Shushan Wushen

Chapter 503 This is really bloody

Chapter 503 This is really bloody

[Today is the last day of November!Ask for a monthly pass!Since it's still in the recommendation period, let's just have five more explosions!Also give book friends a surprise!Book friends with guaranteed monthly tickets, please vote for me!Otherwise, it is also void!Of course, rewarding a monthly ticket is the best, 11 book coins are very cheap!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Wushu" has always received great attention and support from the three giants of Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Da Wuxia, and I am moved by it.In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with the practical actions of this week's explosive update!
Thank you book friends!Such an enthusiastic subscription!Subscriptions keep climbing to new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


The Patriarch Donghuang decisively fell for it.Looking back hastily, I saw the vast starry sky, the stars were the curtain, Tang Chen's spiritual body came one after another, the distance was still far away, and the rest was nothingness.Immediately panicked.

"You lied to me! Despicable~! When did you learn to act like this!"

The Patriarch Donghuang roared and reprimanded, and raised his hand to throw out the death ball.

In such an instant, Lie Tiansi stepped on Qingyun, approached Zipeng and launched an attack~.

Pfft~!Pfft~!Puff puff puff~~!
With the bull's horns on his back, Lie Tiansi slammed into Zipeng head-on, the big horn shone brightly, one corner melted the Peng's feathers, and the other horn pierced decisively.Chi Chi Chi ~ ~!Peng's blood flowed, "Zhijiji~~~!" Zipeng screamed, furious, the blood was strong, mixed with scalding heat, splashing and cracking Tianxie's face.

"Moo moo moo~!"

Lie Tiansi's eyes were blood-stained, it was hot and stinging, her front legs were pinned to accumulate energy, and she stepped back violently, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The bull's hooves kicked wildly.

Zipeng was caught off guard, "Zhijiji~~!" He was hit by another big move.Especially the tail that cracked the sky, actually gave Zipeng a "neck slip" and made Zipeng dizzy~!The neck was almost broken, and the pain was endless, and Zipeng's slender thighs stomped endlessly.

The trick of Lao Niu wagging his tail is an absolute killer!The victory lies in the surprise, it is still ruthless!

It's a pity, cracking the sky, the skills stop here!If he didn't take advantage of the situation and break Zipeng's neck, he stopped there.

Zipeng's eyes flashed fiercely, he waved his claws, and breathed out thunderous flames.The burning sky cracked, "Moo moo moo~! What the hell~! Aww~!" Moo howled incessantly.

Clang~!Clang~!Clang, clang, clang~~!

At the same time, the Reaper Heavenly Group swung the Reaper's scythe, slashing at nothingness, the mist rolled up, and a terrifying acceleration descended.Unexpectedly, the cracked sky was rolled up.

"咻咻咻~~!" The sickle rolled up a dense black hole, forming a space cutting state...

"Not good! Cracking the sky is in danger~."

All this can't be hidden from Tang Chen's mental power. Although Tang Chen's mental power is guiding him, the sickles are too dense.Lie Tianxi is like being in an impenetrable knife net...Life is at stake, life is at stake~!

"Qingda, don't be afraid! Brother~~, here we come! Who dares to offend my top ten giants! Who dares?! Who is there?!"

The coral unicorn roared with its neck up, its white teeth were white, and its majesty was majestic.Coming out of nowhere!The coercion was so fierce, where the sound waves passed, members of the Death God Heavenly Group were smashed in large numbers on the periphery.The rest of them choked out one after another, spurting blood, and the black scythe of death in their hands was broken inch by inch~~.

who is it?Who is so terrifying!

That Zipeng blew its feathers and wailed in horror, it was like two birds in an instant.Trembling, no more ferocity and violence~~!
"Shan~Hudu~~Horned Beast~~Calling Beast? Don't..., don't..., don't come here...don't..." At this moment, Zipeng curled up, as if facing a big enemy, even more so Like... a helpless girl under the claws of a demon.

Lie Tianxi's pressure suddenly decreased, and he resolutely kicked his legs and ran wildly, rushing to the East Emperor's bell, the bell button, and the generals went to save people~.

Zipeng trembled, Donghuang Patriarch was surprised, his eyes filled with endless horror and puzzlement...

In the dark starry sky, there is a huge mountain and sea beast, handsome and handsome, with multi-coloured eyebrows, starry eyes, arrogant and proud, indescribably romantic and miraculous.

The body of the beautiful beast is crimson red, emitting a scorching glow, which is very cool.As cool as it is, on the top of the coral unicorn, a coral horn like a bright moon is shining brightly, crystal clear, and proud of the world, and the blue eyes are shining like luminous stones, with a soft light.Crying like complaining ~.

This is the old man of the top ten beasts of the mountains and seas, the coral unicorn!Rivers and lakes flower name; called beast.Like a rhinoceros but not a rhinoceros, it looks like Lie Tiansi, and is more handsome and beautiful than Lie Tiansi.

Called Beast, this is a mountain and sea war beast with a story!
"Don't~!" Zipeng spit out human words, the human language used to be the most noble universal language in the world of mountains and seas.This is also the first time that Zipeng opened his mouth to speak, and he blurted out unconsciously.

It can be said that this Zipeng and coral unicorn have never met.But in the blood is the majesty left by the coral unicorn.That is a very dangerous talent warning.Many indescribable scenes appeared in Zipeng's memory in the form of blood imprints, and they became clearer and clearer.

Although Zipeng is the overlord, he was rejected by the great world during the period of great change from order to civilization in the mountain and sea world.Maybe it's in the Yang world, maybe it's in the underworld.Or the period when yin and yang conceived....

In Zipeng's previous life, he was brutally ravaged by a coral unicorn, and his emotions were completely destroyed.Lost sanity.So many chilling things happened….

"It turned out to be like this~~!"

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little nervous, and glanced at the coral unicorn. No wonder this guy has a dignified appearance, a big world in the world of mountains and seas.Call it a beast~!Still so handsome...Unspoken rules~!Calling the beast committed a mistake that even men in future generations will make.


The coral unicorn raised its hooves, rustling~!Gently wipe the red dazzling one-horn on the head, and the coral horn emits a brighter and more bewitching pink light~.

The scene was a little awkward.

"I didn't expect you to imprint that beautiful memory into a bloodline imprint. Is it unforgettable? I still don't want to erase it~!"

"Zhi~!" The old matter was brought up again, and Zipeng blew his hair decisively, and let out a mournful cry, infinitely horrified: "Don't say it~!"

The voice was so sharp that it hurt Tang Chen's eardrum~!
"It was you who took the initiative at the beginning...." The coral unicorn looked very innocent...with a dazed face, it spread its two front hooves, and the cow's hooves turned outwards, with a pitiful and helpless expression.

It also looks quite gentlemanly, yet elegant.

"No~! You villain~! You are a devil~!"

Zipeng's incomparably huge wings, tightly wrapping the slender body of the roc, turned into the form of wings' eggs.Still shivering and shuddering.

"I didn't expect..., me too..., you were so passionate back then, I...I was also forced to obey...."

The coral unicorn squeaked and didn't explain, rather helpless and embarrassed.

"No~! I don't want to recall the unbearable scene of that scene~! I'm nervous~~!"

The patriarch of the Eastern Emperor resolutely recognized the situation, but he did not expect that the Coral Unicorn actually insulted Zipeng~.Causing the situation to take a turn for the worse.

"Change to Shengyan Knife~! Slash that red-horned beast to death!"

The Patriarch Donghuang roared and issued an order.The members of the Reaper Heavenly Group threw away the Reaper's black scythe one after another, and drew out the 'Long Saber of Reincarnation' on their backs!
"Ah?" Tang Chen lost his voice suddenly. He didn't expect that they still regarded the fake reincarnation long knife that he personally made for endless years as a treasure.If you don't meet the enemy, you still refuse to take it out....

"This is bloody...!"

(End of this chapter)

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