Shushan Wushen

Chapter 510 Where did the news come from?

Chapter 510 Where did the news come from?

I don't know how long old Harry hasn't had enough to eat, let alone how many stomachs old Harry has.Food comparable to a small mountain, and wine as large as a pool of water, were all taken into his stomach by him.

"Hey~! Heck~~!"

Tang Chen smiled and watched old Harry hiccupping in succession, "Are you full?"

"It's exploding! My stomach is about to explode...but it's very comfortable."

Old Harry didn't know that all the star thieves, except him, were going through hellish hair cutting and marrow washing.But to Tang Chen who gave him food, he was very grateful.Actually less fear.A lot more casual.

Although Tang Chen's appearance has not changed, he still looks like a teenager.But now old Harry looks like a rotten eggplant, but he has the feeling for Tang Chen in his heart.There is no lack of awe.In fact, Tang Chen was considered to be of his elder generation.

"Can't you burn your divine power and regain your youth? It's uncomfortable to look at like this." Tang Chen suggested in an elder tone.

That tone was like a father with a clean chin, warning his unshaven and bearded son.

Old Harry sneered shyly, with a divine light on his body.Wisps of the mist of time gushed out along the pores.Suddenly, the little Harry with big eyes, hooked nose, and gray pupils reappeared opposite Tang Chen.

Old Harry was also stunned. The image he created was exactly what the boy looked like when Tang Chen killed his family.

"Alas~! Time flies, Bai Yuncanggou. Young man..."

Tang Chen suddenly felt emotional. Looking at the pig bones on the table, he thought of the little pig running around.At the same time, there is also nostalgia for the old days.

Old Harry thought that Tang Chen felt pity for him seeing him in such a miserable situation.It was as if his memory had been split by lightning, as if a pair of big hands had tightly clenched his heart.His big eyes were gray with a few strands of light flickering.Full of hope.

Tang Chen sensed the change in old Harry's mood, looked him over again, and said with a smile, "What? Still obsessed? Do you want the Potter family to rise again?"

Old Harry was poked at the heart by Tang Chen's words.Immediately distressed.He couldn't help lowering his head, and then realized the preciousness of the opportunity, raised his head decisively, and looked at Tang Chen: "Senior Ruthless, I'll hang out with you in the future. At least I can eat enough."

"Hahaha, it's not good to live in a homeless place, to live in someone else's house! You've become more cautious, little Harry~!"

Tang Chen told the truth again.

Old Harry seized the opportunity this time, and replied slyly: "Sir, my Potter family is full of crimes. The hands of the seniors in the family are all stained with innocent blood. It doesn't matter if you go back to your old business or inherit your father's business." .It's all just begging for a bite to eat. I'll do whatever you arrange!"

As he spoke, strong and complicated pain flashed in old Harry's eyes, and he subconsciously put his hands on his chest and tugged at his robe.There seemed to be a dying hedgehog, which was stimulated to end hibernation from time to time, and stabbed old Harry's heart dripping with blood while flipping.

Will the past be the past forever?No~!It never fades away in silence.without a trace.Instead, like the hibernating hedgehog, it was frightened and revived from time to time, instinctively causing unbearable pain.

It was at that moment when my heart ached and my heart broke.There was a torrential rainstorm in the sea of ​​hearts, and the scenes of the endless years before the turbulent waves still reappeared in front of my eyes.Every picture, every look, just like every time he thinks about it, pours out an irresistible breath, reaching the deepest part of his old Harry's soul.

Whenever this feeling comes, he will have a strong desire to talk.

Old Harry also had ideals, aspirations, and a sense of family mission. He needed a kind of recognition.

Tang Chen was also born in the Mo Luo family, so he could feel the deep-rooted obsession of old Harry, "I still miss your family's Potter starship! It's a quasi-planetary ship, extremely powerful and very fast. Hurry up, reach [-] knots in an instant, it takes time..., how many comers?" Tang Chen swept across old Harry's soul with his thoughts, and read his thoughts.Opened the topic.

"Ah..., the initial speed is [-] knots, and it can be done in one breath...."

Old Harry came to his senses and opened his mouth to answer.In this regard, communicate with Tang Chen.

The atmosphere was very harmonious, and Tang Chen laughed a few words from time to time, which gave Old Hart an endless sense of approval.After chatting, Tang Chen gradually resolved the grievance in old Harry's heart, and Harry's face was brimming with satisfaction.Immersed in the glory of the family in the past, that glory.The years are indifferent and quiet, but extremely beautiful.

Harry took the initiative to reveal many unknown secrets of the Potter family.and a huge network of people.According to him, in the circle of interstellar pirates, although his Potter family's star pirate ship does not have a large scale, but when necessary, he can use the family secret method to contact a star pirate ship of the same level. Ten billion ships!In the vast latitude ocean, at least a million responses to one call!

Tang Chen didn't say much, he sincerely expressed his belief, and kept nodding his head.

The more Harry talked, the happier he was, and he simply told Tang Chen the entire family history without reservation.Without scruples, like a child reporting to the head of the family.

At this time, Nezha came over suddenly and interrupted Harry's confession.Originally Harry was quite angry, but when he turned his head, he froze suddenly, resolutely curbed his anger, piled up an exaggerated smile, and bent over: "The holy baby is ruthless~!"

Nezha was speechless to this address.When galloping across the latitude ocean and slashing wildly for 10 years, countless interstellar pirates were frightened and fled.

Tang Chen was honored as a big ruthless person, and Nezha became a second ruthless person.Although he usually does the most cruel things.However, judging people by their appearance, he was honored as the Holy Infant King, but he became the second child!

"Brother Tang Chen, everything is ready. You tell him, it's me..."

Tang Chen waved his hands reservedly, looked at Harry, and said in a very friendly tone: "Go Harry, you go with the holy baby, he will give you a surprise. I believe you will be better than your ancestors."

"Ah~~! What?"

Harry stretched his neck in disbelief, with a look of astonishment and shock.Stretching out his arms, he was about to hug Tang Chen.Tang Chen was somewhat resistant to the same-sex relationship, this blazing enthusiasm, raised his hand to release a burst of divine power, and pushed him away.

"Let's go~!"

Nezha raised his hand and grabbed the back of Harry's neck, carried it, carried it like that, and left.


Queen Medusa first probed her brain, and then she appeared when she saw Nezha had gone far away.

"Tang Chen, just now Nezha commandeered a quasi-stellar space battleship. I also want..."

Tang Chen interrupted brazenly: "You want it? Do you want it? Why do you want a star pirate ship? When a catastrophe comes, all actions are no joke!"

"Hey~! You, you have a bad temper, let me finish my sentence, okay?" Queen Medusa stomped her feet angrily.

Tang Chen was stunned, and hurriedly apologized: "Ah, ah! I'm also impatient. Then tell me."

"I want to follow you. I'm messing with you! Hehehe~."

Queen Medusa, laughing through tears, whoosh~!Floating in front of Tang Chen, his body suddenly shrunk and turned into a belt, which tied Tang Chen's robe.

"I'm not going to hang out with Nezha. All I come into contact with are star robbers, and no one is a good person. Besides, their trip will cause a catastrophe."

Queen Medusa whispered softly, but when these words fell into Tang Chen's ears, it was different.He was determined to realize that the message contained in these words was very important.Queen Medusa is the resolver of all disasters.Poor Medusa.

"Where did this news come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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