Shushan Wushen

Chapter 501 1 hand in the open and 1 hand in the dark

Chapter 501 One hand in the open and one hand in the dark

[Today's Wednesday, there will be five more outbreaks!Surprise!Right Angle Update!Book friends who have guaranteed monthly tickets may wish to vote for a few.Results appear to be better.If you don’t have a monthly pass, forget it.Of course rewards are also possible!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Martial God" has also received strong support from Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Dawuxia, and it will be held this week [strongly recommended by the big cover].In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with practical actions!

Thank you book friends!Such an enthusiastic subscription!Subscriptions hit new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


"Tang Yangmei! What are you doing?"

Tang Chen roared angrily, no matter what, a thought force directly triggered consciousness on Tang Yang's eyebrows.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Tang Chen, you have made great progress, and my sound transmission can't travel such a long distance!"

At this moment, they were together for seventy light-years, and communicated suddenly and instantly, and they got a little closer, and it was already fifty light-years.

Tang Chen was so anxious that he sent voice transmission again: "Tang Yangmei! You will become a sinner of the human race! Hurry up and retreat!"

Tang Yangmei sneered: "You know a fart! Take advantage of his illness to kill him! It is a fool to miss the opportunity and delay the battle! If you are timid to fight, please go away! Get away! Fuck!"

"Fuck~! You are acting on your whims! Tang Yangmei, you are self-willed, and the consequences you have caused, the river of life flowing through the ages, you are a stinky fish! It will lead to the sinking of a great human race!"

Tang Chen sternly warned, his tone very severe.Almost reprimanded, with a lot of meaning.

Just when these words were being exchanged, the acceleration of evil was so abominable at this moment.The big black hand carries the power of tearing the sky and the sun, and it is less than ten light-years away from the millstone of purgatory!
"Our elites cannot take risks! The seeds of the human race must be preserved!" Tang Chen continued to remonstrate loudly.earnestly.

Tang Yang's brows raised unexpectedly, and he became angry: "Your soul is light, you who disturb my heart, if you lose this battle, your soul will explode, and you will pay homage to the undead! It will be a one-off battle!"

Tang Chen pursed his lips, gritted his steel teeth, clenched his big hands tightly, his fingernails dug into the flesh, and there were threads of blood leaking out.Does it hurt?It hurts!But Tang Chen could no longer feel the pain.His heart exploded.Heart in pain.

The greatest pain in the world is the loss of the future.In this confrontation, the five major alliances suffered countless casualties, which was inevitable.But the annihilation of every Valkyrie is a huge loss for the human race.

Here itself is the underworld.To die is to be annihilated.If there is a backup, keep a divine sense, maybe it will be possible to recover in the future.However, how could Tang Yangmei allow Wushen not to go all out?

Those who have left behind, I am afraid they have to wait to fight, and they will be killed by Tang Yangmei now!Enforce military law on the spot.

It is undeniable that Tang Yangmei is a titan.But what he pursues will succeed in ten thousand bones.A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood are commonplace!This is a fighting method without leverage, very rough and extremely primitive.

Tang Chen's combat quality is many times more refined than Tang Yangmei's!Tang Chen really can't understand what Tang Yangmei did!
"Tang Chen! You are the vanguard, take the lead!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Yang's eyebrows were close to the millstone of purgatory, and he sent a voice to Tang Chen loudly.


Tang Chen was shocked.What the hell does that mean?Must force me to die?Although I have recovered somewhat, my breath is not stable after all.Long-term breathing adjustment and steady boiling blood are required!

Actually, let me shoot again?Besides, haven't we already divided our troops?You, Tang Yangmei, and I, Tang Chen, don't have any affiliation!There is no offensive and defensive alliance... not even the allies.What right do you have to order me to be your vanguard?

"I'm tired, I need to calm my blood and adjust my breath!"

Tang Chen told each other bluntly.

Unexpectedly, this caused Tang Yangmei to scold: "Are you tired? You said you were tired? What the hell are you doing? You didn't even pull out a knife, so you're tired after writing a few lines Fart? Soulless! You wouldn’t say that Zipeng chased you for a few rounds, and you were so scared that you peed your pants! Get on me! Hurry up and hit the front line! I’ll take advantage of it and slap Zipeng to pieces! Hurry up!”

"Those who delay the opportunity of the battle~~ cut to death! Kill without pardon!"

In the last sentence, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows very arrogantly. Instead of sound transmission, he directly triggered the tremor of the starry sky and used the roar of the universe to send out the voice of will.

This sound is so majestic and fluctuates extremely far.Passed down through the ages, penetrating latitude.Drifting forever in the boundless, forming a real meteor language, also known as meteor language.

"For the future of the human race, I, Tang Chen, will resolutely stop fighting today! If you lose your way and find your way back, quickly go back 100 million light years..."

Tang Chen spoke uprightly and tried his best to stop it.

However, Tang Yangmei had already picked up the Fusang stone stick and swung it vigorously!The aura of antiquity is gushing out, and the aura of chaos is lingering.The black light was misty, extremely mighty, very astonishing.

"A coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death! I will use you to enforce the military law in a while! If you miss the opportunity of the war, you are doomed!"

Tang Yang's eyebrows were violent, ferocious and terrifying, and the stick flowers filled the starry sky and fell with a loud crash.


Zipeng changed direction a few times, spun around, and traveled more than ten light years, suddenly, from behind the big black hand, he launched an attack!

"Sure enough it's broken!"

Tang Chen couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

This is one of the situations he is most worried about!

The Fifth Middle School Alliance can be regarded as a lone army, and although the ancestors of Donghuang are also a lone army, they are a strong team!
The patriarch of Donghuang had Zipeng on his crotch, and his movements were extremely fast.Fight if you win, run if you can't.You can't catch up if you want to.Looking at the vastness, even Feng Chong can't match Zipeng's speed!

Such a situation caused the black-handed formation formed by the Five Middle Schools Alliance to be forced to change the direction of attack, and the rear team became the front team.Very passive!

But this is not the key point. The key point is that the Five Central Alliance has lost its strategic depth.There is no way back!We can only fight with our backs.

The purgatory millstone behind him, Donghuang Patriarch's body is a mill flag, with red and blue flames all over his body, releasing infinite spiral energy.It is difficult to guarantee not to move. In this way, it is not just as simple as losing the strategy and being intercepted.

It is easier to form a situation where the enemy is attacked!
"It's dangerous!"

Tang Chen didn't think about it, raised his hand and pulled a lot of eyebrows, and flew out with his hand raised.

[Creation Jue] The firepower is fully fired, and the body is swishing, and a large amount of chaotic air leaves the body.The original stars are in the dantian, spinning crazily, forcibly squeezing the power of the world, the Eastern Earth World, Tang Chen's backhand, rows of computer hosts, and fans.Huge gusts of strange wind passed through the meridians of Tang Chen's body, caught in the power of the world, and shot out crazily.

Afterwards, Tang Chen collapsed on the ground powerlessly, and the trembling voice of despair reached Tang Yang's eyebrows: "Withdraw the troops, I can only do this!"

Finished speaking, passed out!
Tang Yangmei also judged that something was wrong, and was anxious...

Suddenly, a big black hand appeared out of thin air.This big black hand is incomparably majestic, exactly the same as the five-middle alliance formation.

"There is an aura of creation. Tang Chen?" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

At this moment, the big black hand created by Tang Chen stood behind the Fifth Middle School Alliance and slapped Zipeng violently!

Zipeng and the Patriarch Donghuang were both shocked and terrified.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw~! We are in ambush!"

The patriarch of the Eastern Emperor was so panicked that he made a misjudgment and yelled: "Despicable, you know what you did in the open! It's so despicable!"

(End of this chapter)

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