Shushan Wushen

Chapter 544 Empathy

Chapter 544 Empathy

Tang Chen was really drunk.He seemed to have had an extremely long dream.Countless faces that seem to have known each other come one after another, the moon splashes the galaxy, the vast universe is endless.

What's even more strange is that Tang Chen was able to call out everyone's name in his dream.Scenes of swords, lights, swords, and flesh and blood flying scenes emerged in the memory, which was the past of each of them.Brilliant or bleak....

Tang Chen was beyond shocked, who are these people?from where?Why do you know yourself?Why be respectful to yourself.There are also those who pluck their own eyebrows, and there are countless beautiful women, so glamorous!

All kinds of god-like characters, stomping their feet, make a sonic boom, soaring into the sky, like flying through the clouds.So shocking, so enviable.Is it really God?
Not only that, in the vast starry sky, he actually saw himself from the perspective of others. He was such a magnificent and handsome young man.He possesses peerless supernatural powers, penetrating the heavens and the earth, almost omnipotent.An existence that surpasses gods!
"this is me?"

While drunk, Tang Chen's consciousness split into two strands, and they even looked at each other for a moment...

What kind of eyes are those!The big star rises and falls, the trajectory is mysterious, the sun and the moon shine together, dazzling and bright.

It's too dazzling~!

Tang Chen was shocked, his soul returned to his place, and he opened his eyes.Back to the present.

The sky outside the window was already gray, I tilted my head left and right, and the bedding was gone.Turning over and getting up, Jin Chan's eyes were dark and she was dozing off.She didn't sleep well that night.Tang Dahai went to work and left early.

Tang Chen climbed off the kang, put on his shoes, and walked out of the house.

Opposite is Westinghouse, which is the home of Mr. Lin Xifeng.

Mrs. Lin is busy at the pot.She is an accountant for a store in town.It is a relatively popular profession, you can go late and return early.Therefore, she can prepare meals for the whole family with peace of mind.

Today is the weekend, the school is on holiday, and Mr. Lin Xifeng doesn't have to go to work.The Westinghouse door was left open.Mr. Lin sat on the table, frowned, and urged Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian to do their homework.

Suddenly, Lin Xifeng's nose fluttered.The eyebrows condense into a word 'Chuan'.roared.

"What are you doing? What are you cooking in the dark for lunch? These two brats have to continue studying in the afternoon!"

The voice was filled with endless rage, like thunder.

Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian trembled in fright, and the pens in their hands "Bada!" "Bada!" fell to the ground.

Tang Chen was also taken aback, and knocked on the door with a bang.

"What's the matter? There's a groaning voice. Scared the child!"

Aunt Lin had quick hands and quick eyes, helped Tang Chen up and hugged him in her arms.With hands full of flour and furious, he rushed into the Westinghouse.

"What are you doing? Such a strong smell of wine? The child is using his head, don't you pay attention? Hmph~!"

Lin Xifeng's majestic eyes had a cold light and awe-inspiring aura.The style of a head teacher.

Aunt Lin was taken aback, shook her head resolutely, and responded loudly: "How can I?...Eh?" She twitched her nose violently, and leaned closer to smell Tang Chen.Eyes suddenly full of suspicion.

"Tang Chen...why does he smell so much of alcohol?"

Jin Chan was also woken up by Lin Xifeng's yelling in the east room.Finding that Tang Chen was missing, he came out to look for it.Just to catch the chatter.

A smile appeared on her tired face: "Tang Chen had a fever last night, it's because he rubbed some soju on his body..."

"What? Fever and rubbing alcohol?... Ignorance! Ignorance!"

Lin Xifeng's momentum remained undiminished, and he asked a high-pitched question, and then he was furious and heartbroken.

However, for Mr. Lin Xifeng, this is due to his profession. The teacher, the cadence, the purpose is to strengthen the importance of the reminder.However, he, Lin Xifeng, reacted quite quickly, and suddenly realized that this was his home and Jin Chan was his neighbor.

Immediately, he changed into another tone, speaking earnestly: "He, Aunt Tang, Tang Chen is too young, he will absorb alcohol through the pores of his skin. That will stimulate the brain. It will affect development!"

"Ah?" Jin Chan was shocked immediately.

You know, rubbing alcohol with a fever is a common practice among the people of Sanjiao Town.Lin Xifeng's words are tantamount to subverting the tradition.

"Don't listen to his fallacies! Jin Chan, don't let your child's brain burn out if you have a fever. If you need to drink wine, drink it!" Aunt Lin said this because she was afraid that Lin Xifeng's rash words would make Jin Chan fall in love with her.From then on, he became suspicious and avoided medical treatment.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xifeng was obviously embarrassed by his words.Where are you still holding your face?Must be furious.

"What are you talking about? Stupid fellow! You're a moldy orange! Stupid woodchuck!"

Lin Xifeng's words were full of momentum, his aura was strong, and his hair was combed meticulously, bouncing and falling, falling and bouncing again.It's a little messy.Very inconsistent.

"I..." Mrs. Lin lost face in front of her new neighbors.And he refused to hurt Lin Xifeng's face.At the same time, the issue of family harmony is also considered.So a dilemma.I am speechless.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Jin Chan took Tang Chen from Aunt Lin's hand, and nodded apologetically.

"I'll take Tang Chen to the yard to get some air. Sister Lin, let's go, let's go together."

Aunt Lin's face was flushed.But being stubborn, she didn't take advantage of the slope to get off the donkey.Perfunctory: "He, Aunt Tang, you go. I still have to cook."

Aggrieved, her eyes were red.

Lin Xifeng was not forgiving, and snorted coldly: "Don't you believe it? You are too ignorant! Do you believe your ignorance? Do you believe——"

Tang Chen felt extremely weak at this moment, his lips tightened for no reason.A deep sense of powerlessness came over me.

Out of nowhere, Tang Chen suddenly yelled, "I believe it! I believe it! Da Lin, I believe you!"

Tang Chen's shout was very abrupt.Lin Xifeng's eyes suddenly widened.He also opened his mouth.It can't be closed for a long time.

Lin Jingxian and Lin Jingran were also stunned and shocked to the extreme.The two brothers looked at each other and smiled wryly.Turning his gaze to Tang Chen again, his eyes showed deep admiration.

"He's only five years old, so shameless!" Lin Jingran seemed to be talking to Lin Jingxian, and it seemed to be talking to himself.

Lin Jingxian's expression petrified, and his lips moved: "Tang Chen looks shameless, comparable to Wu Haotian in Dad's class!"

"It's outrageous!" Lin Jingran nodded in empathy.

Jin Chan kept walking, and she had already walked out of the room with Tang Chen in her arms. Tang Chen waved his arms and waved to Lin Xifeng frequently.On the pale little face, the big eyes are extremely clear, innocent and innocent.

Lin Xifeng's clear face showed admiration, and a sentence overflowed from the corner of his mouth: "This child can be taught!"


Lin Xifeng slammed the table and roared, "Tang Chen... not bad!"

As soon as he said this, his eyes shot out a gleam, swish~!Floating over the faces of Lin Jingran and Lin Jingxian, they looked rather disappointed.Whoosh~!Scattered eyes shot into the yard.Track and lock Tang Chen.There are colorful Huaguang, bright and shining ~.

(End of this chapter)

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