Shushan Wushen

Chapter 528 The Hen Lays Goose Eggs

Chapter 528 The Hen Lays Goose Eggs

Tang Dahai is so lonely and helpless, standing alone and hanging from each other! The 20-year-old young man suddenly became much older in a trance.

He waved his hand, looked at everyone with a wry smile, and raised his eyebrows suddenly: "You want a house, right? Well, I'll give you a house. I'll take our mother out to rent a house. This all for you! Don't let it People can see our old Tang family's jokes... that's fine!"

"No!" Tang Chen shouted a complete syllable.

"Husband!" Tang Chen's mother, who had been eavesdropping, also rushed into the main room.

Tang Dahai's path was undoubtedly a dead end.Get angry!
"Fourth, are you sincere?" Tang Dajiang looked directly at Tang Dahai with bright eyes, and kicked away the ax that was on the ground as if inadvertently.

Tang Dahu also realized that something was wrong, bent down to pick up the axe, avoided it from a distance, and approached Tang Chen.

Tang Chen glanced at his third uncle, moved his feet, and remained vigilant.

Unexpectedly, Tang Meimei stepped over and hugged Tang Chen.

"His aunt, give me the child!" Tang Chen's mother saw that something was wrong, and came to snatch Tang Chen.

The scene is very delicate, even if the gun misfires, blood will splatter on the spot...!
A scene of human tragedy of fratricide is about to begin...

Tang Dahai yelled: "Stop it! What are you doing? This is..." His painful hands inserted into his hair and pulled it hard.There are large locks of broken hair between the fingers, with snow-white hair follicles and blood stains.

"Big Brother! Third Brother! Old Sister! Listen, our old Tang family has no power or power. Why should we be respected by the neighbors in the neighborhood and say that our family is good? Isn't it because our family does not harm others? Now our father just After passing away, you just make such a fuss, you are shameless, and I, Tang Dahai, want more shame! I feel ashamed. Therefore, I don’t want this house and these belongings. Whoever you love will want it. Get out of the house!"

"Huh~!" Tang Dajiang snorted coldly, and said decisively: "The fourth son is a good planner. You want to take my mother away. I, Tang Dajiang, will be stigmatized for being unkind? My mother will stay and I will take care of it. Don't think about it." Play tricks on me!"

"You—." Tang Dahai trembled violently, the knuckles of his outstretched fingers turned white.Bloodless.

At this time, Tang Dahu interjected: "The three elders and four young people under the window in the courtyard have heard it. The fourth child gave up his family property voluntarily. It's not that we are brothers, and we are not kind. The fourth child has a lot of thoughts. It is to leave a broken house and rotten belongings to harm brothers and sisters. You deliberately left us a bad name."

"Fourth brother, you are not being kind. Since you have given up your family property, why are you laying mines? We are your first-class compatriots. I didn't expect you to be such a person, fourth brother."

Tang Meimei, in order to get a share of the pie, she also worked hard.Desperately to the eldest brother, the third brother moved closer to stand in line.Ruthlessly trampled Tang Dahai under his feet, using it as a stepping stone.

Tang Chen was so angry that he kicked Tang Meimei's stomach with his calf.Immediately kicked Tang Meimei's clothes dirty.Tang Meimei was very decisive, and directly threw Tang Chen into Tang Chen's mother's arms.Tang Chen's mother stepped back a few steps before standing still.

This is just a sideshow.


Tang Dahai roared: "You are being honest, what did I say? It really chills me! All the family property belongs to you, I don't want every needle, thread, brick and tile! I, Tang Dahai, spit and smashed a hole! I will do what I say. As a younger brother, I can only do this. My only hope is that my brothers will not let outsiders see jokes and make irresponsible remarks, which will ruin the family tradition of the old Tang family. !"

Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head.Tang Dahai's words were high-spirited and resounding.It seems very strong.In fact, it is too impulsive.I don't know much about the world, but I'm still being tricked.This father is really unreliable!
"Mom, come with me? Or stay?" Tang Dahai yelled towards the back room.

There is a cloth curtain between the main room and the back room.At this moment, the cloth curtains were stained with water.Those were the tears of Mrs. Tang.

Tang Dajiang pulled open the curtain, revealing Mrs. Tang, "Mom! Don't go. The fourth child is jingling. If you go out to rent a house, you should not live with them. Maybe you will starve to death in the past few days." .”

Tang Dahu blurted out: "Mother, brother is right. It doesn't matter if you starve to death, if the neighbors say that we are running on the fourth child, we will drive you away. Our reputation will be rotten!"

"Hundan! What are you talking about? I am sincerely supporting my old lady. My old lady..." Tang Dajiang heard that what Tang Dahu said was not human, and reprimanded him sharply.

Suddenly, Tang Chen's aunt rushed into the main room and embraced the old lady Tang's arm: "Mother, tell me what you like to eat, and I will make it for you in the future. The goose eggs laid by the old hen in the yard are all for you." Eat. Give none to others."

Tang Chen's angry little face was tense, but unfortunately he is powerless now.How can an old hen lay goose eggs?It was obvious that Mrs. Tang Dajiang was playing Grandma Tang Chen like a monkey.Undisguised routine.Dictatorship is not clear-headed.

"What you say is what you say. Don't abuse me!" Mrs. Tang was exhausted physically and mentally, and she had long since lost her energy.The words spoken were weak and devoid of any wisdom.

"Mother!" Tang Dahai fell to his knees and kowtowed to Mrs. Tang.

"Mom, let's go~!"

The old lady Tang raised her arm, "Let's go! Let's go! Whether it's a mule or a horse, you have to take it out for a walk. It's up to you to be a man."

Presumably, these words have long stuck in Old Madam Tang's throat, and these words should have been left by Grandpa Tang Chen.In the current state of Mrs. Tang.Absolutely can not say this kind of aura fit, but rich in philosophical vocabulary.

Tang Dahai took Tang Chen in Tang Chen's mother's arms, and sat in his arms.With a sad and bitter smile: "Tang Chenniang, will you come with me?"

"Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog. If you don't go with you, why don't you stay here?" Tang Chenniang fluttered her big watery eyes, nodded, and responded firmly.This is a 19-year-old mother.From now on, I want to pursue my husband, despite the wind and rain, and endure hardships.

The yard was full of people.Not just foreign relatives and relatives who came one after another.What's more, they are still neighbors.

Someone gloated.It is not uncommon to witness a family disintegrate.There are a lot of gossip conversations in the small town, and life has been adjusted.

There were also people who looked contemptuous and shook their heads at Tang Dahai.It means that Tang Dahai is nothing without the Tang family.The eldest brother is an intellectual and cultural person, and the third brother is a government official who eats the imperial food.A small worker, in this life, until he is buried in the ground.That's it.

More neighbors in the neighborhood, facing Tang Dahai's gaze, were quite embarrassed and had nothing to say.

"The fourth child has a backbone! He is bloody and a man!"

"Look at that child Tang Chen, the fourth child's family can't be wrong, the big ears are thick and big. He is very blessed."

"His aunt is right. Blessed are big ears!"

(End of this chapter)

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