Shushan Wushen

Chapter 506 Removing the Turnips and Keeping the Greens

Chapter 506 Removing the Turnips and Keeping the Greens

【Since it’s still in the recommendation period, and it’s Saturday again, let’s just explode again!Here's a weekend surprise for book lovers!happy weekend!By the way, ask for a monthly pass!Book friends with monthly tickets, please vote for me!Of course, rewarding monthly tickets is the best!Ten thousand book coins is very cheap!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Wushu" has always received great attention and support from the three giants of Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Da Wuxia, and I am moved by it.In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with the practical actions of this week's explosive update!
Still thank you book friends!Such an active subscription all the time!Subscriptions are still climbing and hitting new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


"Ah? What happened? My eyes are broken, and I have hallucinations~! Why is Boss doing that in private..., why is he open in public..."

Tang Chen's team members, I have never seen Tang Chen so openly frivolous.exclaimed.Li Yiqi couldn't help lowering his head and swaying his plump eyes, with a mournful expression on his face. His well-proportioned and super-long eyelashes, with a few drops sparkling, were as bright as diamonds.The partners covered their eyes one after another, watching Tang Chen's actions through their fingers.

I saw Tang Chen hugging Ye Shan's slender waist affectionately, and his bronze-colored arms rested on that hip.Ye Shan's waist muscles are whiter than snow, very elastic and shiny.It should be very delicate.

Tang Chen seemed very excited, his fist was clenched at the end of his arm, and he never let go.In this way, it is not so wretched, but still a gentleman.There was a reserved yet intimate smile on his face of peerless elegance.

Ye Shanjun blushed, and lowered her head shyly, revealing a delicate and silver jade neck like bone china handed down from ancient times.

The scene on the warship suddenly became awkward.What Tang Chen showed earlier was undoubtedly the character of a martial god.He was impassioned, loud, and looked down on the gods. No one can argue with that kind of heart.A model of God.

The methods are meticulous and subtle, overbearing and tyrannical!

But in the blink of an eye, she was flirting openly in front of trillions of gods~.

How can this embarrass the gods?What a slap in the face!As a result, countless Martial Gods felt powerless, and they all realized that Tang Chen, even on the deck at this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, stripped off Ye Shan's robe and did some indescribable and shameful things... People dare to come forward to stop it!
That's courting death!

"So that's how it is~!"

The gods finally realized it.There is no more struggle in my heart.I deeply realized that what is a big event is gone.It turns out that all the brilliant achievements, lofty status, and great reputation... have passed away~.It's all useless here.

here.Tang Chen is the absolute master.Absolute control.Those who follow Tang Chen will prosper, those who go against Tang Chen will perish!From now on, everything the gods do must obey Tang Chen's orders.It was right to get Tang Chen's approval.If Tang Chen denies it, then it is absolutely wrong!

It can be said that it doesn't matter whether Tang Chen is a tyrant or a fool.None of it matters, the important thing is that Tang Chen will replace everything and become their supreme monarch!The one and only king!

Gradually, the arrogance and arrogance on the brows of the gods gradually faded away, and then disappeared, and humility appeared on their faces.The arrogant straight spine, the meek bend~.

Tang Chen and Ye Shan communicated for a while, because it was sound transmission, the gods didn't know what they talked about.The shyness on Ye Shan's face faded and she became calm.The holy radiance filled the whole pretty face, and the whole temperament changed drastically.Really radiant.His eyes also became firm.

At the end of Tang Chen, his eyes coldly swept across the audience. Facing Tang Chen, the densely packed gods all showed their backs.The face is full of respect, even humble~!
He said softly: "Elder Ye Shan, go~! I will match you with three disciples of the Tang Sect. Work hard!"

Ye Shan took a step back, saluted respectfully, and with one hand across her chest, solemnly swore: "The great hero, home! country! world! stars!"

"Okay~!" Tang Chen nodded, and turned his gaze to Tang Xiaoshao, "Brother Twelve, select three disciples of the Tang Sect. Cooperate with Elder Ye Shan of the Tang Sect to handle the affairs of the Tang Sect."

Concise and concise.Tang Xiaoshao understood in seconds, but these words fell into the ears of the gods.Another scene.

"Ah? So it's like this... Master Tang Chen's move is very subtle! Master Tang Chen... Can I become your slave and respectfully call you the head of the family?"

The Valkyrie with a bright mind is decisively shameless, and he wants to take refuge in him resolutely.Committed to slavery ~.

This is the charm of power.It makes people unable to extricate themselves.There is no resistance.

Then, Tang Chen solemnly told Ye Shan, in fact, he also told the gods.

"Remember! Use your supreme means, Ye Shan, to escort the disciples of the Tang Sect to preach safely. Don't be brave and ruthless. Don't indulge in vested interests. Sensuality! At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Sect in Shushan, force was assisted. Fang disciples, Qi Fang disciples, must be kind and charitable, not for profit, use technical means to crush and monopolize the field of commercial circulation, so as to cooperate with Tangmen Panshitang disciples to preach. First open up a side of power with martial arts beliefs. Sincerely unite with each other, Work together. Quickly change the original world pattern. After Shushan Tangmen has absolute prestige, then announce the truth about the crisis of the human race! The timing must be accurate, and the specifics will be grasped by the disciples of Panshitang."

When everyone heard the words, they stopped commotion and fell into deep thought.They were silent for a long time.The faces of Tang Chen's team members are wonderful... especially Qi Yu, Jiang Xueting and the others...Grinning his teeth, "Li Yiqi..., shame~." The laughing flowers trembled.

Next, Daoist Buwei fired another shot. With a solemn face and a calm tone, he threw away the shackles of fame and wealth, and revealed a coercive temperament of a fairy, and said loudly:
"Master Tang Chen, the poor Taoist has just reflected on his past and present life. The endless years have come all the way. The original intention is incomplete, and the obsession is not there. Now I am enlightened by Master Tang Chen, and I am stunned. I am decisive. I know that the concept of martial arts is outdated. Only The strength of this battle is close to him, and he looks like blue eyes. The old man is willing to be a bodyguard, and he will try his best to protect the three special envoys of the Tang Sect. My lord, be kind. Give the old man a chance to regain his original intention and not forget his original intention!"

嚄~!A stone stirs up a thousand waves.The eyes of the gods began to shine brightly.There are colorful blooms.Truth~!
At this moment, everyone cheered for Bu Wei's words!

Because this is the result Tang Chen wanted.All the beating is to remove the dross and select the essence, remove the false and keep the true, from here to there, from the outside to the inside.Let the gods burst out their original obsession from the depths of their souls.

In fact, Tang Chen's request is really not high!When the gods have not yet risen.People think the same way.

At the beginning of practicing martial arts and cultivating Taoism, which one didn't have lofty goals and bursting with confidence.I still recall those days; fists clenched, eyes shining, and I swore fiercely that the Qi family would govern the country and the world.In the end, after breaking the void and enshrining the gods, he crossed the stars.Peerless beauties are always overthrown, searched for natural and earthly treasures, cleverly plundered, established a huge force, repay kindness with kindness, and revenge with revenge.Finally... tired of it too.

Dead, hiding in the underworld, living a comfortable and boring life...

Why don't you have that fresh and hot original intention?

The hero is so great, his family, country, and stars are all over the world, how can he be so bored and ashamed to mention it when he thinks about it?After all, I am already a peerless power who controls the world with one word, and destroys the stars with a raised hand...I always feel that this is just a small slogan..., clichéd, very naive, very childish!

"Get rid of the chaff and save the chaff~! Very good! Then I hope you will not forget the beginning and regain your original intention!"

Tang Chen looked at Daoist Buwei with satisfaction, showing very precious appreciation.And patted the shoulder of the Taoist priest.

Although, Tang Chen was just scratching the surface of the water, he raised his hand as soon as he lightly touched the Taoist priest's robe.However, the significance is too great.

Enough to ignite the enthusiasm of the gods.Suddenly, the heat wave hit people, and the gods expressed their willingness to do their best to act as bodyguards for the three Tang Sect disciples who had missions.I don't hesitate to do anything~!
"Whoever dares to hurt a disciple of the Tang Sect, then step over my corpse~!"

(End of this chapter)

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