Shushan Wushen

Chapter 537 Passed Perfectly

Chapter 537 Passed Perfectly

Tang Chen glanced at Jiang Baogen quietly, and found that this guy was fascinated by what he heard, and his mind was no longer on him.So he winked at Li Yiqi and pointed to the ground.

Li Yiqi, this little lolita, is very smart, and she understood immediately. The god son twisted and twisted, and the third daughter-in-law Li frowned slightly. She also felt that it was heavy to hold, so she let Li Yiqi go.

Tang Chen poked Jiang Baogen with his finger. Jiang Baogen returned to his senses and was furious, but seeing Tang Chen's innocent face, he pointed to the little loli who was on the ground with his head up. He reacted and let Tang Chen go.

Tang Chen felt relieved, pulled Li Yiqi, and rushed out of the room with a babble.

Being with Jiang Baogen, a big villain, Tang Chen suffered every moment.Very nervous.When I left the room, I felt as if I was in the starry sky.Unrestrained, unrestrained and free.

"I want to go back! I must go back! I want to go back!"

Tang Chen ran into the yard, roared to the sky, and raised an index finger arrogantly.Stand tall, as if to pierce the sky!
"Tang Chen, where are you going? Can I go with you?" Li Yiqi stared at the big watery eyes, the dense and dense eyelashes flickered, and the pupils became brighter.

"I want to go to the high sky! I want to step on the stars and look down at the sky!"

Tang Chen's words were sonorous, vowed, full of firmness.The eyes shine.He wants to restore full memory.Even if it is just to go back to Mount Shu and regain martial arts...This is his obsession.

"Okay! Okay! I like stars too. I'll go with you, I have a flashlight at home!" Li Yiqi suddenly became excited, danced and clarified his advantages.

"Flashlight? What's the use of a flashlight?" Tang Chen was surprised.

Li Yiqi smiled secretly, and reached out his hand to pat Tang Chen's eyebrows: "You! If you want to go to the sky, you still have to step on the stars. If you don't go at night, is it still in the daytime? Do you see stars in the daytime?"

As he spoke, Li Yiqi shook his head and sighed: "You, you are still too young, and you know too little. You are not as good as Old Dog Chen!"

Tang Chen couldn't help laughing, being despised by this seven-year-old little loli.

Speaking of Old Dog Chen, he thought of the members of the Chen family. It was approaching noon, and the street was noisy.Those who leave work and school are sporadic at first, and then there is an endless stream.

Tang Chen's neighbors walked out of Tang Chen's house one after another, and went back to prepare lunch.Jiang Laojiao and Jiang Baogen were not so dull. Jiang Laojiao sent Jiang Baogen out to sell a bottle of wine and a few scallion pancakes.

Tang Dahai wanted to pay, but Jiang Laojiao refused to give up.

An astonishing scene appeared.Tang Dahai lifted the lid of the pot in his east room, hissed, and fished out a pig's knuckle and four pig's feet.

"Hahaha, if you use the old four's stove, it should be a rent!" Jiang Laozhen was not ashamed.Very calm.

Jiang Baogen was very honest, aiming at what was in the pot, licking his lips: "Fourth brother, there are four pig feet!"

Tang Dahai said righteously: "Bao Gen, the fourth brother is nailing and riveting in his work. One elbow and four trotters are barely enough for the rent. There must be room for work. What we pay is the rent of the stove, not the rent. Forfeit. Therefore, this measure must be grasped well!"

"Okay! Reasonable, well-founded, and restraint! Dahai, this is what I like about you. Teach Baogen more in the future!" Jiang Laozhen picked up a piece of cake rolled with elbow meat, and handed it to Tang Dahai himself.

How could Tang Dahai accept it? He shirked it in every possible way, saying that the elders come first.In the end, Jiang Laozhen ate it by himself.Tang Dahai graciously helped Jiang Laojiao to break off the pig's claws, and said many words of gratitude.

Jiang Baogen poured the wine.The three of them ate with mouthfuls of oil.His face was flushed from drinking.

When I was in high spirits and the wine was hot.Two detectives opened the door and entered the house.

"Tang Dahai, you deliberately hurt others. Someone sued you. Come with us."

Tang Chen sat up suddenly, feeling that something bad was going to happen.However, the two police officers looked a little familiar.

As soon as Tang Dahai raised his head, he squinted his eyes and looked at it for a few times, without hesitation: "Let's go!"

"No hurry! You didn't sleep well yesterday, stop drinking, eat first, and leave after eating."

Tang Dahai nodded: "Thank you, Brother Fang. Brother Fan, you haven't eaten yet, it's just at noon, let's have some together."

"Is it enough? How about Xiao Fan, you can buy some more." The house arrester said with a quick smile.

Inspector Fan quickly said without waiting for Tang Dahai to say anything, "I've seen enough! I'll take one bite at a time."

While talking, Tang Chen's mother had already pulled up the stool, and the two sat down.Jiang Baogen touched the wine bottle, but the house arrester quickly waved his hand and refused.Straight away, he picked up the pancake and tore it, rolled the elbow meat, and took a big bite: "Sweet! Hahaha."

Detective Fan was not too polite, he rolled the meat in a flatbread, gnawed on the pig's feet, and ate it very refreshingly.Nothing out of the ordinary.

"There are still pig's feet in the pot! Baogen, help your sister-in-law out!" Jiang Laojiao poked Jiang Baogen.

Jiang Baogen glanced at Tang Dahai, with a puzzled look on his face: "Fourth brother, the rent is enough, then...."

Tang Dahai was very calm, and said with a smile: "Whatever is in our pot, take it out. When you're full, talk to that unreasonable guy and explain clearly. It's hard to deal with a messy guy."

"Okay!" Jiang Baogen seemed to understand, but his hands and feet were very quick, so he responded and ran to the stove in the outer room.

"In the afternoon, don't get excited. After all, the old Chen's family is at a disadvantage. Let them say whatever they want. Anyway, we have to investigate and collect evidence. It doesn't matter what you say."

"Yeah, I know." Tang Dahai nodded and raised his glass.

"Don't drink it, it doesn't look good if you have a red head and face. It won't affect your third brother well either."

The house arrester quickly gnawed on the rotten, delicious pig's trotters, and did not forget to remind Tang Dahai.He looked like his elder brother persuading his younger brother.It's casual and natural.There is a sense of intimacy.It feels indescribably easy-going.

"Yeah, no more." Tang Dahai put down his glass.It was pushed to Jiang Baogen.Jiang Baogen raised his head and drank his own wine, picked up Tang Dahai's wine glass, and poured the wine into his own glass.

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, it turned out that this was Sanbo Tang Dahu's colleague.No wonder it looked familiar.I saw it on the day of my grandfather's funeral.It's just that they come and go in a hurry, and they don't have a deep impression.

However, no matter how Tang Chen looked at it, he felt a little weird.I feel a little strange in the dark, but what's wrong?
On the wine table, there was only the chewing sound of "Baji~. Baji~!"On this occasion, Tang Dahai couldn't flatter Mr. Jiang.So it seemed a little cold.

It might be noon, and Jiang Laozhen was a little sluggish.Looks like he's going to take a nap.His eyelids were fighting, and his body shook from time to time, as if he woke up with a start.Then he blinked sharply at Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai didn't see the clue, but said earnestly, "Uncle Jiang, it's time to take a lunch break. Go lie down on the kang for a while. It's still quite hot."

(End of this chapter)

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