Shushan Wushen

Chapter 535 Pass the customs smoothly

Chapter 535 Pass the customs smoothly

[Our future is the sea of ​​stars. When civilization develops to a certain stage, starting from the earth to open up the space star road is the immortal journey that our generation will embark on!
I serve the country with all my heart, and my blood is surging for it!This is not just a feeling, but also my unswerving belief.I love this country.I love this prosperous world.I love it.So to pursue my dream, I have to work hard.I am mentally prepared to sweat more than others.I'm ready for everything! 】

Please bless BJ's trip!
In the end, it was Jiang Laojiao who stepped forward and held Tang Dahai back.

Tang Dahai was also tired from beating, so he changed Tang Chen's arm.Still hugged tightly in his arms.Tang Dahai didn't dare to let go anymore!That scene just now was really too penetrating.Thinking about it makes me feel scared and terrified.Hepatoenteric tremor.Brain roars.

So, don't give up decisively.


The vicious Tang Dahai beat Chen Dana violently.Suppress Chen Dana fiercely.Chen Dana's confidence collapsed.Everyone in the Chen family was shocked, and their confidence collapsed, and they lost all fighting spirit.cringe.Hold back.

At this moment, Tang Dahai gave up and stopped the suppression.

The 17-year-old Chen Dagou had the courage to guard against Tang Dahai, trembling, and came to help his father...

"Don't forget to eat or beat!"

Tang Dahai was pulled by Jiang Laojiao, dragged towards the east room, and yelled one last time.

As a result, Chen Dagou was so frightened that he squeaked~!boom!Pushing his father away, Sa Yazi ran back to the west room and closed the door behind her.

Chen Ergou, Chen Sangou and the others didn't know what happened, but the eldest brother followed the lead, and it was also inertia, crying and slapping on the door panel desperately.Ask to open the door to enter the house.

Mrs. Chen Dana held the old dog Chen who was crying loudly, and scolded her sons who were not up to date...

The group of demons danced wildly, howling ghosts and howling gods, and they were in a mess.

The situation in the Chen family got out of control, causing the neighbors who stood by and watched ridiculed.

Later, it spread for endless years.

After this battle, Chen Dana's family has become extremely famous.Never looked up again.

The neighbors are still nice.Seeing a new neighbor, he tidied up the big house tyrant Chen Dana.

What's more, the Tang family's reputation is very good in Sanjiao Town.The crooked people are also relatives.

So, they went into the house to chat.

"Second sister, I'll cook for my father at noon, and I'll bring you some later. Just don't start a fire. Help you clean up the house in the afternoon."

Miss Tian is still a nice person, holding Tang Chen's mother's arm affectionately.They are considered distant relatives.They are cousins.

Aunt Zhang is a person who has experienced life and knows life very well.It seems that Tang Dahai's family has nothing to live on.It is concluded that the rumors last night are true.Tang Laosi really left the house clean.

"Baogen, right. You helped Tang Laosi move?"

Jiang Baogen nodded and smiled: "Yeah. Unfortunately, this almost didn't help." His face was embarrassing and embarrassing.

"Go! Come with me."

Aunt Zhang communicated with Jiang Baogen quietly and took him away.

Jiang Laojiao gave Aunt Zhang a sideways look, pretending not to know.After a while, Jiang Baogen moved a table and entered the room.Whooping all the way.

"Rang Rang, Rang Rang! Come to the table~!"

"Where did you come from?" Tang Dahai asked hurriedly.

"There are still four stools and a box." Jiang Baogen answered irrelevantly, and ran out to carry things again.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, everyone left in a hurry without saying hello.Tang Dahai and his wife were at a loss.

However, after a while they came back with their pockets empty.This one holds a basin, that one holds a mirror.Miss Tian brought a stack of bowls, plates, and a pair of chopsticks.Everything is new, and the unit provides annual benefits.

Only Li San's daughter-in-law brought home a pair of old woolen trousers and an old sweater.

She handed it to Tang Chenniang generously: "Jin Chan, don't dislike it. The sweater and trousers are newly woven, and the wool is old. They were beaten last winter. The child grew a little faster, so wearing them will make her smaller. I'm afraid If the thread is broken, it will not be removed. I think Tang Chen wears about the same."

"Yeah, thank you so much. Grandpa Tang Chen spent a lot of money in the past few years, and his salary was spent selling medicine. Tang Chen really doesn't have a sweater or pants."

Tang Chen's mother thanked him sincerely, took the sweater and trousers, pulled Tang Chen over, and put it on Tang Chen.The weather is early autumn, although spring covers autumn and freezes.But morning and night, it was still chilly.The autumn wind is biting.

Tang Chen was wearing two layers of unlined clothing.It's really shabby.It's just that Tang Chen put on a small mink fur waistcoat, which can also resist some cold autumn weather.

It is enough to put on a sweater and wool trousers, and a layer of unlined clothing is enough.

Feeling the warmth of the sweater and wool trousers, Tang Chen subconsciously nodded and smiled at Li San's wife, expressing his gratitude.Elegant yet unhurried.Generous and decent.

unexpectedly.This move unexpectedly fell in the eyes of the neighbors.There was an exclamation immediately.

"Yeah, what did I see?" Li San's daughter-in-law was extremely shocked, she had a big mouth, and covered her lips with her hand.

"My God! I saw it! But I questioned my eyes!" Miss Tian exaggeratedly stared at Shui Lingling's eyes.incredible.It looked like a ghost.

"It would be great if my grandson was like this!" Mrs. Hao touched the scene and put down a child's quilt.With red eyes, he bent over to leave, Tang Chen saw the tears dripping all the way.

"Aunt Tian, ​​what's wrong with Grandma Hao?" Tang Chen asked, holding Miss Tian's hand.

For a moment, there was silence in the room, and the drop of a needle could be heard.

The third daughter-in-law of Li fell in love with Tang Chen.I would like to say more.

She stroked Tang Chen's soft hair, sighed, and said quietly: "Tang Chen, from now on you will be Sanniang's neighbor. Grandma Hao will also be our neighbor. When his grandsons, Daguai and Xiaoguai, are old, Don't laugh at them, call me brother, let's have fun together, okay?"

Tang Chen seemed to understand, but looked at the other neighbors.Wherever his gaze passed, he nodded to Tang Chen.Complicated eyes.

"Okay. I'll listen to Li Sanniang. Is Grandma Hao's grandson? Then I will definitely call him brother. This..., no problem."

Tang Chen responded solemnly, meaning that if I, Tang Chen, call Mrs. Hao grandma, then his grandson, I call him elder brother, which is also the proper meaning in the question, and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, this solemnity, in the eyes of adults, turned into seriousness and posturing.It's like imitating the temperament and demeanor of adults.

The third daughter-in-law of Li, who looked at it quite funny, felt teased, squatted down, and squeezed Tang Chen's big ears with a smile:

"Tang Chen, look at your big ears. The adults in the town are not as big as your ears. You are still so thick, and you must be a big man with great wealth in the future. Wouldn't it be good for you to be my aunt?"

"Uncle?" Tang Chen's mind immediately flashed the figure of Tang Meimei and her husband.There is also the eldest brother-in-law, the second brother-in-law, the third brother-in-law, ... the sixth brother-in-law.These brother-in-laws are all uncles in Tang Dajiang's family.

Tang Dajiang and his wife have one son and nine girls.These were originally Tang Chen's relatives. It turned out that several brothers-in-laws took turns carrying him down the mountain when they came back from the cemetery yesterday.After the separation, even if they are not strangers, they will gradually become estranged.After all, we will not see each other much in the future...

Ordinary feelings are really weird and changeable.Tang Chen was very emotional.

Tang Chen was full of thoughts and fell silent, but in the eyes of everyone, that trace of melancholy that did not belong to this age was so dazzling.different.

all of a sudden—

"Mom! I'm hungry! Let's cook~."

(End of this chapter)

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