~."

It's a pity, looking at this vast space surrounded by white mist, Tang Chen has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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