Shushan Wushen

Chapter 542 The Lin family is a neighbor

Chapter 542 The Lin family is a neighbor


The five-year-old Tang Chen was not strong enough to support the weight of the eight-year-old little Lolita, so he fell down.

Confused, Tang Chen fell and passed out.Temporarily dead.

When he woke up Yoyo, it was already nightfall.A bean-like oil lamp illuminates the furnishings in the house.Tang Chen's bewildered eyes looked eastward and westward, and his gaze was fixed on the window lattice, and he trembled instantly.

The window lattice has exquisite wood grain carvings.Simple atmosphere and mysterious.Tang Chen released his thoughts and observed carefully.Although his thoughts and all his memories were sealed.

However, somewhere, he felt a bit of coolness.The cold wind whizzed from behind.It seemed that someone was blowing out a cold air.

It was [Suppressing Ghost Talisman], Tang Chen no longer recognizes it.It was just a subconscious reaction.

"Where is this? It's not our original home!" Tang Chen's eyes flashed brightly.

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan looked at each other.Show a tired smile.They didn't have the money to send Tang Chen to the hospital to see that he was breathing smoothly and had no external injuries.So it's a fluke mentality.

Finally, Tang Chen lived up to everyone's expectations and woke up unexpectedly.

"Return the money to third brother." Tang Dahai held ten yuan in his hand.That was to prepare for Tang Chen not waking up tonight, and to send Tang Chen to the hospital tomorrow morning...

"Son, are you okay?"

Tang Chen shook his head, and asked persistently: "Where is this? I don't want to be here. I want to go back to my original home!"

In fact, Tang Chen already had the answer in his heart.However, Tang Chen felt very bad about this room.He didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"This was originally the home of the three treasures of the Hao family. Now it's Tang Chen's home! Like it? Uh? Don't you like it?" Jin Chan patiently explained, very gentle.

Tang Chen shook his head resolutely, and said solemnly: "Don't live here. It's not good here! It's really not good!"

In the dark, Tang Chen realized that the danger was coming soon.Just like the bright moon outside the window, it is about to be covered by black clouds.The sky without stars and moons is so oppressive, and even more so, so strange!

"Learn to adapt. It's too late, go to bed." Tang Dahai yawned and motioned Jin Chan to spread the quilt and get ready to sleep.

Boom, boom, boom....

There was a light knock on the door, and someone was outside the door, and said in a calm voice: "Is Tang Chen awake? Is Dahai sleeping?"

The sound is not loud, but very penetrating, and it is very comfortable to send into the ear.

Tang Chen became vigilant.Through the door, Nianli saw a middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman behind him, and two teenagers.

"Brother Lin... You are back."

Tang Dahai opened the door and greeted the neighbors cordially.

Lin Xifeng said apologetically, "I'm sorry Dahai. After school today, a child was a bit regressive. I explained a few questions to him. I didn't know that you and Hao Yunlai changed houses. I didn't help you."

"Where, where? I don't have any fancy furniture. I'm grateful if you have such a heart. I, Tang Dahai, can be neighbors with Mr. Lin, Sansheng is lucky!"

Tang Dahai clasped his fists in salute, and then they held hands cordially.

Come in and sit down.Lin Xifeng is a mathematician in Sanjiao Town Middle School, and he is a great teacher.Behave elegantly and gracefully.Teaching all the year round, I am full of energy.The sound is not high-pitched, but clear to the ears.

"This is Tang Chen, the child prodigy of Sanjiao Town. I have heard about it for a long time, but I have no time to see it. Looking at it today, it has phoenix eyebrows and long eyes, and the sky is full and the earth is round. It has big ears and wheels, and it really is a good skin! Live up to the splendor!"

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan were overjoyed when they heard the words.Hastily said a few polite words.

Aunt Lin enthusiastically brought over a bowl of wontons, with a pleasant smile: "Mr. Xifeng has a stomachache, so I made him supper. I also made a bowl for Tang Chen by the way. Drink something warm and the child will sleep comfortably."

Said and handed the bowl to Jin Chan.

Jin Chan took it over and thanked her with a pleasant smile, "Sister-in-law Lin has worked hard. Thank you for your kindness. It is said that Sister-in-law Lin's wontons are good, and this Tang Chen is really lucky. I tasted it just after moving in, wow!"

Aunt Lin was very useful, and said with a smile: "If you like to do it, I will teach you someday. Our house is warm in winter and does not run out of wind. In summer, it is bitingly cold. Therefore, my family Jingran and Jingxian have been used to eating supper since childhood. For the children , Jin Chan, you have to learn how to make night snacks together, and you are still a companion."

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian are the two sons of Lin Xifeng.Lin Jingran is 16 years old and Lin Jingxian is 14 years old.The two young brothers came from a scholarly family, and their manners are very elegant and decent.

Smiling cordially, pulling Tang Chen from left to right, Jing Xian said, "Tang Chen, you can play with our brothers from now on. Tang Shuang and I are good buddies. We are in the same class."

Jin Chan pointed out: "Tang Chen is Jing Xian, your name is Brother."

"Brother! Hehe." Tang Chen responded with a smile.Tang Shuang is the youngest son of Uncle Tang Dajiang's family.Tang Shuang was willing to share anything delicious and fun with Tang Chen, so she left a good impression on Tang Chen.

In this way, the relationship between Tang Chen and Lin Jingxian was quickly established.

"Mother, this is little brother, so brother Jingran, what should I call him?"

Tang Chen was also a very polite child, seeing that Jing Ran hadn't greeted him yet, he took the initiative to stir up the topic.

Jin Chan smiled and was about to speak when Aunt Lin smiled brightly, "Then call me Big Brother!"

"Brother~ little brother?" Tang Chen was taken aback, then his eyes smiled into a bright moon, and he had some plans in his mind.It turns out that the two brothers are not in harmony.

In fact, the two brothers of the Lin family are really wonderful. Lin Jingran and Lin Xifeng are close to each other, and their academic performance is relatively good.And Lin Jingxian is close to Mrs. Lin, although she is 14 years old, she has not been weaned yet....

He is not very good at studying, but he likes to make friends, and he is very good at playing all kinds of games.

Lin Xifeng often blatantly said: "Lin Jingxian is the stain of my life! A loving mother is such a loser!"

From this it can be seen how disappointed Lin Xifeng was by Lin Jingran's academic performance!But with Aunt Lin's protection, Lin Xifeng has nothing to do with Lin Jingxian.Otherwise, he would have been killed long ago!

Sanjiao Town is illuminated at night by candles and oil lamps.Lighting a lamp and boiling oil is like a prodigal.So, the Lin family came over to chat with the Tang family, and then they left and went back to Westinghouse.

The room suddenly fell silent.Taking advantage of the starlight outside the window, Jin Chan spread the bedding on the kang.Tang Chen felt a chill, refreshing.Chilling from the bottom of his heart.


Tang Chen released waves of thoughts, and carefully inspected this strange big house.

In addition to the window lattice, the old door frame, the baseboard at the corner, the floor on the ground...It is actually engraved with patterns, which looks extremely exquisite, but it is mysterious.

"Father and mother! Let's go. This house cannot be lived in!"

(End of this chapter)

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