Shushan Wushen

Chapter 545 Strange Powers and Chaotic Gods

Chapter 545 Strange Powers and Chaotic Gods

Jin Chan hugged Tang Chen for a few laps in the yard, then put Tang Chen down, and led Tang Chen into the vegetable garden.

In the vegetable garden are all kinds of vegetables grown by Hao Yunlai and his wife.The house was changed, and each other's vegetable gardens were also exchanged.Purple eggplants, red peppers, and yellow potatoes.The garden is full of vegetables, fresh and tangy.

Jin Chan twisted a cucumber, the top flower was thorny, extremely green, as if there was fluorescence flowing.So delicate, so fresh.

After breaking it apart with a click, a green breath rushed into Tang Chen's nostrils without any explanation.

"Eat, don't move around. Be careful not to trip!" Jin Chan told Tang Chen, warning with her eyes.

Tang Chen chewed the cucumber, with green pulp dripping from the corner of his mouth, and said, "I eat tomatoes!"

"Yeah, okay, I'll pick it for you!"

As Jin Chan said, she bent down and picked a few bright red tomatoes, blew on the ash, and handed them to Tang Chen.

At noon, when Tang Dahai came back from get off work, he felt relieved to see that Tang Chen was fine.His eyes looked around the public house with melancholy.

On the first night of staying here, Tang Chen developed a high fever, which was very unknown.

Looking at Tang Chen now, no matter how you look at it, there is a bit of immortal aura missing.He blamed himself for not protecting his only son well. He picked up the cucumber with his chopsticks and chewed it listlessly.

Jin Chan didn't answer, and silently pawed at the rice in the bowl.It was tasteless.

Tang Dahai had something on his mind, and he couldn't say it without foreshadowing.His face flushed.When a plate of cold dishes was bottomed out, he left a sentence without thinking: "The master worker in the factory said that this house is weird. Children living in this house will either become stupid or become disabled..."

"Don't listen to their nonsense. It's superstition. It's all about nothing. We don't believe that."

Jin Chan speaks quickly, and directly speaks to death.

Now Tang Dahai couldn't say "Let's move to another place" in the second half.

Tang Chen blinked his eyes, fluttered his long eyelashes, and approached Tang Dahai: "Father, there is a well under this house!"

"What?" When Tang Dahai heard this, his eyes were as wide as buns, he didn't hold the chopsticks in his hand, and flew upside down.Flying far away, 'Bada' landed.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jin Chan frowned and scolded Tang Chen sharply.

"You... have you two heard from the neighbors?" Tang Dahai stared at Jin Chan with burning eyes and asked solemnly.

Jin Chan put down her job, sat up straight, and replied solemnly: "No!"

"Really?" Tang Dahai didn't believe it.Shaking his head, he asked tentatively: "Mother Tang Chen, are you lying to me?"

"What are you thinking? How could you lie to me!" Jin Chan categorically denied and gave Tang Dahai a blank look.

Tang Dahai was filled with resentment, and turned to look at Tang Chen: "Tang Chen, who did you listen to?"

Tang Chen answered without wisdom at all, and honestly confessed: "I saw it last night. It's there!"

With that said, Tang Chen climbed down the kang, stretched out his hand and gestured in the direction of the dry well.He said again: "There are still chains in the well, and there are many big boys and girls locked up."

Tang Chen, whose memory and thinking have been sealed, no longer knows how to count.can only be described in general terms.

"...Hiss!" Tang Dahai's face showed horror.Jumping off the kang, he picked up Tang Chen.

He asked sharply, "Say! Who told you what? Tell me, who is it?"

"Don't scare the child!" Jin Chan was eager to protect the calf, and hurriedly rescued Tang Chen.

Tang Chen's affection for Tang Dahai instantly dropped to freezing point.Especially the big hand grabbing the small arm and examining it like a chicken.Bad unacceptable!

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! You... you, you, you, don't push me!"

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the house.

"Get out! Get out! The fake bull-nosed man is here to cheat money again? Humph~! Don't learn well!" Lin Xifeng's voice was full of endless sullenness.

Tang Dahai hurriedly opened the door and went out, explaining: "Mr. Lin wait a minute, Mr. Jiao was invited by me. Master Ma from my cobbler's shop introduced him."

"Fourth! I didn't expect you to be such a person! Can you believe this kind of fake old man? You are a pure liar!" Lin Xifeng tried to persuade Tang Dahai.

Tang Dahai nodded apologetically to Lin Xifeng, without further explanation.

Jiao Laodao was also stunned, seeing that Lin Xifeng didn't chase him away, but became arrogant instead.His lips curled up: "Jiao Mou will go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. My brother-in-law from the lay family begged hard, and the poor at the beginning would not agree. If Tang Laosi was not from the Tang family, Jiao Mou had been favored by Mr. Tang, we I just don’t bother to pay attention to it! Tch~!”

Lin Xifeng was hooked into a rage, pointed at his nose, and cursed: "Jiao Dianlun! What are you? Don't you know what you are? You have been a vulgar and a monk many times. How can you look like a monk or a master? You don’t have any skills! What else can you do besides playing tricks, cheating on food, drinking and widows?”

Jiao Dianlun was furious, and he didn't know where the courage came from, so he flicked the fly sling in his hand, which is the whisk.With a sharp voice, he spoke eloquently: "Mr. Lin! Thanks to you, you are still a famous teacher in No. [-] Middle School! You don't talk about strange power and confusion! Taoist practice is to seek the Tao, not the art. You do your learning, and we Taoists and Confucians do not conspire."

"Hahaha!" Lin Xifeng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, staring at Jiao Dianlun with disdain in his eyes, and asked, "What's the don't speak strangely? Let me ask you, what do you mean by this sentence? Do you understand?" Is it? You are wrong in all sentences, and you are still confident and arrogant. It is really ridiculous and shocking! Are you kidding me?"

Jiao Laodao was wearing a dirty robe, his hair was unkempt, and his face suddenly turned red.This sentence shocked many people.Because of this, many people didn't know how to answer, so they could only keep talking, or even stay silent.Plead guilty on the spot.

Unexpectedly, today I met Mr. Lin Xifeng, a famous teacher of a generation.

Losers don't lose games.Jiao Laodao stabilized his mood, and asked rhetorically: "Then I have to ask Mr. Lin. Is there any other explanation for this?"

Lin Xifeng laughed again, and shook his head with a smile: "Jiao Dianlun, what you said is very skillful. It seems that you know this sentence and you are willing. Why are you pretending?!"

"Ah! I was almost deceived by you, a fame-seeking guy. Lin Xifeng's name is nothing but a vain name!"

Jiao Laodao, as expected of a fool, his complexion changed very quickly, and he changed his words, and then looked at Tang Dahai, meaning that Tang Dahai should take a step up.

After exchanging glances, Tang Dahai remained indifferent.Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.How could Tang Dahai offend Lin Xifeng?Jiao Laodao obviously entrusted no one.It's hard for Tang Dahai.

More importantly, Tang Dahai also understood this sentence.Obviously, Jiao Laodao didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.Sentences are...wrong.

Tang Dahai is not a brainless person, he is a little suspicious.Originally, Master Ma enthusiastically introduced Jiao Laodao to him, but Tang Dahai felt a little bit reluctant to shame his colleagues.

At this moment, with the help of Lin Xifeng's means, inspect the goods!

(End of this chapter)

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