Shushan Wushen

Chapter 552 The Original World

Chapter 552 The Original World

"You child, are you still very confident? Hahaha. Listen to Uncle Lin, don't omit the 'yes' in the middle."

Lin Xifeng opened the way patiently.

Tang Chen had a very good impression of Lin Xifeng.So I recited it again in a regular manner: "The sky is against the earth, the rain is against the wind. The mainland is against the sky. The mountain flowers are against the sea trees, and the red sun is against the sky. The thunder is faint and the fog is misty. The sun is against the sky. The wind is high, the autumn moon is white, the rain is red and the sunset is red." .Niu Nv Er Xinghe is left and right, Shenshang is fighting against the west and east. On the frontier of October, the garrison brigade is frightened by the rustling frost;

River to Han, green to red.Uncle Yu confronts Lei Gong.The Smoke House faces the Snow Cave, and the Moon Palace faces the Heavenly Palace.The clouds are cloudy, and the sun is dim.La Clogs are paired with fishing tents.The stars are like arrows, and the moon is like a bow.Passengers in the station meet the plum rain, and people in the pool pavilion dance in the wind of lotus flowers.In front of Maodian Village, the bright moon falls into the forest and the rooster sings the rhyme; on the Banqiao Road, Qingshuang locks the whereabouts of the horse.

Mountains face the sea, China faces Song.Siyue is against Sangong.Gonghua is against the forbidden willow, and Saiyan is against Jianglong.Qingshu Palace, Guanghan Palace.Picking up emerald is red for the title.Zhuang Zhou's dream turns into a butterfly, and Lu Wang's dream turns into a flying bear.When the wind stops in the north, the summer fan stops, and the south curtain exposes the sun to save the winter heat.The crane dances at the head of the building, and the jade flute beats the disabled fairy moon; on the Fengxiang stage, the purple flute blows off the beauty. "

This time the word 'pair' is added.

Lin Xifeng smiled fiercely, and under the bean-like oil lamp, his pale face actually shone brightly.Those eyes were extremely sparkling, looking at Tang Chen, it was like looking at a rare treasure.

There is no teacher who does not like genius.When you meet a genius like Tang Chen, you must see Lie Xinxi!
Tang Chen was suspicious, so he blurted out just now, removed the word "pair", the words were sonorous, and the confrontation was neat.It can be described as catchy.However, the right fist completely lost the feeling of rushing blood just now.

That power actually disappeared.

Five-year-old Tang Chen is very smart.Taking advantage of the communication between Tang Dahai and Lin Xifeng, he whispered the formula in his subconscious...

In an instant, the entire right fist trembled slightly, and even the veins on the arm were bulging.It was appalling.Very scary.

The right fist is obviously bigger than the left fist by more than a circle.The bulging veins in his arms were extremely sore.Tang Chen's small face twitched.

"So it's like this. It turns out that the pronunciation is wrong, and it's not good for your health~"

Tang Chen miraculously came to such a conclusion, so he believed in Lin Xifeng even more.He decided not to make his own claims in the future.Listen to Lin Da.

Tang Chen looked at Lin Xifeng with admiration, and praised him endlessly: "Da Lin is really amazing."

In fact, the town of Sanjiao is not called Da Da at all.Normally, it should be called Uncle.But somehow Tang Chen created such a title out of thin air.

Even more miraculously, no one corrected him.

"Dad, look at Tang Chen's little eyes. Hehehe..." Lin Jingran poked Lin Xifeng.

Lin Xifeng looked down and was immediately happy.Leaning over and hugging Tang Chen, he saw a wave of pure worship in Tang Chen's eyes.And an endless thirst for knowledge.It's more about trust.

Lin Xifeng was very emotional.He had a very good impression of Tang Chen.The childish and childish "I believe in you, Da Lin!" lingered in my ears.It seemed to give him infinite power.

It can be said that he helped Tang Dahai settle Jiao Laodao, because Tang Dajiang was his colleague, and it was not good not to take care of his neighbors.As for sparing no effort, subconsciously, it really has a great relationship with Tang Chen.Perhaps this is the most unspeakable fate between people!

"I gave birth to the king but I was not born. The king gave birth to me and I was not old! Hahaha. It is enough to be a high-ranking disciple in life! This life is not in vain!"

Lin Xifeng was very impressed.Holding Tang Dahai's hand tightly, he looked at Jin Chan.

"Please! Take good care of Tang Chen. I've accepted this disciple."

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan were stunned and shocked.Where is this going, what is it?Please also take good care of Tang Chen, is there a mistake?There is no mistake!This is our son!Can it still be sold or abused?This is real!
"Remember! Tang Chen, you are my Lin Xifeng's neighbor and even my Lin Xifeng's disciple. Don't blame me for being rude if you don't study well in the future. Turn your face and deny people. If you don't study well, you will embarrass me! Remember?"

Lin Xifeng told him solemnly, it was too solemn.Unexpectedly, a trace of the coercion of a famous teacher was released.Tang Chen was shocked and couldn't help but tremble.

"What are you doing? Don't scare the child!" Aunt Lin blamed angrily, picked Tang Chen up in her arms, changed direction, and avoided Lin Xifeng's lust.

"Do you remember?" Lin Xifeng bent over and turned sideways, looking into Tang Chen's eyes.Persevere in questioning.

"I remember! Da Lin!" Tang Chen regained his composure, and instinctively smiled reservedly, revealing a circle of beautiful white teeth.

"Okay! Then..."

Lin Xifeng wanted to give a few more words of advice.


Jiao Laodao and Ma Houpao had already picked up their pickaxes and dug a big hole in the ground.

Tang Chen was also attracted by the sound. He poked his head over, took a closer look, swept his thoughts, and hurriedly shouted: "It's wrong, it's wrong, it's not here, lean against the wall, it can't be dug here!"

"What? The bastard is really nagging. Hmph~! Get out of the way."

Jiao Laodao swung the pickaxe to change directions and plan.Don't forget to turn around and ask: "Boy Tang, is this here?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Dig directly, dig down. You are great!" Tang Chen was overjoyed, and Jiao Jiao gave a thumbs up.

"Hmph~!" Ma Houpao was tired, stuck out his tongue, leaned against the wall, and gave Tang Chen a hard look.I thought to myself, I'll see you soon.Smelly little soul light, cheating goods.

Jiao Laodao planed to loosen the soil, threw away the black iron pick and picked up the bronze shovel, chi chi chi...A meal of digging.

After a while, he was malnourished, sweating profusely, panting like a cow.

Ma Houpao picked up another bronze shovel and joined the labor.Tang Dahai couldn't bear it.He had no choice but to turn his face away and refill Lin Xifeng with a cup of tea.Ask about some poems and songs, celebrity allusions...

Anyway, it's just small talk to resolve embarrassment.

Lin Xifeng fell in love with Tang Chen, and in front of Tang Dahai, he also deliberately showed off, celebrity elegance, 36 rhymes and [-] rhymes..., like a few treasures, he narrated eloquently.With his rich knowledge, Tang Dahai was completely shocked.

Tang Chen also listened with gusto.At this time, his memory and thinking have all been sealed, and he is no different from an ordinary mortal child.Lin Xifeng undoubtedly helped him open a window in his heart.

"So this world is so wonderful!" Tang Chen was full of admiration from the bottom of his heart.

However, the "original" here does not refer to the present, but the dynasties after Lin Xifeng's mouth.It was a historical period, an incomparably bright world.

Civil servants are talented and knowledgeable, knowing astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.Proficient in yin and yang, and knowledgeable in elegance.Poems and songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.So coquettish.The military general has an unrivaled majesty, can pull up mountains, and can lift a big tripod at every turn...  

"The old days are really exciting." Tang Chen's eyes twinkled with little stars.

(End of this chapter)

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