Shushan Wushen

Chapter 511 Phoenix True Flame Order

Chapter 511 Phoenix True Flame Order

A flaming charcoal fire in the cold night, and a small light blue umbrella in rainy days.No matter what time, where.When you are in distress, having a friend show up always makes you feel less cold and less humid.

Ye Mengmeng came with the main force of Baxu, and they came in time.This made Tang Chen feel full.Although, the power of Baxu is just a drop in the ocean.It's really small.However, this support is at the level of going all out.Not only precious, but also trustworthy without any burden.

Ye Mengmeng stepped on Xianhuang Xiuxiu, slashed a bloody path, and escorted Tang Chen, the spiritual body, to the deck.During this process, Tang Chen hugged Ye Mengmeng tightly, as if he was afraid of fighting.Ye Mengmeng was confused when she was concerned, and didn't realize this.

Ye Mengmeng was tall and slender, curled up in Tang Chen's arms, her temples were scattered, and she lost the dignity of the endless years.Like a little girl, snuggling in Tang Chen's arms.

"Wow~! This is Tang Chen's boss's Tiezi Ye Mengmeng, the boss really cares about him!"

The partners of Tang Chen's team, eyes scarlet from killing, hurriedly glanced through the human wall, and taunted loudly.

"Everyone returns to the team!" All the spirit bodies that Tang Chen was fighting with slammed his sword vigorously, sending their opponents flying.Shhhhhhh....Pull back the deck.

On the deck, Tang Chen's spirit bodies gathered one after another.It's like a video clip played backwards.In a moment, he turned into Tang Chen himself.

At this time, the spiritual body that Tang Chen accepted to pay homage to also disappeared.Phew~!Finally entered Tang Chen himself.

Whoosh whoosh. . . .

The gods under Tang Chen's command all sent their opponents flying after receiving Tang Chen's order, and returned to the warship.

The space inscription pattern on the deck automatically glows, and it is much wider.Trillions of martial gods lined up neatly in dense circles.

Tang Chen arranged the reinforcements from Baxu to the designated positions one after another.Xianhuang Xiuxiu was left alone.

"Xiuxiu... are you here too?"

"See Master~!" Xianhuang Xiuxiu bowed gracefully.Wearing a red dress, Tingting curls up.The ceremony is very respectful.

Tang Chen glanced at Xiuxiu meaningfully, and shook his head, "How dare you call yourself your master. I don't have any imprint of your soul power here. Don't you think I would be so stupid as to not check at all?"

Xianhuang Xiuxiu smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes rolled, her red lips parted slightly, revealing white teeth: "Master is joking. The Phoenix clan has special skills. They cannot be enslaved. They accidentally burned their bloodlines during cultivation, and they contracted that bloodline... Burned into nothingness~!"

Suddenly, Tang Chen's complexion changed drastically, and he slammed~.After taking three big steps back, the companions around him turned pale with shock, and hurried over to help.

Tang Yang's brows were quick, and he was ahead of anyone else. He hugged Tang Chen and spun around for several times before letting go of his strength.

"Hoohoo~~!" Tang Chen's eyes diverged, and he opened his mouth to exhale a large mass of dense black clouds, and there were actually mixed black lights inside.

"Cough, cough, cough~! Puff~!"

Tang Chen spit out a mouthful of black blood.His complexion recovered slightly, and he looked haggard.

"Master Xiaochen..." Ye Mengmeng rushed to the front in a blink of an eye, but Tang Yang raised his eyebrows half a beat behind.For some reason, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows and moved two steps sideways, dragging Tang Chen and avoiding Ye Mengmeng.

Zijin Shimei led a team of servants and servants to walk behind Xiuxiu.Afterwards, Tang Sect Tang Xigua, direct line, direct line, and all Tang Sect masters under his command.The elders of the Zijin Building moved closer to Xiuxiu one after another...

In an instant, the scene became tense and very delicate.

In the middle is Ye Mengmeng, she is so beautiful and has such a slender figure.Like an independent peony.A lonely peony.She stands tall and graceful, standing in the center, with a small bronze coffin beside her...

Behind her are her mentor Xiuxiu and the group of purple and gold ten beautiful maids left to her by her husband Tang Chen.And the servant Valkyrie team.There is also the old God of War in Zijin Building.

With astonishment and bewilderment in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Tang Chen helplessly and in fear.She didn't know why.

Here Tang Chen is the home court.On the deck, the gods moved slowly, forming an incomparably huge formation, spontaneously surrounding Xiuxiu's part of the troops.

"Master Xiaochen..." Ye Mengmeng burst into tears.Slender, white and delicate, with unprecedentedly exaggerated long legs, trembling slightly, the incomparably precious colorful cloak trembled endlessly.

"Cough cough..." Tang Chen coughed violently twice, very heavily, and breathed out slowly: "Mengmeng... come here... cough cough cough... cough cough."


Li Yiqi, Qi Yu, Jiang Xueting, Gao Ziyin and even Lin Yu all moved, and with a flash of light, they dragged Ye Mengmeng back to their camp.

It was just too subtle.Tang Chen's teammate couldn't move.With Tang Chen's words, Ye Mengmeng must be defended to the death.

Tang Xiaoshao took out a pill.Tang Chen opened his mouth and swallowed it. This is the Tang Sect's peerless medicine [Red Snow Mantian Pill].

The elixir melted in the mouth, Tang Chen's blood was surging: "Pfft~~~~."

Spit out red blood.Turned into bright red snowflakes, fluttering.The deck of the entire warship became beautiful and boundless in an instant.

"Xiuxiu~! You are so ruthless. You actually put a curse on me! As expected, holy beasts cannot be enslaved."

Tang Chen's face was deformed, looking very hideous.Ye Mengmeng approached Tang Chen, took out a handkerchief and wiped away the remaining blood from the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.

"Master, why are you treating Young Master Xiaochen like this?" Ye Mengmeng looked at Xianhuang Xiuxiu with resentment on her face, full of endless pain.

"Hahaha... how dare you enslave Liuyan Bahuang. This is your retribution, and you can't blame others!"

Xianhuang Xiuxiu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, then her eyes flashed brightly, and she shouted sharply: "Liuyan Bahuang, you haven't returned to the team yet! Isn't it enough to be enslaved?"

Under Xiuxiu's gaze, Liuyan Bahuang rushed towards Xiuxiu without looking back.Then, calmly lined up and bowed down...


Liuyan Eight Phoenix suddenly exploded, boom!boom!Boom... Boom!

The domineering Baji Phoenix clan's innate secret arts suddenly attacked Xianhuang Xiuxiu.Xiuxiu was startled, she stepped back quickly, and suddenly pulled out a long sword, which was neither gold nor jade, red as blood~.


"Ah...? Immortal Phoenix True Order!"

Liuyan Bahuang was suddenly shocked.It suddenly changed color.

"Back back!" Tang Chen called in a deep voice.

Whoosh whoosh~~~,

Liuyan Bahuang immediately retreated to Tang Chen's side.

All the gods watching this scene were stunned.Ever since Baxu's reinforcements arrived, a series of changes have happened, and Yunbo is strange.Unspeakable strangeness.There must be hidden secrets that are unknown to people.

"Are you Phoenix Immortal?" Jiaojiao from Liuyan Eight Phoenixes asked first.

Xianhuang Xiuxiu didn't respond, the long sword in her hand suddenly turned into a string of flames, like a blood-red waterfall, indescribably eerie and supernatural.Filled with endless evil spirits.

"As elders, what crime should you be punished for openly confronting the Immortal Venerable?"

"Joke~! My master is the great Phoenix Holy Venerable. You think too much!" The old dean of Liuyan Eight Phoenix Zhongxia Meng Academy, Huofenghuang Xiameng, retorted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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