Shushan Wushen

Chapter 502 Half Xu Xingchen Half Xu Qing

Chapter 502 Half Xu Xingchen Half Xu Qing

[Today is the last day of November!Ask for a monthly pass!Since it's still in the recommendation period, let's just have five more explosions!Also give book friends a surprise!Book friends with guaranteed monthly tickets, please vote for me!Otherwise, it is also void!Of course, rewarding a monthly ticket is the best, 11 book coins are very cheap!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Wushu" has always received great attention and support from the three giants of Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Da Wuxia, and I am moved by it.In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with the practical actions of this week's explosive update!
Thank you book friends!Such an enthusiastic subscription!Subscriptions keep climbing to new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


Tang Chen's movements were too fast, and the trajectory of slipping away was like a continuous mushroom cloud.The black hole actually exploded.He was walking too fast.very urgent.

No rush!Human life is at stake~!

"Leaving half of the deity to fool the companions, Boss Tang Chen is really nothing!"

Chen Ye muttered with a big mouth, full of broken mouth.As a result, the half of Tang Chen's true self, baring his teeth and laughing, slipped away resolutely.

"Boss general, half Xu Xingchen and half Xu Qing, Chen Ye, you are complaining?" Li Yiqi's eyes were not friendly.

"You talk nonsense, the boss' reputation has been humiliated!" Cheng Yaojin shouted violently.Get up.

Qi Yu kicked Chen Ye flying, and Chen Ye flew upside down, hitting Jiang Xueting's upraised little feet with his big face...

"Jiang Xueting, you slapped me~! You don't slap people in the face!" Chen Ye was furious, covering his face in a rage.

Jiang Xueting originally erected a long leg and split the split.He was taken to a standstill by Chen Ye and was even slandered.Immediately, the willow eyebrows were erected, and the almond eyes were wide open.furious.

However, at this time, Tang Chen's team members were not feeling well.It happened to be used to purify the fire!Beat Chen Ye violently.

The tragic Chen Ye, just like Shi Zhongyu was so miserable in the past, became a sandbag.


Chen Ye's mournful wailing shocked the whole world.The sky trembled.

At the same time, a more real and more miserable cry than Chen Ye's wailing sounded in Tang Chen's ears.

With a sweep of his gaze, the fire demon of the Eastern Emperor's Bell was raging.Spin wildly to burn nothingness.Zipeng bears the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor on his back, and the huge long beak of the peng, 咻咻咻~!Violet flames soared, and strange bolts of lightning instantly killed the gods of the five-middle alliance...

That miserable howling was so desperate!

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and exclaimed incessantly.Obviously, he couldn't even protect himself!

Tang Chen hovered in the air, and his spiritual thoughts left his body one after another, shooting at the bell button of the Eastern Emperor one after another, like moths flying into a flame, stepping on the millstone of purgatory.Stepping on fire to save lives.

There are also more than half of the spiritual bodies, with a huge battle formation of millions of lions, launching disruptive attacks on Zipeng from all angles.

It is undeniable that Tang Chen's strategy is so sophisticated.The initiative to launch an attack is to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, delay and postpone, even interrupt Zipeng's breath, Zixuan Lei Liuyan.

The soldiers were divided into two groups, and the other spiritual body formed a team to carry out rescue.The gods who were burning in the sea of ​​flames, who had already been stupefied, led them out...!
You know, fire can not only incinerate tangible substances, the real fire of the phoenix, the phoenix feathers, the flames of the divine crystal, the azure blue flames, and the spiral energy emitted are enough to annihilate the burning eyes!
There was a sea of ​​flames everywhere, and the gods lost their sense of direction.Then there is only one dead end left for them.

Tang Chen's eyes glowed brightly, and he roared, "Sacred Heart of Ten Apertures, help me!"

How big the heart is, how strong the heart is.Tang Chen's heart burst in an instant, and ten rays of holy light gushed out, turning into a colorful and magnificent avenue.

On the avenue, there are Sky Ripper, Coral Unicorn, Scarlet Flame Golden Beast, Ice Armored Horned Demon Dragon, Eight-clawed Fire Dragon, Nine-Winged Sky Dragon, Thunder Bat Dragon, Blue-Winged Sea Dragon Beast, Sea Ripper Dragon Whale, Kui Cattle.The primordial souls of the ten great beasts of the mountains and seas looked down proudly.

A breath from ancient times filled the hearts of the gods in an instant.That is the instinctive awe of life in ancient mountains and seas.

Zipeng suddenly "squeaked~~~~~!" uttered a mournful cry of tearing nothingness, the sky cracker, the coral unicorn, the red flame golden beast, the ice armor horned dragon, the eight-clawed fire chinchilla, and the nine-winged sky dragon , Lightning Bat Dragon, Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast, Sea Splitting Dragon Whale, Kui Niu.They are all its contemporary rivals~!
Cracking the sky, shaped like a green bull, once guided by the will of Dao Mountain and Sea, and captured the power of Qingyun, the bull has a very stubborn temper!Standing on Qingyun and carrying the horns on his back, he is very mighty and powerful. When encountering injustice, he yells decisively, and Zeng's big hoof pokes through the blue sky.The existence of bull horns tearing apart the sky!

Rumble rumble~!
I saw a big green ox, extremely miraculous, stepping on Qingyun Road, like flowing clouds and flying fire, with one mind and two purposes, the ox horns vigorously swung away Zipeng's dazzling thunder and flames.Rush towards Patriarch Donghuang.The action is extremely fast.Smash nothingness.Moo moo moo~~~!
On the other side, the big green bull raises its exquisite and unsophisticated, stone-like hooves, which are extremely powerful, smashing into the scorching, gorgeous and purgatory spiral fire waves entangled by the rays of the sun.Open up a rescue route for Tang Chen.

In fact, under the blessing of Tang Chen's thought power, Lie Tianxi's combat strength was no less than that of the peak period.

Moo moo moo~~!
Lie Tianxi howled excitedly, and with such heroic help from its master, it actually erupted with the ferocity and cruelty of the past!

The starlight is dim, and the universe is swaying. With the stepping down of the big bull's hooves, thousands of stars fall, and the universe collapses.

Brutal mushroom clouds rose spectacularly, and the entire starry sky was deviated from the rhythm by this big green cow alien... cracking the sky.

"Ah no! Zhao Taozi is back!"

The patriarch of the Eastern Emperor raised his hand and shattered a mountain of spiritual stones. This spiritual stone was covered in black, and white steam curled up. After it exploded, a white road appeared in the void.

The patriarch of Donghuang extended his big hands infinitely. His arms, wrists, palms, fingers, and even fingernails were all extremely black and icy cold. His big hands were like digging out a bird's nest. When he pulled them, he pulled out a handful of teeth and grinned. He was a strong god of death Tiantuan members.Zhao Taozi himself had a leg stuck between the fingers of the ancestor of the East Emperor.With a bitter face.

"Go! Get rid of that mad cow!" The Patriarch Donghuang ordered loudly, without any doubt.

As the leader of the Reaper Heavenly Group, Zhao Taozi had a bitter expression on his face.Originally, they had been away for endless years, but unexpectedly, the patriarch of Donghuang descended out of thin air, like grabbing melon seeds, and captured them across domains...


Zhao Taozi repeated the order of the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor, and he was very surprised when he said the words.His mind is unexpectedly not controlled by himself!

"When was I enslaved?"

Zhao Taozi was very shocked, but soon the trace of clarity disappeared.As early as when he took over the Reaper Heavenly Mission, he, Zhao Taozi, had already become the slave of the Eastern Emperor Patriarch.The time of enslavement goes back a long, long time ago.Seniority is very old.

Reaper Heavenly Group?Zhao Taozi!

Tang Chen's eyes flashed with hesitation.With his mind power, he noticed very clearly that the series of changes on Zhao Taozi's face clearly revealed the truth.

"Patriarch Donghuang! You are too despicable. Every peerless power who serves you cannot escape the fate of being enslaved by you. You are a scum!"

Tang Chen angrily reprimanded that this was an undisguised quarrel on the spot.The ancestor of Donghuang laughed wildly: "I am a scum? No! You are wrong, the ancestor, I am the leader of the human race! Worship me~! The opportunity is still for you!"

"Bah~!" Tang Chen spat angrily.He opened his mouth and cursed.

"You fart~! Keep the opportunity for yourself, you will know when you look back! You have completely lost~!"

(End of this chapter)

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