Shushan Wushen

Chapter 536 Extremely Beautiful

Chapter 536 Extremely Beautiful

[Our future is the sea of ​​stars. When civilization develops to a certain stage, starting from the earth to open up the space star road is the immortal journey that our generation will embark on!
I serve the country with all my heart, and my blood is surging for it!This is not just a feeling, but also my unswerving belief.I love this country.I love this prosperous world.I love it.So to pursue my dream, I have to work hard.I am mentally prepared to sweat more than others.I'm ready for everything! 】

Please bless BJ's trip!

Tang Chen gritted his teeth in pain, and instinctively shook his hands.She was also furious: "You're not allowing me to kiss you because you look down on me? It's unreasonable. You're so savage. You still want to be my daughter-in-law? Look at how gentle my mother is!"

This is outrageous.Tang Chen blurted out.

Li Yiqi originally felt guilty, but there was only a little bit of guilt.At this moment, he decisively threw away that bit of guilt.

"Little brat! I'll be your wife? Don't even think about it! You rascal! Mother, he said I was savage! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~!"

After all, Li Yiqi is a seven-year-old girl.Even if she is born with stunning beauty in the world, no points will be added.After being wronged, he decisively threw himself into the arms of his mother.

"It's a good thing that someone likes it. Why are you crying? Tang Chen is good. Don't cry. Your eyes are swollen from crying, it doesn't look good." Miss Tian went to help persuade Li Yiqi.

After all, Tang Chen was injured, and Li San's wife was very embarrassed.Her face turned pink, she didn't know if it was from anger, or from the crying of the child.Or, maybe, both.

Some of the neighbors helped Tang Chen check his injuries, and some ran back to fetch the medicine box.

Tang Dahai and his wife felt distressed, but it was not Tang Chen's fault, nor Li Yiqi's fault. It seemed that Li San's wife was the one who hooked them up.However, the starting point is that Li San's wife does not have any malicious intentions.

There is no way, the old rules, boys first, and their own children first, Tang Chen just took all of these two points.

Tang Dahai rolled up his arms and sleeves, and shouted: "Tang Chen, you deserve it! Who told your relatives to call Li Yiqi. That's a girl! Do you understand? You kissed her, how will she marry in the future? Just marry out Yes, my husband knows about this, so he must find you desperately!"

Tang Chen's mother felt something was wrong.Hastily poked Tang Dahai.At the same time, with a straight face, he reprimanded: "Tang Chen, hurry up and coax Li Yiqi. Li Yiqi is so beautiful. In the future, when looking for a wife, you will look for someone like this. Go and tell Li Yiqi that I like you."

The third daughter-in-law of Li suddenly came to her senses, glanced at Tang Dahai, and said, "Don't worry, it's not like my Li Yiqi can't get married, it's like what Tang Chen did to my Li Yiqi. Forget it, I have to go back and do it." It's dinner. I won't chat with you."

With that said, turn around and leave.Tang Dahai's family was very embarrassed.It's a new neighbor after all.This is where this thing happened.Very unknown.

Aunt Zhang was very enthusiastic. She grabbed Li San's wife and didn't speak, just laughed, which made Li San's daughter-in-law advance or retreat.

On the contrary, Jiang Baogen saw the signs, went to hug Tang Chen, and threatened viciously: "Apologize quickly, and let the big beauty Li Yiqi forgive you. Otherwise, I'll blow your brains!"

Tang Chen leaned back in fear, with a frightened expression on his face.Jiang Baogen is a bit too straightforward.Maybe it will work out.

Tang Chen resolutely acted according to the wind, and directly admitted his cowardice.

Tang Chen was coerced by Jiang Baogen, and his eyes were on the same level as Li Yiqi. He solemnly said: "Li Yiqi~. You are beautiful! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I couldn't help but kiss you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. "

The neighbors, Jiang's father and son, and even Tang Dahai and his wife were shocked.

However, what was even more shocking was still to come. Tang Chen also didn't think carefully, and was completely overwhelmed by the 'brain bang':

"If, Li Yiqi, you need compensation, I think I can consider accepting you and make you my martial partner, ah no! My daughter-in-law!"

Tang Chen spoke quickly, but his words were clear. None of the people present could figure out what a "martial couple" was.The only way is, Tang Chen made a mistake.

But the wording is so perfect.Even Tang Dahai's words may not be so coherent, so accurate, but neither humble nor overbearing, full of solemnity.

Where is this a four year old?He is clearly a big shot in the town compound!

Only when a big man speaks can he have such a long sentence and speak so elegantly and calmly.

"What Tang Chen said was not words and vocabulary, let alone sentences. I seemed to see a spring flowing!" Miss Tian read too many love letters.The words he spoke were full of sensuality and aroused people's imagination.

She was also obsessed.She who is in her boudoir actually hates getting married.She very much hoped that the person from before would jump out, turn her face, and say the words that Tang Chen spit out.

Inadvertently, tears have flowed down.

Tang Chen showed the greatest sincerity, and apologized solemnly and sincerely.

Li Yiqi, a seven-year-old little lolita, lost all the guilt she had thrown away, but it has gone and returned, lost and regained.

"Tang Chen? Is your name Tang Chen? I remember you. You are from the Tang family. I can marry you when I grow up. You... I like you very much too. Do you still hurt?"

The mind of a beautiful woman is always so delicate, and the old things are brought up again.

Tang Chen also fought hard to avoid being hit with a 'brain bang', and said against his will: "My hands still hurt a little, but my heart hurts more than my hands. Don't cry, okay? If you cry, my heart will hurt! It hurts, It hurts~! If you ask me how much it hurts, I'm sorry! I've never been in such pain. And no one has ever been in pain like me! It's indescribable...pain!"

"Wow wow wow wow wow..."

It was not Li Yiqi who was moved.Because with her seven-year-old IQ, she didn't understand it, it was too confusing.

The one who wailed loudly... was Miss Tian.She couldn't take it any longer.Tears poured down like rain, choked up and rushed out the door.

Everyone was stunned.Tang Chen and Li Yiqi were decisively ignored.Hearts of gossip arose one after another.

"What? The guy transferred back?" Aunt Zhang's eyes were extremely bright, and the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes were all open.

Mrs. Hao curled her lips: "Even if Hu Dutong is transferred back, he can't have her anymore. She's already nineteen, she's too big."

"Yeah, that's right, if it's a boy, it's obviously too big. Besides, Miss Tian has had sex before!"

Not only the customs of Sanjiao Town, but also the entire Sufenhe area, men aged 12 to 22 and women aged 12 to 15 are generally engaged or simply married.

Tang Chen's mother married Tang Dahai at the age of 14.It is already in the category of late marriage.This is also Tang Dahai meeting at home without being entertained by his parents, getting engaged in a hurry, and getting married in a hurry, which is a flash marriage.

As for Jiang Baogen, it was a 12-year-old relative, and the woman was only four years old at that time.So we have to wait until next year to get married.

Miss Tian, ​​19 years old, is indeed an older youth.

In this way, what Tang Chen and Li Yiqi made today is actually half-truth and half-false.Li San's daughter-in-law also threw stones to ask for directions.Look at the Tang family's reaction.

The adults' eyes were red, and the corners of their mouths were frothy, talking about the scandal between Miss Tian and Director Hu.

Li Yiqi took Tang Chen's hand, and apologized sobbingly: "Tang Chen, you said I was unruly, I felt it. From now on, I will correct myself and never be unruly again. Do you agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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