Shushan Wushen

Chapter 541 A kind villain

Chapter 541 A kind villain

"It's broken!" Tang Chen was shocked.

Mrs. Hao was thin and thin, but with big palms, she pulled out the golden straw at the entrance of the hole, and pulled out a bunch of clothes along the way.That is Li Yiqi's floral skirt and...Xiao Nei~.

Tang Chen was quick, snatched back his vest and trousers, and hurriedly put it on.Li Yiqi was shocked, and hurriedly said: "What's wrong with Tang Chen? Is Grandma Hao going to learn massage secretly?"

Tang Chen's head was covered with black lines, and his face was swollen like a ripe tomato.He explained: "Yes, the Hao family has coveted my Tang family's massage skills for a long time, almost endless years."

The little loli Li Yiqi firmly stood in Tang Chen's position, and severely condemned: "That's really despicable! I thought Grandma Hao was a good person. A kind villain!"

Jin Chan and Li San's daughter-in-law happened to be at Tang Chen's house doing chores, and when they heard the shouts, they saw through the window that Mrs. Hao was tinkering with the Tang family's firewood stacks, and hurried out of the house.

"What's the matter, Aunt Hao?" Jin Chan asked while running.

"Isn't it? My Li Yiqi...!" Li San's daughter-in-law showed anxiety on her face. This is half a small courtyard of the Tang family, so she should have nothing to do.

"Jin Chan, your firewood stack is full of yellow skin!" Mrs. Hao howled excitedly.The old hazy eyes burst out with brilliance.It was as if the potential of life had been squeezed and the pupils had been burned.


Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Mrs. Hao is playing a demon.Make a moth!If you really want a yellow skin, that is, a weasel, commonly known as Huang Daxian in the folk, she, Mrs. Hao, kneels down to pray and weeps bitterly, she has already scared the shit out of her and ran away.

Jin Chan and the third daughter-in-law of Li looked at each other in dismay. The third daughter-in-law Li's eyes were extremely sharp, and she suddenly fixed her eyes on Mrs. Hao's hands...

The red and white floral skirt, and...the snow-white underwear....

"Ah... Li Yiqi!"

The third daughter-in-law of Li wailed, rushed over, grabbed the skirt and trousers, and after confirming again, pushed old lady Hao away, and desperately picked up the straw.It looks like crazy.

With a crying voice: "Li Yiqi...! Li Yiqi...!"

The pile of firewood in Tang Chen's house was not big, so Li San's daughter-in-law pulled it in. When she looked up, she saw Li Yiqi who looked like a porcelain doll and Tang Chen with a blushing face...


Jin Chan also got into the firewood pile, but quickly calmed down after seeing this scene.Signal to Li San's daughter-in-law, and more importantly, Mrs. Hao, to be quiet.

Mrs. Hao was always acting flamboyantly, with contempt floating in the corners of her eyes and a triumphant sneer hanging from the corners of her mouth.

Li San's wife and Jin Chan hurriedly put a skirt on Li Yiqi and pulled out the stack of straw.Tang Chen was also carried out by Jin Chan.

"What happened?" Tang Chen pretended to be dazed and asked.

"What's the matter? What did you two do?" Jin Chan was furious.

"We didn't do anything." What Tang Chen said was indeed the truth.

Jin Chan still yelled and raised her arms.The third daughter-in-law of Li looked at Miss Tian, ​​Aunt Zhang and other neighbors in the neighborhood, all looked here and came over.

"Let's go in and talk. Go into the house and talk."

"Let's talk about it here. It's too hot to enter the house!" Mrs. Hao smiled sinisterly.The footsteps never moved.

Jin Chan realized that Li San's daughter-in-law didn't want to escalate the situation, so she cleverly held Mrs. Hao's arm, and slightly exerted her arm: "Let's go, Aunt Hao. Go into the room and talk—"

"No! I'm just standing here, and it happens that Aunt Huo is also..." Mrs. Hao threw her arm and swung Jin Chan away.Of course she was confident.Brazenly put on a posture to be sure.

This made Jin Chan frown slightly, feeling something was wrong.Is there an element of conspiracy involved?Or do you just want to do something?

Therefore, Jin Chan looked at Li San's daughter-in-law, it was about the girl Qing Yu, and Li San's daughter-in-law was really anxious.

"Let's go, Aunt Hao, I won't be ignorant." Li San's daughter-in-law made a promise.

Mrs. Hao looked at Jin Chan with a blank expression on her face, raised her eyebrows, and said in a bad tone, "Your family, Tang Chen, is also involved. Where is your fourth daughter-in-law?"

Saying that, the old lady Hao was looking at Jin Chan, but she never looked at Li San's wife, she quickly made a move, and tore off Li Yiqi's underwear that Li San's wife was holding!

Whoosh~!Take it off, and hold it firmly in your hand.Then, relieved, he triumphantly raised his jaw at Jin Chan and Li San's daughter-in-law.Leaning at the two of them.

"Aunt Hao, you...!"

The third daughter-in-law of Li knows that this is a threat, but Aunt Huo, Miss Tian and the others are about to rush over.Huo Jun's daughter-in-law couldn't leave the convenience store, so she called Aunt Huo and the others, told her to understand and tell her...

In this way, it was delayed for a few minutes.

"Let's go, go into the room and talk~!" Jin Chan realized that a catastrophe was imminent, but the only way to control the spread of the situation was to control it.

"Let's go, Aunt Hao, let's go into the room and have a good chat~!" Li San's wife held the arms of the two children and begged eagerly.

"Hmph~! Alright..."

Old Mrs. Hao smiled sinisterly. It wasn't hot, but she actually took Li Yiqi's underwear as a handkerchief and fanned it like a fan.Showing off his might, he is very domineering.

"What's the matter? I heard Hao Niang calling for the second sister and the third sister-in-law just now?" Miss Tian and the others finally walked into the courtyards of the Tang family and the Chen family, and asked with open mouths.

"Ah, nothing? The two children were mischievous just now and hurt Aunt Hao's cat. It's all right, you go back." Jin Chan issued the order to evict the guests.

Li San's daughter-in-law's complexion was very bad, her lips were sallow and her lips were white, and her tone was very cold: "You all go back, Jin Chan and I are going to discipline our children!"

"Here..., let's go back, let's call if there is something to do!"

Neighbors in the neighborhood left angrily.

"It's really hot today!" Mrs. Hao exaggeratedly fanned the little underwear in her hand, but it was a white mass, but the exact shape could not be seen clearly.

Aunt Huo curled her lips: "What are you doing with a white handkerchief?"

"Hey~! This is Hao Yunlai giving out welfare products again." Aunt Zhang shook her head with sarcasm.

Mrs. Hao rolled her eyes at the gate of the courtyard, saw that Jin Chan and Li San's daughter-in-law were deliberately covering up their eyes on Xiao Nei, she sneered, twisted her bloated buttocks, and walked into the house first.

Chen Dana's daughter-in-law is also peeping, Jin Chan glanced over, and Chen Dana's daughter-in-law hurriedly slipped into the Westinghouse.

"Boom!" The door closed with a bang.

Tang Chen saw everything clearly, and also smelled a conspiracy.Simply shut up.

In the east room, after Mrs. Hao entered the room, she sat cross-legged on the kang very unceremoniously.Majestic, murderous.

"Aunt Hao, you have to help cover up this matter. Children are ignorant and fooling around." Jin Chan smiled.

"Oh~!" Mrs. Hao sighed as she looked around the room.

"Let's just say, our neighbors have lived in our neighborhood for more than a year. I am a widowed old woman. When I rely on you to run errands, I still have quite a lot. However, I also have sons and grandchildren. I always count on You're not like that either..."

(End of this chapter)

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