Shushan Wushen

Chapter 527 The Little Sister Inserts a Knife

Chapter 527 The Little Sister Inserts a Knife

Tang Dajiang's pupils were shaking, his eyes were flickering, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.Tang Chen's heart trembled violently.He realized that Tang Dahai should have been tricked and was about to be calculated.

"Originally the eldest brother forced the second brother to death alone! This time you join forces, are you going to force me to death? Is it true that every younger brother under you will die if you are in pairs?!"

Sure enough, Tang Dajiang suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, with tears in his smile.Shaking his head, he stared at Tang Dahai with endless sadness.

"Fourth brother! I know that your second brother is very kind to you. That is the brother's blood and blood affection for your younger brother. But I am very good to your second brother, to you, to your third brother! Although I will not express it deliberately But....I have a heart! Brother’s heart is always hot! Take it out, Chi la! Chi la! Sparks!"

Tang Dajiang was very unrestrained, slamming his chest hard.The sound of knocking on the mountain.

"But! Men. We are men! Gossiping all day, saying what are those women doing? Thinking about it makes me sick! If I hang myself with a rope now, I can get my second brother's eye to recover , and stood in front of us alive. I didn't say anything, I didn't hesitate, I just did it! I just died! Fourth, third, do you believe it?"

"I... believe it!" Tang Dahu hesitated for a moment, but still firmly chose to flatter.

Seeing Tang Dahai's silent and endlessly bleak look, Tang Dajiang's tone changed, and he spoke with sincerity.

"Father is gone, but mother is still here! Even if mother is gone, who will stand up for you in case of trouble? Who? Who else but me! Who else? Who am I! I am your big brother! Your big brother ……elder brother!"

Tang Dajiang spoke very passionately, with white foam on the corner of his mouth, and the more he spoke, the more he spoke, he jumped in front of Tang Dahai, and clapped his big hands on his shoulders: "Fourth brother! My brother, you said that the elder brother is a teacher, and he will covet us. Do you want to do some homework?"

Tang Dahai raised his head, Tang Dajiang kept talking, and he raised his hand decisively to stop it.Go on and on.

"One sack of food, one ladle of drink, in the alleys, people are overwhelmed with worries, and they will never change their joys! Your eldest brother and I are so free and easy!"

Tang Chen couldn't help but frowned.Look at Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai was really confused.Even Tang Dahu was at a loss.

Tang Dajiang shrugged and spread his hands: "That's how I am so noble. I behave like a stinky old man. I am strong and strong, treat money like dung, fame and fortune like floating clouds, if I am successful, I will benefit the world, and if I am poor, I will be alone. But, your sister-in-law can't do it! Her Zhao family is a big family, and her brothers and sisters are very philistine, and half a steamed bun can fight for their heads. What kind of family tradition do you think it is? Big brother has a hard life!"

At this time, Tang Dajiang still shed a few tears, and said angrily: "...Comparisons are common, with such a family atmosphere, your sister-in-law is a good person. Hey!"

Tang Dajiang stomped his feet fiercely, with majestic momentum, and the few tears in the corners of his eyes splashed majesticly.

Tang Dahu put himself in his shoes and thought, his eyes lit up in an instant, and he understood Tang Dajiang's routine in seconds.Spreading his arms, pursing his lips with a solemn face, he hugged Tang Dahai and Tang Dajiang.

"Brother, I understand you! It's also a big family with a large population. My brother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, which one is the fuel-efficient lamp. It's just like we always help Tang Meimei with advice. It's the same over there of!"

"... Hiss hiss."

Tang Dajiang gasped, his eyes brightened.Turning his head suddenly, his eyes fell on Tang Dahai's face.

"Fourth brother! My younger brother. Tang Chen's mother doesn't have a family. You are the happiest. The burden is also the lightest. But at the same time, you can't feel the pain of your eldest brother and your third brother."

"Yeah, fourth brother, I think the elder brother is the same as me, thinking of... death countless times!"

Tang Dajiang's eyes suddenly widened, his pupils were bright for a moment, and he took a deep look at Tang Dahu.Tang Dahu had a sad face, which seemed endlessly sad.When I was keeping watch for the old man, I never saw him so sad.

Tang Chen looked at Tang so clearly that he was about to vomit.

Unable to stagger, he hurriedly supported the wall.Standing with a four-year-old body, watching the play for so long is really too much for her.

... Just like that, another ray of true energy dissipated.

Tang Chen was in pain.

Here in Su Fenhe, Shushan Mountain, the aura is thin, and Sanjiao Town is a residential area, and the aura of heaven and earth is almost non-existent, and he has no dantian.Practicing Qi into the body is simply impossible.

There are more and more memories being sealed now.Many long pasts.Tang Chen knew it happened, but he couldn't remember it anymore.He was very anxious, and originally wanted to take advantage of this physical body to raise his cultivation level back.But, look at the moment, a happy childhood is hard to guarantee!
"But Dad has already given me this house. Besides, all my wages have been handed in all the time. I have no money at all, so I will buy a house again."

Tang Dahai was very frank, telling the embarrassment directly.

Tang Dahu waved his hand and sternly retorted: "Fourth! Don't you rent a house if you don't have money to buy a house? Who is born with a house? We are not snails? Are you short of a few dollars for renting a house? You don't have it like your elder brother!"

Tang Dajiang shook his body and reacted decisively: "That's right! You're about to get paid too. The eldest brother will lend you money to rent a house. No problem! I don't have enough, and your third brother also has it. We must not let the fourth child have no place to live!"

Tang Chen couldn't help clenching his fists.Trembling with anger.These two uncles are too shameless.Just when Tang Chen couldn't bear it any longer, he was short-tempered, and was about to...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tang Dahai laughed a few times, his eyes became bloody again, and said sharply: "My two good brothers, my dear brothers! You are really good at it. You can do both hard and soft, just thinking about the house left by the old man. I have never seen shameless people I have seen shameless people like you. Have you ever really regarded me as a younger brother? As your own younger brother!"

"Then let's fight! They don't take reason!" Tang Chen clenched his fists.Shouting in his heart, his throat let out a low roar.I pray to Tang Dahai in my heart, take advantage of the victory and pursue.In one go….

Unexpectedly, sadness appeared on Tang Dahai's face, and he shook his head in pain: "Look, behind the curtain in the back room, our old lady has been eavesdropping."

Suddenly!Tang Dahai pointed out the window again.Blood and tears flowed.

"Look, the sisters-in-law's family members are all eavesdropping in the yard. And those neighbors in the neighborhood! How many years old neighbors and old houses! Our father's bones were not cold, you two brothers are trying to seize the property left by my father——"

"Fourth brother, what are you trying to seize the family property? It's really ugly. You can't belong to what father left behind!" Tang Meimei, who had been silent all this time, stabbed Tang Haihai fiercely at this moment.

Tang Dahai was immediately stunned.He staggered, struggling to stand still while leaning on the wall.In an instant, his face was ashen.Tang Meimei was the last straw that crushed Tang Dahai's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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