Shushan Wushen

Chapter 474 Guest in front of the Palace Master's Gate

Chapter 474 Ten Miles in Front of the Palace Master's Gate

Tang Chen rubbed the star mist Xuanbing, feeling the icy breath.Looking at those four words, I am full of emotions.Teacher Guiguzi, the dragon can see neither the head nor the tail.Just like that, he became Tang Chen's cheap master.

The so-called teacher is also preaching and teaching karma to solve doubts.Guiguzi is more like a knight who repays his favor.Saved some of Tang Chen's team members.In return?

So what about the vast number of cool stars, the hundreds of millions of direct descendants, direct descendants, collateral descendants, and even disciples of the Tang Sect in Shushan?What about the people of Jindo Empire?What about the many lives in the Happy Universe?
Not only did he fail to rescue Tang Chen's parents, but what Tang Chen complained about was that since you, Guiguzi, are known as the Immortal Master.Then if you save Tang Yin from death and immortality, wouldn't you save one person and kill one person?
"Could it be that this Guiguzi is a fool? Or, to perform a bitter scene, to make Tang Chen grateful to me? Or even... to destroy my mind?"

Tang Chen couldn't help but think otherwise.Guiguzi exposed too many flaws.

Still, that doesn't matter.What's important is that Tang Chen's team in front of them, those partners who are in a half-zombie state!

Tang Chen put away the Xingwu Xuanbing and passed Han Xiangyi, pinched the Jue with his hands, and chanted the mental formula of the Great Summoning Technique loudly.

The syllables are obscure, but Tang Chen, as the Supreme Martial God, speaks words very clearly, with rhythmic rhythms.The clang and chant are intertwined, and the severity and urgency are continuous, just right.

Immediately, a wonderful and endlessly mysterious wave came out from Tang Chen's fingers.The endless thunderbolt lightning descended from the starry sky.Misty billows, lightning and thunder.Meteors pierced the sky and pierced the nebula.The darkness became brighter, and the original brighter became brighter.


Numerous cracks opened in the starry sky, and breaths of life flowed in one after another.


Tang Chen's cultivation base at this time is different from the past.With the power of mind, everything becomes different.Like a dragon adding feet, like a tiger adding wings.

The power of one after another is invisible to the naked eye, this is Tang Chen's exclusive perception.Very solid.Rush to the stars.Then, cherish and be very careful, shelter the thinking memory of one after another 'same soul and heterotopic body', and carefully escort them.

Suddenly! ...Suddenly!

As if ten thousand arrows pierced the heart, the soul visible to the naked eye turned into a flicker of light and shot into the center of Han Xiangyi's eyebrows.

This information flow is too huge.Han Xiang's head trembled and hummed.The skull is constantly deformed.And there is a colorful mist, which bursts out in the form of light.

Tang Chen copied it with a big hand. This was a fake move, but in fact he was using his thoughts.Bring back the wandering soul.Re-invest in Han Xiangyi's eyebrows.

Finally, these souls inspired Han Xiangyi's vitality.

A breath that was extremely familiar to Tang Chen and Tang Chen's team members gushed out.

At the same time, thick smoke billowed, and the black mist "chichichi", was excreted in large quantities from every pore.The breath of death drifts away.

Han Xiangyi's breath of life became stronger and stronger!
"Han Xiang is back!"

Han Xiang also lingered between death and death for too long, and now he recovered, opened his eyes, and was a little dazed.Seeing Tang Chen, his eyes suddenly brightened.Then, a healthy blush appeared on his face, he closed his eyelids weakly, and fell asleep soundly.

Tang Chen's team members, hurry to get blankets, quilts and the like.Measures were taken to keep him warm.The starry sky is extremely cold.He's just recovering and can't adjust yet.

On Tang Chen's side, he didn't give up.According to the huge memory, he activated his thoughts and sent those wandering souls back to the original space cracks.Not a single thread wasted.

Although, this is extremely costly.The water-blue star accelerated several times for this reason.After Tang Chen used it, he also felt dizzy, exhausted, and sluggish.

But it's all worth it.

You know, if these souls who have been forcibly summoned by the [Great Summoning Technique] go back, it will be a winding dream.Came to another world in a dream.If it stays, then the 'Han Xiangyi' of that plane will also disappear.

He, Tang Chen, also became a seducer, or in other words, an executioner.

After resting for a while, Tang Chen once again cast the Great Summoning Technique, summoning the souls of his partners whose souls had never been revived one by one.

A famous partner continued to recover, and the number of warriors in Tang Chen's team returned to normal, unexpectedly increased to 26 people.Very gratifying.It's a pity again.There were several partners, because Tang Xiaoshao and Da Hei Niu were not in a high level, and they made mistakes in operation, which caused their annihilation.The ashes are scattered, and the body is gone.

To a certain extent, zombies are much better than ghosts in the state of souls.After all, he still retains a physical body.It's just that too much Nether Qi enters the body, corroding the muscles, meridians and bones.cause physical changes.

However, Tang Chen and the others had already found a solution.Just shave off the body hair.

So, the Patriarch Donghuang was very smart.The so-called bestowing a spiritual body with a physical body.That is empty favor.There is no need for him to cash in!
After the processing here is completed, the zombie town will exist in name only.There are no more zombies.

Tang Chen carried Tang Chen's team members and other new friends with a wave of thought.Entered the Eastern Emperor Bell.

After reporting with the ancestor of Donghuang first, Tang Chen arranged them separately.

Qi Yu, Li Yiqi, Ding Yin, Han Xiangyi, and Gao Ziyin recovered well, and they were placed in Mingdu University.As for Yaochi, Xiaoru, Yizhen, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Chai Shao and others, if their souls are damaged, they will be sent to the gate of ghosts for supplementary rebirth in a small cycle.

After everything was over, Tang Chen concentrated his energy again and began to comprehend the power of mind.

At this time, only Tang Chen from the Daming Mansion in Youzhou, Guimenguan, had the most leisurely mind.

In order to complete the task of the city god, he has been promoted all the way, and has already achieved a good third place in the Daming Prefecture Examination.Of course, the first two were gilded men with prominent backgrounds.When people take the exam, it's just a formality.

However, Tang Chen smiled mockingly.Very secretive.Their days are over.The old Jinglue, as well as the county magistrate of Ninghai County, have been thoroughly investigated by Tang Chen's divine sense sitting in the Town God's Hall.

Roll to the end.Sent to prison.

Are they gilded?Steal Tang Chen Chenghuang's gold!It's really hard to open your eyes.If the land master hadn't come out to mediate, Tang Chen would have beheaded them all.

The face of colleagues must be given.

Tang Chen knows 'face' very well.But there are always guys who don't know 'noodles' dangling in front of Tang Chen.

Tang Sect of Daming Mansion is at the helm.Tang Chen's sedan chair has an exclusive parking spot.It reads brightly; please do not occupy the private sedan seat.

However, the branch of the Tang Sect here is too close to the Daming Mansion.There are ten miles.

Ordinarily, here is the bearer's poor eyesight, so he wouldn't have run so far to grab the seat.But although the Master of the Daming Mansion is hospitable.

Every day, there is an endless stream of guests, sitting in eight sedan chairs, huddled in front of and hugged in front of them, and visit the door.

As a result, when there were too many people, the queue was ten miles away.It also occupied the chair seat of the Tang Sect's sub-helm.

Speaking of this group of people, they are also arrogant and arrogant.Occupy someone's sedan chair.It was rude.However, seven of them were dissatisfied and eight of them were unhappy.

"How to recruit? Our master's family is going to be a guest of the master of the palace. Occupied your sedan seat? That is your blessing? What are you talking about? Come and kowtow to curry favor with our master's family! I have no eyesight... …”

(End of this chapter)

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