Shushan Wushen

Chapter 543 Dry Well 5 Ghosts

Chapter 543 Dry Well Five Ghosts

In the dark, Tang Chen sensed an unstoppable crisis approaching.Roaring anxiously.

"What's the ghost calling? Sleep!" Tang Dahai roared, waving his hands, stripped off Tang Chen's vest and trousers, and stuffed it into the bed.

blah blah....

The chill came from nowhere, making Tang Chen's teeth chatter.Lips are pale and bleeding.

However, it doesn't matter if it's Jin Chan or Tang Dahai.Having been exhausted after a busy day, she has no time to take care of Tang Chen.Tang Dahai had one arm, and Jin Chan had one arm, crossing and firmly suppressing Tang Chen.

Inside the bed, Tang Chen's eyes were shining brightly, as bright as little stars.


Tang Chen's thoughts were fully fired, like a dense fishing net with small eyes, passing over the ceiling above his head...


The wooden purlins, rafters and beams... and the incomparably complicated engraved patterns are emitting a strange glow!
Tang Chen was taken aback.He was sealed by his memory and thoughts, but he didn't know how amazing his thoughts were.He didn't even know that other mortals didn't have this ability!

"Father! Mother! The shelf of the house is shining. . . . It's like a little star! Twinkle, twinkle!"

Tang Chen's tone was terrified, his head shook left and right, his body struggled, trying to persuade Jin Chan and Tang Dahai.

"Be honest!" Tang Dahai warned sharply.

"Stop making trouble! Go to sleep~." Jin Chan raised her arm and patted Tang Chen lightly, which was to coax the child.

Tang Chen... Tang Chen felt desperate and had no choice but to fight alone.

The floor of this house..., the floor is also... weird!
Tang Chen's thought power enveloped the floor, and when he crossed the floor, the runes on the back of the floor seemed to be ignited, and partially short-circuited, "Chi Chi Chi Chi..." Sparks burst from the inscription pattern of the magic circle.

However, at this moment, Tang Chen couldn't understand...


A wave of thought power pierced through the floor and shot directly into the ground, a black hole, extremely deep.However... nothing was found.

Tang Chen was horrified for no reason.This kind of inexplicable fear is the most frightening.


Tang Chen's mind power is actually spiritual power.How could a mortal body afford such consumption.Tang Chen's eyelids were heavy, and he passed out like a deep sleep.

However, not long after Tang Chen temporarily fell silent.A thick mist suddenly rose from the ground.Ethereal like smoke, green light jumps up in the dark blue.The emerald green fluorescence was somewhat dim, not bright.So it looks even more gloomy.

In the dark blue mist, there are five bluish fluorescent clusters, about half a foot high.Indistinctly transformed into a human form.But it was the firstborn with ghost horns and blue-faced fangs.The three-inch long red tongue is shining brightly.Flowing like a glow.Wisps of cold breath, like water vapor, released.

The temperature in the room dropped suddenly.It became very cold.

Sleeping soundly on the kang, Tang Dahai and Jin Chan couldn't help turning over in their sleep, wrapping the quilt tightly.

In this way, Tang Chen, who was sleeping in the middle, had his quilt ripped off.


"It turned out to be three souls and seven spirits? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooire and....."

The five ghosts of the dry well howled happily, and climbed up the heated kang in the way of stacking arhats...

The fog on the ground surged crazily, forming a huge vortex that filled the ground of the entire room, and a large dark well in the center was impressively visible!

It was cold inside the house, Tang Chen couldn't sleep.The true qi of Ren Du's second meridian automatically turns on the meridian protection, and the body is stimulated by temperature, which speeds up the recovery.He woke up leisurely.

Tang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly, a golden light shot out from his eyes.Then came a splitting headache.The mental power is short, after all, the mental power has not been fully recovered.Similar to overuse.


At this time, the five ghosts of the dry well had already climbed onto the kang, and the boy's body attracted the ghosts the most.All the ghosts can do it, as if they were tricking them into taking supplements.

"Who? Who is this? What is it?" Tang Chen rolled his eyes, and the ghostly appearance of the Five Ghosts of Dry Well fell into his eyes.I was shocked.

In the dimness, he felt a little familiar, and he was never afraid.However, the chattering ghosts of the five dry wells silently chanted ghost mantras, bared their teeth, and spit out ghost nuclei from their mouths.The red tongue waved like a red yarn.

"what happened?"

Tang Chen shivered a few times, shivering....Involuntarily, several illusory figures appeared on his body.It is exactly Tang Chen's three souls and seven souls...

After the soul left the body, Tang Chen suddenly felt his body lighten.It was as if the most important thing in life had left the body.

"Do not……."

Tang Chen was not stupid, he realized something was wrong.And at this time, the five ghosts of the dry well talked sweetly about Tang Chen's soul and body one after another...

"Son, your bones are amazing, and you have a celestial relationship with me. I am here to pick you up as a teacher, and come back to the mountain with me!"

"Son! Master, I was looking for you. It was so hard to find you. I went to the poor and the blue, and went to the nine secluded places. It turns out that you were reincarnated..."


Tang Chen's body is not an ordinary mortal body, but the body of the furnace of heaven and earth.The body and soul lost contact, reaching a certain threshold, and the protection mechanism was automatically activated.

Tang Chen's soul suddenly showed tan lines, and there were reddish-brown rust-like scales, and large pieces were born.Turned into helmets and armor.

Chi Chi Chi....

From the pores of Tang Chen's body, blood burst out, turning into fine blood lines.Shooting one after another, stabbing Tang Chen at him!

Wrapping Tang Chen's three souls and seven souls, like blood rice dumplings.Whoosh whoosh….Pull back forcibly!
woo woo woo woo~~~~.

The five ghosts of Dry Well were caught off guard, and it was too late when they found out, and they were crying and howling.Flicking the red tongue, entangled Tang Chen's three souls and seven souls, and stretched out his hands and feet to hug Tang Chen's three souls and seven souls...


Suddenly!A shocking scene appeared.

Tang Chen was terrified by it, and the Five Ghosts of Dry Well also wailed terribly...

I saw that the five ghosts in the dry well gradually disappeared into the three souls and seven souls as if their bodies were melting!
People have three souls and seven souls, and the three souls are Taiguang, Shuangling, and Youjing.If a person loses one soul, he can survive, but if he loses two souls, he can still live. If he loses three souls, he becomes a walking dead.

One, fetal light, the light of life, if it is gone, this person will also be gone.

[-]. Shuangling, Shuangling means fast. Many people have a flexible mind and the ability to do quick mental calculations. Shuangling determines a person's intelligence, wisdom, and reaction speed.

Third, the ghost, which determines the orientation and sexual ability of human beings. A fair lady and a gentleman are fond of sex, and they sleep and think about it.

When a person sleeps, these souls, especially the fetal light, will dim the light, and the person will fall asleep, but the soul is still working, and the soul door is the anus. It's what the elders said, go to the ass and die.

Regarding the seven souls, they are divided into one soul soaring to the sky, two souls of spiritual wisdom, three souls of energy, four souls of strength, five souls of the center, six souls of essence, and seven souls of heroism.The soul is Yin, and the soul is Yang.

The first soul controls the breathing, the second soul controls the heartbeat, the third soul is in charge of digestion, the fourth soul controls water metabolism, the fifth soul restores reproductive function, and the sixth soul knows cold and heat.

The seven souls have the function of alertness. For example, he told himself before going to bed that he would wake up at Chen’s tomorrow morning because he had something important to do and could not delay it. He would wake up at [-]:[-] when the sun rose at Chen’s time. Who would help him to read the watch and calculate the time?Who was taking care of him while he was asleep?That is this spirit.

The three souls are nature, and the seven souls are life, collectively called life.The soul is the seed of reincarnation, the soul is the acquired essence and blood, and the combination of soul and soul is qi and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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