Shushan Wushen

Chapter 513 Unleash passion

Chapter 513 Unleash passion

"Light Immortal Lian Li!"

Xianhuang Xiuxiu and Guangfeng Tianyin flashed their swords, the two swords merged, and with a loud roar, they charged at Tang Chen.

boom! boom! boom!
The big black stick in Tang Chen's hand turned into a two-section stick for a while, and a three-section stick for a while. It was extremely flexible and not very lethal, but it was strange.


A ray of black light flashed across, and Tang Chen stabbed Xiuxiu's ribs with a stick at an inconceivable angle, "Zhu~!"

Xiuxiu was in pain, and she uttered a bird's cry.

With a bang, the two swords were no longer combined in an instant.

Phew~!Tang Chen's body was flattened, more like a huge phoenix, the black light in his hands was fierce, rising against the wind, but this was a fake momentum.


When Guangfeng Tianyin raised his head and raised his sword, the nine palace plum blossoms that had fallen on the ground suddenly exploded.

"Little coffin~!"

Tang Chen gave a reminder.The swishing wind has been prepared for a long time.


On the deck, the pink and tender plum blossoms of the Nine Palaces rotated with the help of force, glowing pink, beautiful and murderous.

"Ah..., my feet!" Guangfeng Tianyin, below the knees, was dripping with blood, and his white bones were glowing brightly.

"Hmph~!" Tang Chen snorted coldly, and the moment Guangfeng Tianyin lowered his head, the big black stick in his hand exploded with a "click".

"I poke! I poke! I poke...!"

The plum blossom tree in Jiugong is very shady, facing the chrysanthemum of Guangfeng Tianyin, it is a mad stab.


The light is phoenix and the sky is cloudy, the torment is incomparable, the body rolls over, taking advantage of the situation to use Xianhuang Xiuxiu as a cover.

Tang Chen stared wide-eyed, waiting for this moment, huh~!Holding a stick in each hand, they hit Guangfeng Tianyin hard on the head.The momentum is heavy.Incomparably mighty.

The light is phoenix and the sky is cloudy, so you must dodge.Both feet have been crippled, and there is no way to borrow strength.

However, it doesn't matter if Guangfeng Tianyin dodges, it is Xianhuang Xiuxiu's head that is revealed...

"Bang bang bang..."

The left and right hands have a stick, the right hand is faster, and there is a success in making up a stick.


Xianhuang Xiuxiu let out a miserable scream, and her hair exploded. 'Peng~! ' With a bang, he was beaten out of the body, and in a fiery red head, the handsome and beautiful fire phoenix!
" are so wicked. To lure me in this direction is to beat Xiuxiu?"

Tang Chen was righteous and confident, and loudly reprimanded, at the same time, a thought force, extremely swift, poured into Xianhuang Xiuxiu's brain, and went straight to Xiuxiu's primordial soul.

Xiuxiu's skull was missing, she was extremely miserable, and she was even more sad, her heart was hurt more than flesh and blood, and it pierced her heart.Guangfeng Tianyin opened his mouth to argue, angrily accusing Tang Chen of soliciting truth.

As a result, Tang Chen nodded suddenly with a gloomy face.

On the deck, Mu Fenghan raised the [Blood Shield Collar] in his hand and quickly pressed it down.


Guangfeng Tianyin suddenly shook his body, and then, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh....The body is like a leaky water polo, more like a dilapidated temple with exposed wind on all sides, with countless rays of light shooting out.

It turned into a cactus of light!

Not only that, chi chi chi....

Blood fluid as thin as a cow's hair rushed out.Mixed with fairy light, the red mist shot out, lingering brightly.The light, phoenix and sky are cloudy, which sets off the sacredness.

Xianhuang Xiuxiu and Guangfeng Tianyin, in unbearable pain, flew into the sky together, revealing their astral bodies!

In an instant, countless new stars rose from the latitude ocean, and different constellations were shining brightly.It filled the eyes of everyone on the deck.

Tang Chen's warship had a restriction and refused to investigate, but at this moment, the starlight dissipated and spread infinitely far away.

A large number of looters in the distance, their eyes brightened, and they agitated loudly.

"There is a peerless giant who has settled Tang Chen, let's divide the meat~!"

Someone else added fuel to the flames: "Go late and get no points, it's all for nothing~~~!"

With such incitement, a large number of star bandit leaders looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to shoulder the responsibility of standing still.After all, the loss is too great.

Knowing that it may not be true, but still, ordered to attack.

Nezha and Harry also hang around here, but the star thieves have already spread the word that the spoils are not evenly distributed. The Holy Infant King and Tang Daruo have already parted ways.

Therefore, at this moment, with the name of the Erruthless Holy Infant King, he has a well-known status in the world.The forces under Nezha's command are in the upper reaches.

"Stand still! Those who disobey the order will be destroyed~!"

Nezha decisively issued an order.

As a result, Nezha and dozens of Star Thief forces in the form of family alliances were not impulsive.

All the rest, come out in full force.

"Not good~!"

Ye Mengmeng's beautiful eyes turned cold, and she looked at Tang Xigua: "Watermelon, the Nirvana cannon is fired! Hidden Weapon Hall, Poison Hall, start!"

"Yes! The mistress has an order to destroy all enemies!"

Tang Xigua's plump body was full of energy, and his voice was like a muffled thunder.The eardrums of people nearby roared.

Just as the gods were slightly shocked, the Nirvana Cannon roared...

Puff puff…….

The voice is not clear, but it is extremely dull, falling into the eardrums, and the heart trembles.

I saw the pitch-black muzzle suddenly blooming with the utmost brilliance.Disappeared suddenly.

Suddenly!exploded in the distance.

The cannonball of the Nirvana cannon is very special. It exploded on the ground and bounced in the direction where the cannon was fired.

There are also inscription cannons on the interstellar pirate battleship.However, this Nirvana cannon is also known as the mother-child heart-to-heart cannon.In fact, it was derived from Tang Sect's exquisite level hidden weapon, and it was made relatively large.

Tang Yangmei is the founder, at this moment, he is very pleased.

Because, he couldn't be more clear about the horror of these hundreds of millions of Nirvana cannons.

Clang clang clang~~~~~.

In the air, transformed into stars, Xianhuang Xiuxiu and Guangfeng Tianyin, with their swords intertwined, are not fighting each other, but evil in their eyes, performing some kind of ceremony...

At this moment, Tang Chen, Nianli brought a soul body, broke into Xianhuang Xiuxiu's brain, grabbed the fairy phoenix that had turned into a soul body, and beat her head and face violently.

At the same time, Tang Chen had two purposes, and used his big move against Guangfeng Tianyin, "Bah, bah, bah...."

Then, Mu Fenghan on the ground pressed his fingers wildly.Puff puff…….Guangfeng Tianyin didn't have time to scream, his body was shining with stars, meteorites flew across, large pieces turned into meteors, and the sound of booming explosions was endless.

The interstellar pirates suffered huge losses in this wave of attacks.That weird turning back was tantamount to copying their retreat, and it was impossible to guard against.

The interstellar battleship shattered, the star thief suffered countless deaths and injuries, a large number of bodies were shattered, and the Yuanhun screamed pitifully, jumping up and down to escape.

However, the brilliance emitted by the Nirvana cannon is not as pure as Lianyan.That is an inscription pattern!

A mysterious wave descended.Even when the Tang Sect threw it out, the shrine tower, the soul collection tower, and the soul banner that gathered the true spirits all shook violently and almost shattered.The protective restraint was triggered, one after another, like a golden lamp floating.

"Don't retreat! The cannon on the warship can only fire this round!"

The looters clamored desperately, loudly cheering and encouraging the star robbers.And continue to put pressure on the family forces that are standing still...

(End of this chapter)

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