Shushan Wushen

Chapter 507 Consecration 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 507 Consecration 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

[Since it's still in the recommendation period and it's Saturday again, let's just explode again on this beautiful starry night!Here's a weekend surprise for book lovers!happy weekend!By the way, ask for a monthly pass!Book friends with monthly tickets, please vote for me!Of course, rewarding monthly tickets is the best!Ten thousand book coins is very cheap!Thank you anyway!Say thank you friends.

"Shushan Wushu" has always received great attention and support from the three giants of Z University, Mo University, and Xingchen Da Wuxia, and I am moved by it.In order to repay this touch, I will express my gratitude with the practical actions of this week's explosive update!
Still thank you book friends!Such an active subscription all the time!Subscriptions are still climbing and hitting new highs!Thank you book friends for being grateful!This is a strong support for Zijin Xingchen.Zijin Xingchen was silently grateful, and could only try her best to write well.Give back to my friends this touch in my heart. 】


In the latitude ocean, countless fragments of time appeared suddenly, and suddenly disappeared.In the bustling universe in the distance, there are constantly Valkyries stepping on ziplines, fleeing under false pretense, and there are even interstellar pirates chasing after them.

As bizarre as ever.Everyone has their own trajectory of survival.

However, on this star-level warship.The tracks of the gods intersect with the Tangmen of Shushan.This is not a moment of brilliance, but a sudden flash, but a return to the original heart.Bing Wu Dao again!
Tang Chen's thoughts were very busy, and he was spared no effort to worry about the big things.Careful screening.As a result, he was taken aback.

The souls of the gods became extremely sacred, full of peace and love.Each one has a shape.The law is solemn.It has become really different from before.

This change is so amazing.Tang Chen didn't expect it.Even he hesitated because of it.However, the thinking of trillions of warrior gods ceased to function all the time, and Tang Chen's thought power stopped for a while, and he read the voice of God.

"I have never forgotten the original intention of martial arts. I just dare not regain it, and regard it as childish. Now, regaining the original intention of martial arts, adhering to the greatness of the chivalry, the family, the country, the stars, and the stars in the world. Protect the safety of the human race. I take this opportunity to regain the original intention , although death is without regret~!"

It turned out to be face!It is also the deformed thinking caused by vested interests that is at work!
It turned out to be a trend!Regaining the original intention, living up to the original intention of practicing martial arts and conferring gods, has become fashionable~!
This is the herd mentality in the dark, so ~.

"Trend is the ultimate force of greatness in the world. It's so majestic~!" Tang Chen complained fiercely.

Flick off your clothes when it's over, and hide your merit and fame deeply.The big event is over, and the overall framework has been formulated.According to the routine, it was time for Tang Chen to stop.Next, Tang Chen's team members came forward to select peerless talents, and Tang Xiaoshao and Mu Fenghan sent corresponding Tangmen disciples.

However, Tang Chen didn't play his cards according to the routine.

Disciples of the Tang Sect of Panshitang must speak clearly and have good facial features. They may not be beautiful but they must be friendly.Before sending them out, Tang Chen had to personally consecrate their words.Tongues are shining brightly, completely deified.Then use the supreme divine method to cover up the aura.Back to Basics.

What is the lotus flower?What does it mean to say what you say?What is a word of wind and thunder?What is every word shocking?If it is not turned on, it is not easy to use.This is the mystery of God.

Tang Chen also fought hard for the human race, imprinting the untold secrets of Shushan in his memory.Those top-secret methods and experience in alchemy and tool refining were all copied and pasted, and with the power of thought, they were imprinted in the memories of the disciples sent out in the alchemy workshop and the tool workshop.

The four formed a small team.With the original talent, Liuyan Eight Phoenix is ​​responsible for opening up wormholes and dispatching them one by one...

The scene was really spectacular.A martial god, some of whom still exist at the level of peerless power, not a Taoist leader, stepping on a thread of flames, solemnly bowing his hands.Solemnly swear: "For the future of the human race, this old Taoist is willing to be smashed to pieces, and his soul will be scattered. Whoever wants to hinder the great cause of Shushan, then step on my corpse!"

Tang Chen immediately corrected: "False! What are you talking about about the great cause of Shushan? How can you get it without skin? This is the beacon fire of the human race! You are just envoys of Shushan! After you return, you will all enter my Tang sect and become the elders of Shushan!"

"Thank you Patriarch for fulfillment! This elder will go too~!"

Whoosh~!It doesn't matter that the Taoist priest is so shameless at the moment, he pretends to be the elder of Shushan, so he flatters him, and he really breaks away.

Tang Chen smiled and shook his head, without a trace of sullenness.

The rank of Shushan elders is much higher than that of Tangmen elders.Since the establishment of the Shushan clan, the number of elders in Shushan has been less than one hand.

However, for the future of the human race, they are facing an unprecedented catastrophe.A precious title is really insignificant.

Tang Chen was busy here, and Nezha was also ordered to go to Baxu.Notified Ye Mengmeng to arrange Zijin Building to prepare for the catastrophe, and brought back [Five Fire and Seven Bird Fans].

[Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan] It is said to be a fan, but when it is unfolded, it will reveal a latitude and ocean map, which is colorful and gorgeous, showing every sacred land, holy market, and fairy mountain.And update in real time.

But at this moment, it is no longer in the shape of a tuanfan.The starry sky collapsed and the underworld was destroyed, and the circular fan bones of the [Five Fire and Seven Bird Fan] glowed in pitch black, and sometimes snapped off, and then continued to connect after breaking.

What is even more frightening is that the round fan in a flat state, surrounded by mist, becomes three-dimensional, like a huge ball~!
This ball releases endless breath of life.All of this breath was absorbed by the fan bone.With this energy the dark strokes are maintained.

With sharp eyes, Qi Yu pointed at one place in horror, "This prickly pear... so looks like a comet!"

Some of the gods were about to set off, so they stopped decisively and looked at Tang Chen.The impression that the cactus comet left on them was too profound.The pain pierced my heart, and my bone marrow trembled.

"This is the Holy Ruins of the Phoenix!" Liu Yan Bahuang exclaimed in surprise.

"There's the breath of the underworld!" Among Liuyan Eight Phoenixes, the old dean of Xiameng Academy exclaimed.She is a fire phoenix.Very sensitive to cold air.He looked dumbfounded.

"That's right! Why does our Phoenix Holy Ruins have the aura of the underworld, and it's so strong?" The metallic Phoenix exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

Hearing the words, Tang Chen stopped the swipe of his eyes from the 'opening of the mouth', eh?His eyebrows were raised suddenly, and his pupils widened.

The voice of the Eastern Emperor Patriarch seemed to come to my ears again: "Tang Chen, let me tell you the secret of the entire underworld, the phoenix is ​​the only real master! The underworld is the big world controlled by the phoenix!"

The phoenix is ​​divided into eight veins, fire, earth, metal, wood, water, thunder and lightning, frost, and darkness.Isn't it omnipotent?

Combine the scene in front of you with the memory of the communication between the emperor and ancestors in the Middle East.Tang Chen was shocked.Looking at the [Five Fire and Seven Bird Fan], it is like a star in a cloud of primordial mist.A new star!And the Phoenix Holy Ruins is called "Xuan" because the Phoenix Holy Ruins appear to be very dilapidated.The vicissitudes of life rising from the dilapidated are so out of place.It was so abrupt!

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and analyzed in a loud voice:

"The dark barrier is the boundary, and the underworld and the latitude ocean each account for half. In the latitude ocean, there are countless sacred lands, holy places, and fairy mountains. They are called Xiaoyangjian. The yin energy in the Phoenix Holy Ruins is so strong. It is a yin alone. Look at that The Eastern Emperor’s Great Bell stands proudly in the underworld, and its yang qi is the most eerie. Now the entire Eastern Emperor’s Great Bell has been turned into a grinding flag, reduced to the nucleus of a comet. It can be said that the only yang does not grow!”

When the gods heard the words, some raised their fingers and started a great derivation technique.Flowers of karma bloomed one after another.On the deck of the warship, the brilliance is incomparable, and the fairy flowers are floating around, making it a magnificent sight.

Suddenly~!There was a bang.All the bright pieces exploded.What rose up was an endless black mist.

The huge air wave overturned the gods. The gods suffered a strong backlash, vomited blood, and flew away...

"This matter is not something we can deduce.... Puff puff...."

(End of this chapter)

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