Shushan Wushen

Chapter 529 The tree forced to walk upright

Chapter 529 The tree forced to walk upright

Tang Chen was unhappy, and didn't bother to slander these meaningless words.

Blessed are big ears?fart!Put on such a father.Unlucky~!It's a pity that my trace of true energy is so precious.Alas....

The separation was too hasty.Tang Dahai's family stepped out of the small courtyard of the Tang family.Immediately at a loss.

There is a wall in front of the courtyard gate, which is the Jiang family.To the left, or, to the right.It's all the same without purpose.

It is definitely impossible to go back to the old house behind him.For one thing, Tang Dahai left the house with his wife and son.Second, the two foreign relatives in the yard have already confronted each other.

Tang Dahu wanted to get a share of the pie.However, Tang Dahai dropped his pick and left the house directly.This brought new opportunities to Tang Dajiang.He grasped decisively and took advantage of the victory to pursue.His face sank, and he assumed the posture of a brother.Shout out.

"Third brother! I am the eldest son. Why are you not as sensible as the fourth? Since ancient times, even if it is the royal family, the crown prince has been the successor. How can there be someone who abolishes the elder and replaces the younger? Don't make trouble!"

"You!" Tang Dahu said in vain.Exasperated, he held out his finger.

Tang Dajiang straightened his back and said with awe-inspiring righteousness: "Me? Me? What me? What me? I am your elder brother! How dare you point at me? There is thunder in the sky, chop off your fingers!"

Crack~!Tang Dajiang waved and pressed Tang Dahu's finger.

Tang Dahu turned around resolutely, and looked at his uncle, Kong Fanren, a senior gangster.

Kong Fanren is known as a man of the rivers and lakes, and he is usually bowed like a leopard.Upon seeing this, he was about to confront Tang Dajiang.So, suddenly, he straightened his waist.Competitive momentum.

"Ahem... My elder brother is here too." Mrs. Tang Dajiang said in an inconsequential way.

Kong Fanren turned his head abruptly, and Zhao Yifang stood beside Mrs. Tang Chen.He looked at Kong Fanren contemptuously.

"Mayor Zhao!"


Outside the small courtyard of the Tang family, Tang Dahai's complexion was scorched yellow, and Tang Chen's mother was also very haggard.They never thought that this day would come.Such embarrassment, there is no place to live.

Looking around at the extremely familiar plants and trees, I was born here, grew up here, got married here, gave birth here, and encountered the greatest confusion in life here.

At this moment, Tang Dahai is like a tree, forced to restrain its roots and transform from a plant to an animal.Migration started.In fact, a big tree is not ready to turn into an animal, and biologically speaking, it is also unrealistic.However, Tang Dahai's current situation is not like this.

For Tang Dahai, there is only one dead end!At this moment, who cares if you Tang Dahai is a big tree?Is there any biological innate function to walk as an avatar animal!
"Honey, where are we going?" Tang Chenniang hesitated, but still asked Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai looked bitter.He is a tree, unable to walk upright.He is a kite whose string has been cut...  

"Where can we go? Our dad just had his funeral, and the money was borrowed from the workers. In the next two years, we won't have any income. We have to pay off the debt..."

Tang Chen couldn't help curling his lips, only now did he think of famine.Why did you back down just now?It's just unreasonable.However, this Tang Dahai is his biological father after all.According to moral order and good custom, one must respect.

Not only that, but as Tang Chen, if he used mana or tricks against these two uncles and aunts, it would be considered disobedience to his elders.

It is to be condemned by God.If not, Tang Chen only needs to carry a ray of true energy with his mental power, and shoot them into their brains, causing the world to be turned upside down, and they will all become idiots!

Tang Chen was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.After all, a great chivalrous man whose family, country, and world is full of stars, is so cruel to his family, how can he be worthy of being a chivalrous man?
What's more, to see the world is to see the world of a great world, to broaden your horizons, to gain what you can't, but to destroy the world.It's not the work of a chivalrous man!
At this moment, the old neighbors who had been paying attention to Tang Chen's family in the courtyard began to whisper.Most people looked at Tang Chen's family with sympathy on their faces.

Jiang Laozhu was older than Tang Chen's grandfather.

The Jiang family and the Tang family are family friends.However, it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework.As Mr. Tang's best friend during his lifetime.At this time, it can only be a witness.

It's a taboo to meddle in other people's housework.

The brothers of the Tang family all grew up under Jiang Laojiao's nose.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.Jiang Laojiao sighed, walked out of the small courtyard of the Tang family, and patted Tang Dahai on the shoulder.

Facing the desperate Tang Dahai and his family, the old man was moved with compassion.

"Fourth brother! My younger brother Baogen will get married in the spring of next year. The new house has already been tidied up. It is already early autumn. This winter, you will live in my house. You will spend the winter in your brother Baogen's new house!"

This is real timely help.Tang Dahai and his wife were very grateful.Thank you all the way, followed Jiang Laojiao and left.

Jiang Laoqian, three generations of ancestors have opened mills, harvested in autumn and stored in winter, and the grain must be threshed and shelled before it can be eaten.The income of milling houses is not high, but the source of income is stable.

You can't make a lot of money, but small money keeps flowing.

Therefore, Jiang Baogen's new house was well built.It is not prominent and unassuming. It is a small side house with a gable wall on the main house of Jiang Laojiao. The regular layout is no different from other houses in Sanjiao Town.

The new house has been plastered and the furniture is in place.The faint pungent smell of paint still hasn't completely dissipated.

Jiang Laozhen said slightly apologetically: "There are no extra quilts at home, and new quilts have just been made. You can just use them first."

Tang Dahai's family has truly left their homes.He hurriedly left from the small courtyard of the Tang family without bringing anything out.

Tang Dahai and Tang Chen's mother hurriedly waved their hands, and resolutely refused: "No, no! This is not allowed. The new quilt is for new use. What about Baogen's younger brother and Baogen's wife? It's unlucky. We don't use it! It's not polite .It’s even more against the rules, so I didn’t do that!”

Jiang Laojiao's face was flushed, and he seemed very excited: "Old Tang's family, how are you! They are passing by. They never cheat anyone. The children who come out of the Tang family's compound obey the rules and know how to advance and retreat. This Uncle Jiang understands. But in this winter, a drop of water turns into ice. How can it be done without bedding? To be honest, if it weren’t for this time when you split up and fight each other. Uncle Jiang, I would invite you Tang Laosi to stay for a few days, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to invite you. .”

These words just touched the deepest obsession in Tang Dahai's heart, the so-called pride and self-confidence in thinking about the family's reputation.Sadness appeared on his face.silent.Tang Chen's mother wanted to decline again.

Jiang Laojiao reached out and touched Tang Chen's head: "It is said that your Tang Chen is extremely intelligent. He is only four years old, and he is as sensible as a young adult. He is very like the Tang family. According to the custom, before the wedding, They need boys and girls to live in the kang overnight. Your family lives here, just like Uncle Jiang, I invited Tang Chen to press the kang... Cough cough cough."

As he spoke, Jiang Laoquan's face suddenly swelled and turned purple.He coughed hard twice.It was very hard, as if to cough up the whole lung.

It was extremely painful.At the same time, it was so swift and violent, caught off guard, he didn't even have time to retract the big hand that was placed on top of Tang Chen's head.

(End of this chapter)

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