Shushan Wushen

Chapter 504 Zipeng Destroys Darkness

Chapter 504 Zipeng Destroys Darkness

[Today is already the first day of December!Ask for a monthly pass!Since it's still in the recommendation period, let's just explode on Friday!Also give book friends a surprise!Book friends with monthly tickets, please vote for me!Of course, rewarding monthly tickets is the best!Ten thousand book coins is very cheap!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Wushu" has always received great attention and support from the three giants of Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Da Wuxia, and I am moved by it.In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with the practical actions of this week's explosive update!
Thank you book friends!Such an enthusiastic subscription!Subscriptions keep climbing to new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


Tang Chen was speechless, his heart was extremely sad.Witnessing the eternity of tens of thousands of years in that instant, he has infinite longing for the hopeless rise of the human race.It's a pity that the more you care about things, the more disappointing you will be.

Tang Chen's heart was in the graceful and extremely beautiful clear sky, but under his feet was a piece of mud, his eyes were full of sewage, shockingly dirty...

For him who is a Virgo and has a serious cleanliness habit, it is tantamount to a torture like purgatory, or, devastation!
Boom boom boom~~~.

The comet is getting bigger and bigger, crushing all obstacles!
"Zipeng! What are you doing?" Patriarch Donghuang wanted to cry but had no tears, his robe was torn, and his big face was as dirty as an old beggar under a bridge hole.

"Destroy it! Zipeng, I order you to destroy yourself..." the Patriarch Donghuang roared, giving instructions while bumping~.

However, Zipeng has gone crazy.Obedient can only understand half of it....

"Hey... Destroy~! Destroy~!"

The continuous high-pitched cry, the overwhelming wings, bursting with thunder and purple flames, driving the comets to sweep the starry sky~!

"Back to the warship~!"

Tang Chen looked back at the starry sky, full of endless despair.

Very far away, the stars are like beans, and they are devoured in the blink of an eye.Looking at the starry sky, only this obscure comet gave birth to countless devil-like spikes, destroying everything ferociously and dirty.

The entire Milky Way was destroyed and swallowed, dimmed in an instant, bursting out with a few beams of faint brilliance, that was the last struggle!

Returning to the warship, Tang Chen himself merged into one, and summoned his subordinates, as well as all senior disciples of the Tang Sect.Even the peerless powers of those rescued human races brainstormed.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows in silence.It wasn't that he went his own way, the Six Paths of Reincarnation would not have caused such a miserable situation.He is too assertive.It started without a plan.

"We are not Tang Yangmei, and we don't have his superb martial arts attainments, so, Mr. Tang Chen, I think our strategic principle should be based on the five-star Martial God!"

The old dean of Hukou University, Jiu Li, squinted at Tang Yang's eyebrows, and Tang Chen clasped his fists.There is no lack of mourning in the tone.All his disciples died thanks to Tang Yangmei.

"Lord Jiuli is right. This old man feels the same way, so I say so!" President Yang Tinbao of Haotian Baoding University stroked his beard with a sullen expression on his face.This time, Haotian Baoding lost the most, with a loss of more than [-]% of its manpower.

The head teacher of Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Jingtian, didn't say anything because of the Taoist priest, but he snorted coldly.A look of persevering after the fall.

Elder Ye Shan from the True Seal of Kongtong was an old woman. She raised her stiff old stick and said, "Boom~!" and stomped on the ground fiercely.

Immediately, the scene became tense, and there was a big disagreement, and it was a situation of fighting with one's life!

Tang Chen lifted his weight lightly, waved his hands, and said indifferently: "My lords, the human race is in dire straits. Let's brainstorm, but if you use guns and sticks to destroy unity, don't say it!"

As soon as these words came out, the partners of Tang Chen's team stood up hula la and moved closer to Tang Chen.Inadvertently, it surrounded the gods in an arc.

The spirits of the four magical treasures, the Demon Refining Pot, Haotian Baoding, Kongtong Yin, and Kunlun Mirror, hurriedly made peace.

"Calm down~! Calm down~! If you have something to say, say it..."

Tang Chen stared at the gods calmly, without saying a word.Don't be angry!The invisible aura makes the peerless power from the four reincarnations tremble decisively.Think carefully!
"People need to be grateful. The boss of my team, Tang Chen, took action personally and spared his life to save you and others. You still want to make trouble? Please leave the warship!"

Chen Ye sternly reprimanded, and ruthlessly poked the faces of the gods with his fingers. This is a humiliation, and even more an insult!You are trampling on their dignity!
However, the gods resolutely confessed.Even Tang Yang's eyebrows just showed a wry smile.Since rescuing him and returning, Tang Chen never communicated with him.Refuse to discuss all matters with Tang Yangmei.

"Master Tang Chen, don't! Don't! Leave the warship, where are we going? Are we forced to die?"

The gods cupped their fists in apology, pleading.

Rebirth is reincarnation.Reborn in Xiaoyangjian again.But what a long time it takes to grow, and countless treasures of heaven and earth are piled up and cultivated!There is absolutely not enough time before the catastrophe befalls Xiaoyangjian.

During this short exchange, Ziyan rose from Zipeng's body, evolved again, and then, with even crazier methods, accelerated to drive away the comet, destroying everything crazily.

At this moment, looking around, the Milky Way is not there, the stars are dim, where the comet passes, the starry sky turns into nothingness, the darkness collapses one after another, and turns into a vastness again.The starry sky is annihilated!

"Leap!" Tang Chen gave an order, commanding the warship to pass through the dark barrier and enter the ocean of latitude.

There are countless heavens in the latitude ocean.There are also Xiaoyangjian where countless sacred lands, mortal roads, holy ruins, and fairy mountains exist.Baxu is nothing but a sea of ​​latitudes, a slightly larger sacred land in the vast expanse.

"I'm finally back!"

The gods sighed, entering the ocean of latitude, in Xiaoyangjian, immortality is impossible.It is also impossible to stay in the vastness and chaos like an interstellar pirate or a bounty hunter.

Whenever one enters a place of chaos, the messy ways of heaven will be plucked, and all kinds of deprivation will be imposed one after another.Great luck, great blood, and great wisdom have all been weakened.

In particular, the gods of the five-middle alliance have suffered injuries to varying degrees. The light ones are fatal, and the severe ones are at the end of their battles.

At the moment of stepping into the latitude ocean, the faces of the gods are wonderful!Infinite solemnity rose one after another.Countless universes, large and small, sacred lands, holy ruins, are either radiant, or flames are flying, some flowers are in full bloom, and some are endlessly silent.Flowing clouds and flying fire, the forms are countless.

They exist in different latitudes. Although they can look at each other, they cannot approach each other, let alone communicate.

The latitude ocean is very comprehensive, just like the universe, the sacred land, and the holy ruins in front of you, all located in the past, future, present, or eternity after eternity.Even usually, just pass us by.But they pass through each other.

Field stimulation, gravitational wave effect.Many parallel universes collided unexpectedly, warships blew alarms from time to time, and the restrictions were fully opened.But every time it was a false alarm.

Different latitudes may span thousands of years, or be separated by thousands of years!
The gods trembled, some trembled, their beards trembled, and their teeth chattered.In the face of death, no one can remain calm, not even the existence of the peerless Valkyrie!Decisive fear ~!
"Shushan Golden Pill, nourishes yin and strengthens yang, nourishes qi and invigorates the brain, relaxes tendons and activates blood circulation, regenerates severed limbs... It is extremely miraculous..."

"Shushan Golden Elixir, which cures all kinds of restlessness..."

"Do you want the Lingtai to be clear and bright, and all evils will not arise? Please take the Shushan Golden Pill..."

Suddenly, a large group of Tangmen disciples had large medicine bottles hanging around their necks...He came out to sell medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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