Shushan Wushen

Chapter 443 Falsely committing a snake

Chapter 443 Falsely committing a snake

[PS: Recommended again!Thanks to the editor-in-chief ZENK, ink and wash, and stars!

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"Tang Chen! Good job!"

At the moment when the gods couldn't see it, the patriarch raised eyebrows released a power of the world, shielding Tang Chen's movements.Stretching out his hand to pat Tang Chen's shoulder, he gave an admiration, which was very sincere.

He saw the scene just now.Don't say that Tang Chenhuang pointed out that the pagoda master must be appointed, even if he took advantage of his unpreparedness and killed the pagoda master, the ancestor Yangmei would be happy.

In the eyes of Yangmei Patriarch, subordinates are no longer important.Only his apprentice can give him hope.

There are six floors of space in the Great Buddha Pagoda, six large worlds, and countless small worlds.It has long been decayed since endless ages.Selfish desires swell, boil a fat man to death, and come up with a thin one.After some crushing and squeezing, the skinny man also became fat and had a big belly.

What became of the Great Buddha Pagoda?A money-making institution or a magic weapon for sudden wealth?

This runs counter to the original intention of the ancestor Yangmei!
Tang Yangmei unlocked the seal, and the ancestor Yangmei also knew the secrets in the boundless.

Therefore, the ancestor Yangmei and Tang Yangmei, together with the spiritual body, went out of the region, and together with the spiritual body, they stayed in the countryside.As for Tang Chen's training, it was also on the agenda.

Ancestor Raising Eyebrows, be very careful this time, refine the gorgeous pearls one by one, this is very safe, and the pace is slow, and you will have time to communicate with Tang Chen.The two masters and apprentices exchanged a lot of ideas and current situations.

"We must go out of the boundless world and experience the world of life!" The ancestor Yangmei kept instilling such ideas in Tang Chen and Tang Chen.

Tang Chen seemed very hesitant. After all, Ye Mengmeng was still obsessively guarding Baxu.But the old ancestor Yangmei solved his knot in his heart with one sentence: "Look at the long-term, go to the yang world, and then enter the boundless underworld, maybe you will know more secrets of the world. A marriage with the blessing of your parents is what you want in your heart." Obsession!"

"Yes! The way home..." Tang Chen's eyes were deep and deep in thought.Obviously listened to it.

The ancestor who raised his eyebrows observed his words and expressions, and was very excited.Once you are happy, there will be no more.Refining one gorgeous pearl becomes refining all but one, gorgeous pearl.

As a result, there was a bang.This place is extremely bright and fragrant.The power of the world that covered the air mechanism suddenly dissipated, and Tang Chen's traces appeared again.

Whoosh whoosh. . . .

Yang Haotian and his group of martial arts masters, their faces flushed with excitement, broke through the space and flew towards them.

"Tang Chen!" Yang Haotian grabbed Tang Chen's wrist and sealed Tang Chen's veins.

Another martial arts master called Emperor Zhu Gong patted Tang Chen's shoulder with his big hand.Breathing out, it can break Tang Chen's shoulder blades and hurt his lungs in an instant.

"Master Yang!"

"Master Zhu!"

"Master Niu!"


Tang Chen cupped his fists one by one to salute, very cordial.This is an important part of the next step that he and Patriarch Yangmei set up.For martial arts masters, both master and apprentice want to win over.

Yang Haotian, Emperor Zhu, and Niu Ben were stunned. Looking at Tang Chen's appearance, he was too calm.Suddenly, some will not.

Mario said: "Tang Chen! The divine light just now was created by you again. What kind of magic weapon? Let's palm the eyes?"

Tang Chen nodded calmly, clasped his fists respectfully, and responded: "Master Ma is interested, so Tang Chen can't wait for it! But, you are too late. Just now, that magic weapon has been left by me, Master Zhunti Pagoda, there! "

When Tang Chen said this, he bowed his hands upwards, very humble.

Get this set out.Yang Haotian and the others were all dumbfounded.Everyone has bad eyesight.There is light in the eyes.

"Oops! Are you going to hit me? Use me to vent your anger?" Tang Chen was startled.Their shots are not ordinary beatings, they are lore.Abolishing the divine body is light, I'm afraid it will be like Zhunti Pagoda Master said, beat him half to death, and then destroy the body and wipe out the traces.Suppress the primordial soul, or simply enslave...

Thinking of this, Tang Chen shuddered.

He quickly shifted his gaze, opened his arms very frankly, quite generously: "Don't believe it? Hehe~! I, Tang Chen, dare not lie to you. Why don't you search me!"

"Hmph~!" Niu Ben's temperament was not so calm, and he snorted coldly in his nostrils, very suspicious.If you step forward, you really want to search.

Tang Chen was nervous, without changing his expression, and said with a smile: "However, it's a pity! My Thunder God Cone, Dianmu Snare Drum! It is estimated that the master of the tower must have collected it! Here I am also a favor, you all can I only ask for it in name. If anyone wants to come back, I, Tang Chen, promise to lend it for a hundred years! No! 150 years!"


These martial arts masters were immediately amused, and laughed out loud, revealing their pink mouths.

"Let's go! All the masters testify to each other, Tang Chen has authorized us! Lei Gongzhu, Dianmu Xiaogu, hehe, I'm looking forward to it!" Yang Haotian waved his big hand, smiling, and led a large group of martial arts masters, turned and left.

"Slow down!" Tang Chen shouted from behind, trying to stop him.

"What? Do you still want to go back on your word?" Niu Ben looked unhappy.Looking at Tang Chen viciously, it was like looking at a dead person, with very ominous eyes.

Tang Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Misunderstanding! How can I break my promise! I just want to ask for a famous badge from everyone. After all, I authorized it to you. Without the famous badge, other peerless powers will come over in the future... I can't remember why What should I do? Who is it? My status is low and I am not as good as you, so it would be bad if it caused something!"

"Hehe, Tang Chen, you are clever, you don't want to take the opportunity to show off! Hahaha~! Be careful! A little trick!"

Yang Haotian cursed with a smile, but still sent a famous card.Seeing that there was an example, Zhu Gongdi, Niu Ben, and Mario all threw over a famous card, and then, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh....Disappear.

A burst of mist surged, and the ancestor Yangmei reappeared.At this time, the ancestor Yangmei changed his appearance, the age spots on his face disappeared, and his skin was smooth and full of elasticity.It has the texture of jade, comparable to porcelain out of a kiln.

Tang Chen turned around suddenly, startled, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows.If not, the skin still has the feeling of broken porcelain, and more finely divided pieces.very evenly spaced...

The ancestor Yangmei is almost the same as Tang Yangmei.

In fact, the ancestor Yangmei at this time is a clone of Tang Yangmei.

The ancestor Yangmei revived the self in this life through the self in the previous life.He is also the Martial God of Shushan, Tang Yangmei.

Of course, according to the shocking words that Tang Yangmei left to Tang Chen before leaving; Tang Chen is also the Martial God of Shushan.Everyone can be Shushan Martial God!Or, other titles.Because, this vastness is originally illusory.Whoever can take the last step and truly step out of the boundless will know the secrets of the boundless!
Everything is in the process of verification.

"I feel the thrill of fresh blood rushing through the blood vessels of this body! It's very comfortable! It's a long-lost feeling, it's so wonderful!" The ancestor raised his eyebrows excitedly like a child, and he stroked his arms, showing the sinuous and ferocious blood vessels , indicating to Tang Chen.There was a domineering arrogance in my body, which was involuntarily released.This is coercion!
It's the same as Tang Yangmei.

(End of this chapter)

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