Shushan Wushen

Chapter 514 Selling Mills on Finger Mountain

Chapter 514 Selling Mills on Finger Mountain

The looters clamored desperately, and some powerful families were persuaded to attack brazenly.

At the same time, those Star Thief forces who sacrificed a lot in the past have almost wiped out their old foundations.There is no way out.Red eyes.Crazy shock.

On the warship, the palms of the gods covered the sky and covered the earth in an instant, and decisively photographed "Puff puff ~!" Countless star thieves exploded decisively.The primordial soul shot out.

Countless disciples of the Tang Sect sacrificed soul-receiving pagodas, soul-holding banners and other magical artifacts to collect souls on a large scale.This is for the human race, to preserve some historical memories for the human race.

Those memories, whether they are brilliant or bleak,... the roads that human beings have traveled are the footsteps and imprints left by the human race's exploration.It belongs to history, but also to a period of civilization.

It is precious, and the fire is never extinguished.

On the warship, Tang Chen's subordinates and the peerless powers of the Fifth Middle School Alliance frequently took action to suppress it. Outside the warship, the various Star Thief forces could not stop attacking at all.It doesn't matter if the movement is a little slow, because the ones coming up from behind will cause trampling!

Real wars are always so cruel!This kind of attack, you can only rush forward until you reach the deck, otherwise, you will either be beaten to death or trampled to death...

"Tang Sect Chasing Soul Nail~! Launch~!"

Tang Xigua waved the banner of Tang Sect and gave an order.In an instant, the dense black needles with barbs emitted a penetrating, soul-stirring buzzing sound, dripping and enveloping!

This kind of covering killing has great restraint on the impact of the dense formation.


The Star Bandit rushing forward exclaimed in vain, filled with endless despair and powerlessness!Because, the divine body is still maintaining its attack inertia, but it is already cracking every inch of it.And lost control of consciousness.

bang bang bang….

Countless star thieves were hit by the hidden weapon of the Tang Sect, and the organs of the divine body were destroyed, and they slammed into the hull of the warship. It is sad to remember that a large number of star thieves in the later period did not wait to send out a "噗~! ' With a sound, it was hit by the divine body rushing from behind, continuously, and then disappeared silently.

A large number of star thieves spilled blood on the spot.The scene was too miserable and extremely bloody...People die all the time.

However, this is a ground battle.

In the sky above the warship, Xianhuang Xiuxiu and Guangfeng Tianyin started to merge with each other...And sing aloud.


The syllables are obscure and sonorous.A section of sacrificial words rippled out, and the mysterious aura descended unstoppably and majesticly.

Tang Chen swung his big hands and stomped wildly with his big feet.Desperately beat Xiuxiu's soul body, trying to stop it.Even if it's under control, it's good to slow down the speed of the descent....

"Hahaha...! Tang Chen, it's useless for you to kill me! Once the sacrificial ceremony is started, it is an irreversible process. A devil's treasure box, once the lid is opened, no one can close it! Hahahaha~! You guys Everyone must die~! Everyone must die! Must die~!"

Xiuxiu's rampant and miserable scream was full of madness.Her primordial soul can still communicate, but Erguang Feng Tianyin has lost consciousness.

Countless Tangmen's bloodline life imprints crushed him at the level of life, imposed assimilation, and deprivation.Everything that did not belong to the Shushan bloodline, including luck, was distributed to all Tangmen disciples according to the principle of cosmic dialysis.

That is a leap in the level of life...Guangfeng Tianyin has been divided up like this, and it is infinitely close to exhaustion~~.


However, at the same time, the ceremony started, and the power of the sacrifice came mysteriously and strangely, and this power surged wildly.The continuous surging sound is like a mighty big foot pedaling across the ages.

Not only Tang Chen's warship, but even the forces under Nezha's command in the extremely distant place were affected by the sacrifice.As far as the eye can see, the ocean of latitude trembles.The warship shook violently, as if in a stormy sea!
The injured Star Bandit coughed up blood, his body trembled violently, and suddenly, with a "Boom!", it turned into a cloud of blood mist.Transformed into part of the descending power.

"Not good! Back quickly...!"

Nezha issued orders loudly with an anxious expression on his face. The force under his command exploded without any action!

The continuous self-explosions are like fireworks blooming, shining brightly, one after another.A fleet of fleets turned into brilliant clouds, and even the starships, the lifeless metal, underwent a qualitative change, decisively blew up!

Under Tang Chen's feet, the warships in the stellar world were no exception. The ship bays were row upon row, like tombs that exploded, with loud rumbling noises, and then they were blown up beyond recognition.

"The gods withdrew into the reincarnation tower~!"

Tang Chen, Tang Yangmei, Zijinlou Ye Mengmeng, Tang Xigua, and Tang Chen's team members loudly commanded their subordinates to enter the Demon Refining Pot, Dafutu Pagoda, Haotian Baoding, Kunlun Mirror, and Kongtong Seal.

The spirits of the five great treasures appeared on their own initiative, frantically restraining the gods.

On the deck, it was like a scene of purgatory, with the limbs and arms of the gods broken, and the precious blood stained...So miserable~!
Even though the tragic situation is vivid, but outside the warship, there are still looters clamoring loudly.

"Heroes! Hurry up~! After eating Tang Chen's meat, the calamity will be eliminated, and everything will be back to normal~! We are already in sight of victory, let's go~!"

Nezha and Harry yelled angrily, and ordered the forces under their command to shout in unison:
"Don't listen to the looters! Damn looters, you are doing evil~! The looters are soulless~! Souldan~! Come back quickly!"

"O great ancient phoenix true spirit, everything I have seen and heard, I offer you the sacrifice of Zhishan Selling Mill! Please~~~accept my sacrifice~!"

Xianhuang Xiuxiu finally roared terribly.Then, with a sound of "Peng~", it exploded together with Tang Chen in the air.

Tang Chen's body turned into powder, which is the most basic fragmentation, the particleization of the body.Then the stars appeared, and the stars exploded and turned into meteorites, swishing... lasing in the shape of a shooting star.


When life and death approached, Tang Chen's primordial soul was billowed with mist, and the naked fruit became rootless duckweed...

Boom....Blood red mixed with azure blue thunder and lightning, pouring majesticly.The nebula rolled, and the chaotic air lingered.A supernatural and extraordinary ancient phoenix, impressively condensed into a dharma form.

This is not a fairy phoenix, not a light phoenix, it looks like a fairy phoenix, but also a light phoenix, it is an ancient phoenix!The one and only Phoenix….

The ancient phoenix, with nine-colored feathers and fierce flames, is not so clear at this time, ethereal and illusory, not so real.

"Hey~!" The ancient phoenix let out a haughty cry, and suddenly, his pupils were like golden lamps, shining in the brilliance, and discovered Tang Chen's soul.

Whoosh~!The ancient phoenix pecked at Tang Chen.


(End of this chapter)

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