Shushan Wushen

Chapter 475 Three secrets

Chapter 475 Three secrets

The Patriarch Donghuang was obviously furious.The harmonious and stable situation of the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell has not come easily.There is always something to do.Now Xixue, the dean of the ghost academy, seems to be onset of menopause.Puzzling, yet outrageous.

Tang Chen's words undoubtedly touched the sensitivity of the ancestor of Donghuang.

"...Hiss! That's right. There are so many fish eyes and pearl bodies. If it weren't for the peerless master who was lazy, he didn't want to use beads. It's just that the treasures of heaven, material and earth are already extremely difficult to find! The stars exploded in the yang world, and the universe collapsed. The heaven and the earth returned. Chaos, has it turned into vastness?"

Tang Chen resolutely added fuel to the flames: "Emperor Donghuang's words, it's terrifying to think about it carefully! You've laid bare the truth, and I'm trembling for it."

Donghuang thought about it, pondered for a moment, and said, "It's not that there is something wrong with the outside world, or we are being targeted here."

Tang Chen was ecstatic in his heart.The ancestor of Donghuang guessed the truth as expected.

"Eastern Emperor! Then we should be in crisis right now!"

Tang Chen's eyes shone brightly, his face was solemn and dignified, and evil spirits were emitted from his body.Iron-blooded and heroic, there are countless gold and iron horses galloping and shouting in a trance.There is iron blood killing going on.Big blood was sprayed, and floating corpses floated on oars.This is vision.The coercion of the Valkyrie appeared.

The Patriarch Donghuang couldn't help being infected.Think deeply.Suddenly, the mind is bright.

Looking at Tang Chen calmly: "Tang Chen. With you here as the commander-in-chief of the army, I am not in a panic at all. I am extremely stable. I will support whatever cooperation you want."

Tang Chen complained that starting a war would be a treasure of heaven and earth, and the consumption of countless rare metals.You don't even have the Treasure Pavilion anymore.What support?
However, words cannot be spoken face to face.Besides, Tang Chen really wanted to help the Patriarch Donghuang this time.Not for anything else, just the ghosts of the soul, wisps of ghosts.It is also a living being.Tang Chen couldn't just stand by and watch.Tang Chen really couldn't do it like the ancestor Yang Mei was so ruthless and just ignored him.Against my heart!
"The greatness of the chivalry, the stars in the world of the family and the country." 'Although it is a slogan, it is not just talking.That is the belief in martial arts, and the obsession with martial arts.As a Valkyrie, one must have the mercy of God.Pity the common people and bless all souls.This is the mind of God.It's feelings!

"There is no need for heaven, material and earth treasures. Just give me enough scheduling authority! I will go all out and fulfill my mission!"

Tang Chen had planned for a long time, and finally conceived the opportunity to make a decisive statement.Sworn.Loudly.

"Okay!" Patriarch Donghuang made a decision on the spot.A war that costs nothing is what we wish for.

Only then did Tang Chen show his trump card: "Eastern Emperor. I want to know that the significance of the establishment of the Eastern Emperor's Great Bell is not only to collect beads hand-carved by peerless powers. What else is the most precious?"

"This...?" Patriarch Donghuang was stunned suddenly, hesitating a little.Think for a moment.Only then did he look at Tang Chen solemnly.

"Samsara Long Knife!"

Tang Chen already had the answer in his heart.But this answer was not the answer Tang Chen wanted.

"East Emperor, the reincarnation sword is so precious? Then why is it in the hands of ghost soldiers? Isn't it easily taken away?"

The face of the ancestor of Donghuang was serious, and he looked around at nothingness.His gaze was extremely resentful, but also profound: "Tang Chen, what you are asking is the secret of the vastness. I am not bragging. Looking at the vastness, only I, the Great Bell of the East Emperor, can clear up your doubts!"

"Forget it's inconvenient!" Tang Chen resolutely showed his general knowledge, knowing how to advance and retreat.

The Patriarch Donghuang waved his hand, and the emptiness around him became denser.Apparently he used another method to strengthen his protection.

"Tang Chen, do you know about the Phoenix Holy Ruins?"

Tang Chen was slightly stunned, and nodded slowly: "In the latitude ocean, I once watched it from afar. It is very bright, like a big sun. The bright red is like a drop of blood. The flames are lingering. The divine forgetfulness is intimidating."

"That's right!" Patriarch Donghuang interrupted Tang Chen's description, and said, "You must not have tried to get close. Otherwise, you wouldn't have appeared here."

"...Hiss!" Tang Chen really didn't try to get close, because they belonged to different dimensions.If you can see it, you can see it. If you want to get close, you may spend your whole life, and you may not be able to reach that dimension, let alone the latitude of that dimension.

Donghuang's face became more serious: "The Lingering Liuyan you see is the Samsara Long Saber!"

"Oh?" Tang Chen suddenly changed color.In the Phoenix Holy Ruins, Tang Chen's Yuanhun came out of his body and accepted the inheritance, but he actually went there.Looking back now, he has some impressions in a trance.If the smoldering flames solidify...

It is a handle...the blade is extremely long, and the shape is so exaggerated...the reincarnation long knife!

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized.The truth turned out to be like this!

The Patriarch Donghuang said again: "Not everyone can use the long saber of reincarnation! Every long saber of reincarnation has a mission number..."

"Mission number?" Tang Chen blurted out.

The Patriarch Donghuang paused for hesitation, pondered for a moment, and then explained: "Tang Chen, this has to be another mystery of the vastness! Our place is actually the real underworld!"

This sentence, falling into anyone's ears, is tantamount to shocking.Hearing this, he was all moved, his face was shocked, and his mouth was opened wide.There was a turbulent sea in my heart, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

Except for Tang Chen!Tang Chen already knew about it from Tang Yangmei.And Tang Yangmei has already put it into action, traveling the vastness, wandering the underworld, to find the way to the Yang world.

However, Tang Chen still had a shock on his face, and his mouth grew very big.A look of astonishment and confusion.

"Is this still a secret? Everyone knows it!" Tang Chen thought in his heart.But it happened to echo this situation.

The patriarch Donghuang slanted his mouth aggressively, and said with a smile: "Don't be shocked, wait until you reach my level. When you are on the verge of being a master, you will naturally receive a sense somewhere."

Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, this is actually still a secret.This is something Tang Yangmei never knew.He just mentioned that when a five-star martial god reaches a certain stage, he is the supreme realm.However, what is the realm above the Supreme, he shook his head and said he didn't know.

The patriarch of the Eastern Emperor easily called out the 'Master Realm', which means that in the five-star Martial God realm, at least the Supreme Martial God and the Master Martial God exist.

In fact, Tang Chen looked through the classics of the Eastern Emperor's Treasure Pavilion, but he couldn't find any records.Obviously, the Patriarch of Donghuang still has background.In other words, Tang Chen guessed; it was the realization of the realm he had just touched.

The ancestor of Donghuang ignored the wonderful expression on Tang Chen's face, and whispered: "The so-called underworld, this is the world of Phoenix! The Phoenix is ​​the master of this vast expanse! Therefore, the Long Saber of Reincarnation is invincible! The magic is incomparable .It can be called the most powerful magic weapon in the universe!"

"Aren't there still dragons? The status of dragons..." Tang Chen was puzzled and asked back.

The patriarch of Donghuang was mysterious and smiled secretly: "Have you ever seen a real dragon?"

Tang Chen nodded, the old dragon god, the father of Chihulong, is the real dragon!
The patriarch of Donghuang stretched out a finger, shook it, and questioned decisively: "The underworld is so vast, vast and lofty. The real dragon you see must be extremely aggrieved. It is controlled by others and reduced to a mount. Is it right?"

"... Hiss!" Tang Chen was shocked.violent roar.Is this the truth?

According to the legend, the so-called real dragon travels to the nine heavens to embrace the moon, and descends to the five oceans to feast on big turtles.The dragon soul is immortal, and the dragon body is immortal.The whole body is extremely bright and dazzling.Distribute endless heat.Ordinary vulgarity, if you look directly at it, it is disrespectful.been purified.Decisively turned into fly ash.Completely return to the ten-latitude space.

(End of this chapter)

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